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1、精选word文档 下载可编辑教育局局长在高考监考及考务人员培训会上的讲话同志们:今天我们在这里召开高考监考及考务人员培训会,目的是培训高考业务,提高监考和考务水平,明确任务,落实责任,为圆满完成2xx年高考各项工作创造条件。刚才的业务培训,讲的很具体、细致,对各项工作也提出了明确要求,我完全同意,希望大家认真领会,在高考中抓实、做好。下面,我就监考及有关工作再强调几点意见。一、提高认识,进一步增强责任意识普通高校招生考试是国家选拔人才的一项重要工作,政策性强,涉及面广,社会影响大,事关广大学生家长的切身利益,是社会各界广泛关注的热点问题。近年来,参加高考学生逐年增多,利用高科技手段作弊的事件也


3、响较大的问题,要严格追究责任。三、狠抓落实,全面做好监考和考务各项工作关于监考和考务工作的具体责任分工,各个岗位、各个环节怎么办、如何做,在培训的时候都已经讲的很清楚了。我要强调的是,在具体工作上,大家一定要把工作做实、做(来源 细、做到位。特别是在监考环节,可能会出现有的家长托人说情要求网开一面的情况,这方面大家都必须要顶住压力,在做好解释、说服工作的基础上,严格遵循工作流程和考务手册上的各项规定认真落到实处,进一步严肃考风考纪,切实为考生营造公平、公正、公开的考试环境。各位监考老师一定要对自身工作有清醒的认识,教育局将对监考工作实行一票否决制,如果在考试过程中,有省、市巡考和县巡视人员、主


5、批准,可终止其考试,并带离考场。同志们,高考工作是一项关系到千家万户切身利益、倍受群众瞩目的民心工程。希望大家团结协作、扎实工作、公正廉洁、认真负责,不辜负领导和社会对我们的期望与重托,以高度负责的责任意识和精良的业务水平,全力以赴确保今年的高考工作万无一失,向全县人民交上一份满意的答卷。comprehensive coordination ability, writing ability, supervision ability, logistics ability, innovation ability, continuously consolidate and maintain the

6、education on Party members'advancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard

7、, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to research information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work requiremen

8、ts, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, effort

9、s to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the city

10、's youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention

11、to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put fo

12、rward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of scientific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and researc

13、h, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide first-hand information. To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great efforts to pro

14、vide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the C

15、ommunist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sen

16、sitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information. Continue to deepen the information rese


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