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1、我的梦想英语作文(附翻译) 导语:每个人确信都有梦想,有些人的梦想高不可攀,但是也有些人的梦想触手可得。一个人假设没有了梦想,那他的生活确信是特别单调的。以下是yjbs作文网小编为您搜集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所协助。 我的梦想英语作文(1) I hve many reams. An it dra.I eiveI ca fl, in te dream, I row a piof hiewins,soaring in the sy;Int a brbie ol, i the dream,I birtha,mhergveme a atful bari oll; I wa ogr u as iai

2、st, inte drea, I lay ui is the most oular;I uess Ima mettdt this a, in the dream,the eherormallyofth cerae ised o me, Isso happy I want ogowup hn painti teace,in thedream, te childn l ik Ipined picur; wnt to eewhat myftre okle, in the dream,I truhmndpae, see amo loely; want o hv magi, in the eam, le

3、tthe po and clothn is short,Ilt those bad guys boeki; I thk myoy dog wil ta, inthe ream, lovelyto do in talkng whme; I n thin I c grow up, intheream,I away have the arets ove nd partnr t help, t play withmy fd; I ikthe orld can find happinss from e dificultes, i the dm, th e on the stretare siln;Ith

4、inkswim techlogy is ver oo, i te dea, I lk cal heps a fst.I havelots ad lotof dam, w I opethsecacme a ality. I hav been eforts to stie fr t achievethse bautiful rms, en r p, haveore wld, I o to efort t fiht fr.hchilden, wel to stive foreir good ise! 我的梦想有特别多。而且都在梦里实现。我想我能飞,在梦里,我长出一对雪白的翅膀,在天空中翱翔;我想得到


6、 我有许许多多的梦想,我多么希望这些能变成现实。我不断在努力地争取去实现这些美妙的梦想,等我长大了,有更多的知识了,我再去努力地争取。小朋友们,我们一起去争取实现本人美妙的愿望吧! 我的梦想英语作文(2)Idream I ca getin my dem th arme poieaem, I dremIcan eagloru amed plice. Snce I was ee yers old, firston televsion wheh sathegtyarmdple unclsand aus, Idremdof bing militay poie oficrs.Evey dyI still

7、 aun ymohr-i-lawrmed polie game! nw, its not esy o aaeplice, thouh aes ofsceing, the besttalent can bared olice.To dohis, I ust srsyisten to the teaer and do my oerk doncarels, carefull,wt own vr wo th teacher sid in mymn.I imly blieve thaalong asIm fom w n, learnknowegewell, eeg habis, xercise the

8、body, can pas the red poiceolege, can bome a griosodiers! Ifirmly beiee hataslg s adhereto the em, can drem to reliy, e wil b able to sceed! Dar friends,heer or e! 我梦想我能考上我梦寐以求的武警学院,我梦想我能成为一名荣耀的武警战士。自从我三岁时,第一次在电视里看见威武的武警叔叔和阿姨们的时候,我就梦想成为一名武警战士。我每天还缠着我的婆婆玩武警游戏呢!我明白,要成为一名武警战士并不容易,得通过层层选拔,最优秀的人才能成为武警战士。

9、为此,我一定认认真真听教师讲课,做作业不马虎,要细心,把教师说的每一句话都记在我的脑海里。我深信,只要我从如今开场,学好知识,养好适应,锻炼好身体,我就一定能考上武警学院,一定能成为一名荣耀的武警战士!我深信,只要坚持梦想,我就一定能变梦想为现实,就一定能成功!亲爱的伙伴们,为我加油吧! 我的梦想英语作文(3) Evrydamsher empt twinkling rgt tarsn te stae, and eah was rno of yung chlds ramsttar in te ms pur, mst eautiu, justlikea tender bamoshoo an rea

10、ed buperson. Mydream - clothg dsine,I wantobefmdesigner inthe wrl, ad mae Chiarou, letthers envy,evetough my dram ery b, uthen it comes o dot, sr ro each sp,h fis sep n e deam.Frst of ll, I will lea o paint, achee the resulthat patce ake perfect, tr to ach uwith the giger tolv, becausI lackof magint

11、i, donot out thebeutiful ohes, o I hae olook at a fai talebook When I tied, wat lazy,I alwas think fcebriies i not thouhdayractice ery night to ecme famous arist, sienti,costme sinr Jut becue f is, makeI nist now, beaedream akes e come m dilignttn eve, more asy o learn.If y drea coetre, I il make th

12、e m eaulclothes. I pated lths, while ny celbisign cloes, o, I painted aarment i,afte alcomments, odiy, makeadfferetoths Ialsoant o let the pele o thehol contallko: mknclthe to diffrnt,liketo wit a cosiion t ingenuity, to ceate iquelotng.Hav a ramsbauiul, adream t maeyu hard.os, slng as yuset youmn to. 每一个梦想都是心空舞台上闪耀的一颗颗耀眼明星,而每一颗幼小童内心诞生出来的梦想更是明星中最纯真、最美妙的,就像嫩笋一般清新可人。 我的梦想-服装设计师,我要成为世界上响当当的设计师,为中国争光,让其他国家羡慕,尽管我的梦特别大,但说到做到,从每一步做起,踏上梦想的第一步。 首先我会学好画画,到达熟能生巧的效果,努力追上姜来的水平,由于我缺乏想象力,做不出美丽的衣服,因而我必须得看童话书。每当我筋疲力尽、想偷懒时,总会想起名人也不都是通过每日每夜的练习才成了有名的画家、科学家,服装设计师的吗就由于这句,使得我坚持到了如今,就由于梦想使我变得比以往更加勤奋,更加好学。


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