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1、Unit1 wise men in history 语法总结(一) 句子种类结构图: 肯定句 eg: I like going hiking. 我喜欢远足。 陈述句 (陈述一件事) 否定句 eg: I cant swim. Yes/no问句 (一般疑问句) : 以be动词、情态动词、助动词do/does/did开头 句子 wh疑问句 (特殊疑问句):以what/how/why/when/where/which.等开头 (发问) 疑问句 选择疑问句( .or .):提供选择供对方选 反义疑问句(主+动., 动+主?):“陈述部分,反问部分?” do型:动原开头 Take a seat, plea

2、se. 肯定祈使句 Let型:let 开头 Lets go ! 祈使句 Dont 型: Dont 开头 Dont leave me alone. (表请求、命令等)否定祈使句 No型:No开头 No kidding ! 名词单数:What a bad man he is ! 感叹名词用what 不可数名词:What great fun we had ! 名词复数: What nice cars they are! 感叹句 形容词:How beautiful she is! 感叹形副动用how 副词:How beautifully she dances.(二)反义疑问句一、基本用法与结构反意疑问

3、句由“陈述句+简略疑问句”两部分组成,第一部分提出一种看法,第二部分用来质疑或表示证实。陈述部分与疑问部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式彼此相反,即陈述部分为肯定式时,疑问部分用否定式,陈述部分为否定式时,疑问部分用肯定式:He likes English, doesnt he? 他喜欢英语,是吗?He doesnt like English, does he? 他不喜欢英语,是吗?【注】1. 若陈述部分含有hardly, never, few, nothing ,little,nobody,seldom等否定词或半否定词,其疑问部分要用肯定式:He has few fri

4、ends here, has he? 他在这儿几乎没什么朋友,是吗?She said nothing, did she? 她什么也没说,是不是?2. 若陈述部分含有带否定前缀的词,疑问部分仍用否定式:It is unfair, isnt it? 这不公平,不是吗?It is impossible, isnt it? 那是不可能的,是吗?3. 当陈述部分为为there be句型时,疑问部分仍用there作“主语”:There was nothing in the room, was there? 房间里什么也没有,是吗?4. 当陈述部分的主语是指示代词(this ,that ,these ,th

5、ose)时,疑问部分用it, they等代词:That is a new car, isnt it? 这是一辆新汽车,是吗?5.当陈述部分的主语是复合不定代词时,若陈述部分的主语为somebody,someone, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody等复合不定代词,其反意疑问句的主语在正式文体中用he,在口语或非正式文体中通常用they:Nobody was late, were they? 没有一个人迟到,是吗?6.当陈述部分的主语是 something, anything, nothing, everything等复合不定代词时,其反意疑问句的主语要用i

6、t:Everything is ready, isnt it? 一切都准备好了吗?Nothing is important, is it? 没有什么重要的,不是吗?二、含情态动词的反意疑问句1. 基本原则:在通常情况下,当陈述部分含有情态动词时,疑问部分会重复前面同样的情态动词:He can speak English, cant he?他会说英语,是吗?We shouldnt go, should we? 我们不应该去,对不对?2. 当陈述部分含有must时,要分两种情况: 若must表示“必须”或“有必要”,疑问部分用 mustnt 或neednt:You must leave at on

7、ce, mustnt neednt you? 你必须(有必要)马上离开,是吗?但是若陈述部分有mustnt表示禁止,疑问部分要must:You mustnt laugh, must you? 你不准笑,知道吗? 若must表示推测,疑问部分不能用must,而应根据must后的动词结构采用相应的动词形式:He must be tired, isnt he? 他一定累了,是吗?三、陈述部分为祈使句的反意疑问句1. 基本原则:若陈述部分为祈使句,疑问部分通常用will you:Please help us, will you? 请帮帮我们,好吗?Come with us, will you? 同我们

8、一起去,好吗?Dont forget to post the letter, will you? 请别忘了寄信。2. 当祈使句为Lets时,疑问部分总是用 shall we:Lets go there together, shall we? 我们一起去,好吗?3. 当祈使句为Let us时,若表示请求,疑问部分用will you,若表示建议,疑问部分用 shall we:Let us know your address, will you? 请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?Let us go swimming together, shall we? 我们一起去游泳好吗?四、陈述部分为主从复合句的反

9、意疑问句1. 当陈述部分为主从复合句时,疑问部分一般应与主句保持一致:She said that he didnt like it, didnt she? 她说他不喜欢它,是不是?He knows where I live, doesnt he? 他知道我住什么地方,是不是?2.当陈述部分为I think (believe, suppose) that.等时,疑问部分通常与从句保持一致(注意否定的转移)当主句的主语为第一人称时,其后的简短问句应与从句相一致。例如: I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend, wont she/

10、he? We suppose you have finished the project, havent you? 值得注意的是,当这些动词后接的宾语从句的否定转移到主句时,其仍属否定句,故其后的简短问句应用肯定式,而非否定式。例如: I dont believe that he can translate this book, can he? We dont imagine the twins have arrived, have they? 此类句子的回答同前否后肯型反意疑问句一样,如上述后一个句子,若双胞胎已经到了,则回答为Yes, they have.;若尚未到达,使用No, they

11、 havent.。 当主句的主语为第二、三人称时,其后的简短问句则应与主句相一致(此时,否定只看主句,与从句无关.)。例如: Your sister supposes she needs no help, doesnt she? You thought they could have completed the project, didnt you? They dont believe shes an engineer, do they? She doesnt expect that we are coming so soon, does she? 五、几种特殊情况的反意疑问句1. 当陈述部分

12、是Im时,疑问部分通常用arent I:Im wrong, arent I? 我错了,是吗?Im older than you, arent I? 我年纪比你大,对不对?2. 当陈述部分是I wish时,疑问部分通常用may II wish to go with them, may I? 我想同他们一起去,可以吗?3. 当陈述部分有had better时,疑问部分用had:Hed better leave here, hadnt he? 他最好离开这儿,是吗?请看如下表格,对号入座1、遵循“前否后肯”或“前肯后否”的原则:JimisntinClassFour,ishe?2、前后两句主语相同 :

13、MrZhanghasbeenhereforfouryears,hasnthe?3、主语不一致的若干情况如下(需牢记):前句主语后句主语例 句This/thatItThis is your brother,isnt it?SomethinganythingeverythingnothingNothing is serious,is it?V.ing/to v.Swimming is great fun,isnt it?These/thosetheyThose are books,arent they?Everybody/everyoneSomeboby/someoneAnybody/anyone

14、He/theyEveryone knows this,dont they?(Everyone knows this ,doesnt he?)BothandThey/you/weBoth Tom and Jack came, didnt they?NobodyHeNobody likes to lose money, does he?hadbettershould或hadWehadbettergorightnow,shouldntwe/hadntwe?wouldrather+V” wouldliketo+VwouldntYoudliketohavesomebananas,wouldntyou?I amArent IIamyourfriend,arentI?Let



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