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1、医生病人英语会话日期:2006-05-19来源: 作者:字体:大 中 小 Nunse: Hou do you do. Welcome. Im the nurse in chage of this ward. We hope you will feel at home here. Thes is nurse Wang. 你好。欢迎你。我是这病房的护土长。希望您能有家的感觉,这位是王护士,这是负责你的医生,陈医生。Patient: Sorry to bother you all. 麻烦你们大家了。N: If you need anything,just press this button. 你若需

2、要什么,就请按这只电纽。P: Is it possible for my sister to stay here with me? 我姐姐可以在这里陪我吗?N: Yes, but she has to pay for her bed. Does she want to have meals here too? We dont think it is necessary. Your Condition isnt so serious. 可以,但是得交陪住费。她也在这里用饭吗?我们想不需要. 你的病情不那么严重。P: What are the hours here for meals? 这儿什么时

3、候开饭?N: Patients usually get at 7 AM. Breakfast is at 8 oclock. The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 AM. Lunch at noon. After that you have a nap or rest. visiting hours are from 3-7 PM. Super is at 6 PM. Bed time is from9:30-10:00 PM. 病人一般早7点起床,8点吃早餐,9点医生查房和做治疗,12点午餐,饭后午睡或休息,下午3点到7点是探视时间,6点晚餐,9点

4、半到10点病人该睡觉了。P: Will you show me where the sitting-room, bathroom and telephone are?请告诉我起坐间、浴室和电话在哪儿好吗?N: Of course. Are you Muslim? 当然可以,你是伊斯兰教徒吗?P: Yes, I am. 是,我是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。N: Which kind of food do you prefer, Chinese or Western? 你喜欢吃中餐还是喜欢吃西餐?P: I prefer Western food. 我愿意吃西餐。I like Chi

5、nese food very much. 我非常喜欢吃中餐。N: Have you eaten breakfast(lunch, super) already? 你吃过早饭(午饭,晚饭)了吗。P: Yes, I have. 是,吃过了。NO, I have not. 没有,还没吃。N: How is your appetite? 你的胃口怎样?P: Not so good. 不太好. Just so so. 一般. I have no appetite at all. 一点食欲也没有。N: What are your eating habits? 你的饮食习惯怎么样?P: I dont eat

6、 much. I would like to have a snack in the afternoon and befor going to bed. 我吃的不多。我希望在下午和睡前吃点东西。I dont like greasy food. 我不喜欢吃油腻的东西。I prefer more vegetables than meat. 我愿意多吃青菜,少吃肉类。Since I am overweight, I only take fish and chicken. 由于我现在太胖了,所以我只吃鱼和鸡。I dont like sweet things. 我不喜欢甜食。N: Are you all

7、ergic to certain foods like prawns or shrimps? 你对某些食物有过敏情况吗?P: I am allergic to sea food. 我对所有海产食物都过敏。N: DO you like fruit? 你喜欢水果吗?P: Yes, Please give me some with each meal. 是的,请每餐都给我些水果。N: Do you prefer a consomm or a cream soap? 您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤?Do you prefer milk or sour milk? 你喜欢牛奶还是酸奶?Do you prefer

8、black tea, jasmine tea, or coffee? 你喜欢红茶,茉莉花茶还是咖啡?Do you take sugar with your milk(tea, coffee)? 你的奶(茶,咖啡)里放糖吗?DO you like your egg soft-boiled, hardboiled or fried? 你要煮嫩蛋,老蛋还是煎蛋?P: I like rice gruel(porridge, noodles, toast). 我喜欢大米粥稀饭,面条,烤面包. Please give me some fruit juice (iced water, mineral wat

9、er). 请给我一些果子汁(冰水,矿泉水)。Please dont give me any cakes. I only want soda-crackers. 请不要给我蛋糕,我只吃苏打饼干。Since my teeth are bad, please give me soft foods and tender meat. 因为我牙齿不好,请给我软的食品和嫩的肉。N: Please try to eat a little more. It will help you recover more quickly. 请多吃一些。这样可以帮助你早日康复. P: It is too noisy(hot,

10、 cold draughty). 太吵闹(热,冷,风太大)了。N: May I close(Open) the door? 我可以关上(打开)门吗?May I close (open)the window? 我可以关上(打开)窗吗?May I turn on(off) the heat? 我可以打开(关上)暖气吗?May i turn on(Of) the light? 我可以开(关)灯吗?Let me adjust the ear conditioner. 我来调整一下空调。P: I am hungry(thirsty constipated). 我饿(渴,便秘)了。 I cough a l

11、ot. 我咳嗽得厉害。I dont sleep well at night. 我晚上睡不好。 he wound is hurting. 我的伤口疼。N: Ill go and get you some cough mixture(a sleeping pill, a laxative, a tranquilizer, a pain-killer). 我去给你拿点咳嗽药(安眠药,泻药,安定药,止疼药)来。P: May I have another pillow(blanket)? 我可以再要一个枕头(毛毯)吗?N: DO you want clean pajamas? 你要干净的睡衣裤吗?P:

12、Yes,thank you . Please bring me a dressing gown too. 是的,谢谢你. 请再给我拿件晨衣来. N: Do you want to have a bed-bath? 给你擦个澡好吗?P: Id rather have a shower. 我想洗个淋浴。I would like my hair washed(cut). 我想洗洗头(理理发)。I would like to have a shave. 我想剃剃胡须。N: May I throw these flowers away? 我把这些扔掉好吗?P: Yes, please put these

13、 flower in a vase. 可以,请将这些花放在花瓶里。N: Mrs. Smith, you are wanted on the ghone. 史密斯太太,有你的电话。P: Is it a long distance call? 是长途电话吗?N: NO. Its from your embassy(delegation). 不是. 是从你们大使馆(代表团)打来的。Doctor: We are going to do the operation on you tomorrow. Ihope you wont worry. 明天我们就要给你做手术了,希望你不要紧张。P: I will

14、try not to, but will it hurt? 我会做到,但是否会痛呢?D: Well give you anaesthesia. If you feel any pain during the operation, just let me know. 我们会给你麻药的. 手术期间你若觉得痛就告诉我们。Have you hand in you consent yet? 你交手术志愿书了吗?P: How should I write it? 该怎么写呢?D: I (name) the undersigned have requested and consented to a cert

15、ain operation. Thats all. We need the seal of your embassy and the signatur of your Ambassador on the consent form. “我(名字)签名人申请并同意做某种手术。”然后签上名字就行了。我们需要在这张志愿书上盖上你们大使馆的印鉴,还需要你们大使的签字。N: Id like to Shave off the hair around the operation. 我要把手术区周围的毛剃一下。P: I have never been in a hospital before. Im so scared. 我从来没住过医院,我害伯极了。N: There is nothing to worry about. The doctor who will


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