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1、 牛津高中英语模块二Unit 1 Project 教学实践与反思 利用Project 板块教学培养学生写作能力 江苏省新海高级中学 赵文【摘要】目前高中英语Project教学存在脱离语境,偏重讲解,轻视运用等问题,学生的积极性没有被调动,没能突出学生的主体地位,长此以往学生就会失去学习英语的兴趣,本文结合教学案例,阐述了如何利用Project 板块教学培养学生的写作能力。【关键词】Project教学 写作能力一、 Project 板块教学中存在的问题 牛津高中英语每个单元的最后都安排了Project 板块,这一板块中提供了与该单元话题相关的材料,让学生通过对所给的语言材料的学习后,通过小组讨论

2、、分工合作、查阅文献、搜集资料、撰写文章、交流汇报,最后呈现学习成果。但在实际教学中,由于课时紧张,大部分教师只处理A部分中所提供的语言材料,详细讲解其中的知识点和句型,而将B部分中的任务和活动直接删去。目的是为了节省时间,让学生掌握其中的知识点和句型就可以应付考试。事实并非如此。课堂上只有老师在讲,学生在听,学生的积极性没有被调动,没能突出学生的主体地位,长此以往学生就会失去学习英语的兴趣,认为英语就是很多无聊的单词、短语和句型的组合。而且这种脱离语境的词汇和句型,学生学习的时候既浪费时间效果又不好,学生学了就忘。 针对这些问题,笔者从课程标准的要求和目标出发,对所任教的两个班级进行了教学尝

3、试,精心设计教学内容,在教学过程中突出学生的主体地位,使学生积极参与到活动过程中,设计相应的词汇和句型练习,注重对文章结构的分析,使学生能了解掌握他们的含义和用法,掌握文章框架,为最后的任务做好铺垫,从而提高学生写作能力。二、 Project 的内涵 英汉辞海是这样定义Project:“课外自修项目,通常有一组学生作为课堂学习内容的补充和应用来研究的问题,往往包括学生最感兴趣的各式各样的智力和体力活动。”模块二Unit 1 Project 的教师用书中这样描述:The project in this unit is designed to help students learn and use

4、 English by doing a group project. The reading material about Yetis is a sample for students to see how a mysterious story can be written. Students are encouraged to write a story on one of the five mysteries in the section Welcome to the unit. The purpose of this section is to encourage students to

5、 use what they have learned in this unit to complete the project. Students will discuss what mystery they want to write a story about, and collect as much information as they can. Then they will think carefully and creatively about the story. They will do some writing and drawing. They are expected

6、to divide the work among themselves and cooperate by working together. 三、 教学案例 1.设计思想模块二Unit 1 Project这节课是在以本单元前阶段学习中所涉及到的世界未解之谜为背景知识和铺垫,以喜马拉雅山上的野人为主题继续深化本单元的主题,与此同时,使学生由了解学习过渡为围绕世界之谜主题撰写奇妙故事,因此,若要自然且较高质量地完成此任务,本课的第一阶段则涉及对前部分的相关内容进行简要复习,进而引出雪人话题。分析结构和内容是本课的第一重点,通过系列问题分别来提高学生泛读和精读的能力。亲自撰写故事的目的是让学生学以致

7、用并提高写作和听说能力,其准备阶段是本课的第二重点,本课的设计中包含了对该环节的一些表格提示,以适当减轻难度并使学生思路清晰。本课充分体现课堂“以学生为中心”的思想。2. 教学目标学习本文后学生能够提高阅读和写作的能力。问题的设置目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解文章。通过小组合作学习旨在培养学生的团队精神。同时,扩展学生关于目前世界上存在的无法解释的事物的知识。 3.教学过程设计Step 1. Lead in T: There are many interesting and attractive but mysterious things in the world that even the a

8、dvanced science and technology of today can not offer satisfactory answers. Today lets go on to talk about a mysterious creature Yeti and learn to how to write a mysterious story. Before we learn the story, lets first study some new words and phrases. Tell us their Chinese meanings and make up sente

9、nces with them.An unexplained mysterylink, convince, ancestor, belong to, make ones way tosurvive, attack, track, in length, run afterexistence, reserve, strengthbe similar to, have sth done【设计说明】引出话题,引起学生兴趣,明确本节课的学习目的,学生在学习过程中目标将更加明确。学习课文之前,先解决词汇问题,为接下来的学习扫除障碍。Step 2. Skimming T: Read the passage b

10、y yourself in detail, and then give a brief analysis of the structure and the general idea of each paragraph.(1) Main idea of each paragraph Para 1 Sightings of Yetis are reported all over the world.Para 2-4 Witnesses gave similar descriptions of Yetis.Para5-6 Scientists opinions of their existence

11、are divided.Para 7 Scientists hope the mystery will be solved someday. (2) The structure of the text and its functionPart one(1) An attractive beginning to attract readers attentionPart two(2-4) To support Part 1 with more details and factsPart three(5) An opinion from a scientist gives some explana

12、tionsPart four(6) An open ending makes readers think more about the mystery【设计说明】这一环节可训练学生如何处理信息,通过小组合作学习,有助于培养学生语篇和段落的分析能力,有利于引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目标的学习方式。Step 3. Scanning T: Scan the text to find some detailed information.Part one (1) What are the features of Yetis?Features a large, hairy creature

13、 that walks on two feet a wild creature in the Himalayas Part2 (2-4) Details of the storyReporterTimePlaceDiscoveriesPara 2An AmericanclimberIn 1998On the Chinese side Himalayasthick black fur, six feet tall with huge shoulders, very long arms and large handsPara 3An AmericanTV teamIn 2007Near Mount

14、 Qomolangmasaw Yeti tracks 33 centimetres in lenghth;looked like the tracks of BigfootPara 4A group of engineersIn the Shennongjia Nature Reservethe Wild Man;moved with amazing speed and strength; large tracks Part3 (5) Dr Grover KrantzA scientist from Washington State Universitybecame convinced bel

15、ieved In his opinion,exist are linked to made its way to continues to survive【设计说明】这一步让学生通过仔细阅读课文,得到更多的关于Yeti的信息,理解课文的主要意思,让学生阅读文章对文章细节做出判断,扫除学生的理解障碍。为下面做写作做准备,这是初步的学生表达拓展活动,旨在培养学生分解和整合信息的技能和灵活运用语言的能力。 Step4 Writing a mysterious storyT: Lets find out writing features of a mysterious story.A. an interesting and attractive title B. an attractive beginning C. some details of the story with some pictures or photos D. what scientists or people think about the story E. an o


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