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1、.单词荟萃1. _ vt. 解决solution n. 解决方法 2. _ n. C同伴,伙伴 company n. U同伴,陪伴 _ vt. 陪伴,陪同,伴随3. _vi. 说谎,撒谎 _ (动词三式) liar n说谎者 _ 躺vi.(包括动词三式) _ vt.产卵,放置(包括动词三式)4.panic vt.使恐慌 n. 惊慌 _ (动词三式) 5. curious adj.好奇的,稀奇古怪的 _ n好奇6. fright n恐惧 _vt.使惊吓,使惊恐 _ adj. 恐惧的,害怕的_ adj. 令人恐惧的7. _ adj. 非常害怕的 _ vt.使惊恐terror n恐慌 8. _ vt

2、. 创造,创作_ n创造 creature n. 创造物,生物 _ adj.创造性的 _ n创造力,创造性9. _ n例外except prep.除之外 _ adj. 杰出的,例外的10._ adj. 坚决的determine vt.决定,确定 _ n决心,毅力.短语检测1与有联系/有关联 2(秘密地)逃跑 3. 起初,一开始 4. 借助于的光 5. 一对,几个 6. 使某人大吃一惊 7受够了,再也忍受不住了 8. 说服某人做某事 9捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧 10. 组成,编造,弥补,和解 11以为背景 12(尤指费时地)行进,前进 13有(做某事的)心情 14等一下 15起初,开始时; 首先

3、16过着的生活 17发财 18出发,启程have connection with run away at first by the light of a couple of to ones astonishment have had enough of sb./sth. persuade sb. to do sth. play a trick on sb. make up be set in make ones way be/feel in the mood (for sth./to do sth.) hang on to start with lead/live a/anlife make

4、ones fortune set off .佳句再现1but when I _ that we _ something useful on the boat, he _ . 但当我暗示可能在船上发现重要的东西时,他同意去了。2So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, _. 于是我们把木筏划过去,蹑手蹑脚地,像耗子一样悄无声息地爬上了汽船。3. He _ hes going to die _他听起来好像要吓死了!4He _ early, and as an adolescent, _ _ in South America, _ fro

5、m his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. 他很早就离开了学校,还是青少年时就下决心要去南美洲发财,于是他离开了家乡密苏里州的翰尼堡,动身去了新奥尔良。5He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket _ that there were no boats for South America. 他身无分文地到达了新奥尔良后,才发现那里没有去南美洲的轮船。6. _ his plans, he _ for several years _ a pilot on a steamboa

6、t, _ up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.迫不得已,他只好改变了计划,在一艘汽船上当了几年的领航员,带着客人穿梭在密西西比河上,该河是从靠近加拿大边界的美国北部流向墨西哥湾的一条大河。.词汇学习1accountn. C 叙述,报告;账目,账户,U 原因,理由 vi. 解释,说明(1)give an account of叙述,描述;说明 open an acco

7、unt 开一个账户take sth. into account/take account of sth.把考虑在内on account ofbecause of 由于(2) account for 解释,是的原因; 占(比例)【活学活用】(1)He _ of his plan. 他详细地向我讲述了他的计划。(2)We delayed our departure _ .由于天气不好, 我们将启程的时间推迟了。(3)Recent pressure at work may _ his behavior. 最近工作上的压力可能会解释他的行为。(4)The population of China _ 2

8、0% of the world population. 中国人口占世界总人口的百分之二十。 2pourv. (of rain) to fall heavily(雨)倾盆而下;倒;(to flow quickly and in large amounts)倾泻,大量涌出;(a lot of people) to arrive or leave at the same time不断涌现(或涌向)pourout 毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等),畅所欲言It never rains but it pours. 谚不雨则已,一雨倾盆。/祸不单行。 【情景记忆】【活学活用】(1)The rain came

9、 _ . 大雨滂沱。(2)The crowds began _ the stadium. 人们开始涌出体育场。(3)She _ all her troubles to him over a cup of coffee. 她一边喝着咖啡,一边向他倾诉着心中所有的烦恼。3lien. 谎言 vi. 说谎;躺;平放于;位于;在于link.处于某种状态(1)tell a lie撒谎 a white lie 善意的谎言 lie to sb. 向某人撒谎(2)lie still/awake 躺着不动/躺着不睡 lie in 位于;在于【易混辨析】lie和lay(1)lie lied lied lying 说

10、谎 (vi. )(2)lie lay lain lying躺;平放于;位于;在于(vi.);处于某种状态(link.)(3)lay laid laid laying 把平放;铺设;产卵 (vt. ) 【情景记忆】【温馨提示】lie 表示“平放;位于;处于某种状态”,lay 表示“放置”,这是考查的重点和难点。使用时要注意结合意义、词性及各词的各种形式来综合考虑。【活学活用】(1)He said hed never been there, but _ . 他说他从没去过那儿,可是他在撒谎。(2)The town _ the coast. 这个小镇坐落在海滨。(3)I found a wallet

11、 _ on the ground. 我在地上发现了一个钱包。(4)I saw that book _ open on the desk. 我看到那本书摊开放在书桌上。(5)The strength of the book _ the fact that the material is from classroom experience. 这本书的优势在于材料来自课堂体验。(6)You may _ it on the table. 你可以把它放在桌子上。4curiousadj. 好奇的;稀奇古怪的(1)curiosity n好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地;古怪地(2)be curi

12、ous about 对感到好奇 be curious to do sth.极想做某事 It is curious that 真是奇怪(3)out of/from curiosity 出于好奇心 satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心【活学活用】(1)Children _ everything around them. 小孩子们对周围的事情感到好奇。(2)He _ what would happen. 他很想知道会发生什么事。(3)_ he should have failed to win the game. 他竟然没赢得比赛,真是奇怪。5warnvt. 警告;提醒;注意(1)warning n. 警告,警示(2)warn sb. of sth.提醒某人(尤指)可能有危险的或有不良后果的事 warn sb. again



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