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1、Unit 14: Have you packed yet?Part 1: Teaching Design 第一部分:教学设计FunctionsTalk about recent eventsStructuresPresent perfect with already and yetTarget languageHave you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered them?Vocabulary watered, travel guidebook, suitcase, beach towel, bathing suit, ref

2、rigerator, member, cleaned out, turned offLearning strategiesBrainstorming, Role playingPeriod 1: Writing, Listening and Speaking (Page 110)(Have you packed yet?)Objectives To learn to understand and use present perfect with already and yet To write, listen and speak about things that you have doneP

3、rocedures Warming up by studying the present perfect with already and yet Look at me, class. What am I doing? Yes, I am packing. I am packing my bags for a trip. Now I have packed already? Now look at the sentences: Have you packed yet? Yes, I have already packed.Already means that something happene

4、d earlier than we expected. With present perfect, already usually goes after have or has and before the main verb.Examples Weve already had our breakfast. When are you going to do your homework? But Ive already done it! Do you want a cup of coffee? No, thanks. Ive already had one. Yet means that som

5、ething that we expected has happened or hasnt happened. We usually put it at the end of a sentence.Examples Has the post arrived yet? Have you done your homework? Not yet. Havent you got ready yet? Look at the time! 1a Thinking and writingHave you been on a beach vacation yet? If you go on a beach v

6、acation, what three things would you pack?Think and write your ideas in the chart on page 110.A beach vacationSightseeing in a city1. bathing suit1. camera 2. umbrella2. mobile phone3. drinking water3. bike1b Listening and checkingA family are packing things for a beach vacation. Now listen to their

7、 talk, paying attention to the “present perfect with already and yet”. And now listen again and check the chores listed below the family have already done.Packed the cameraWatered the plants Locked the windowBought a travel guidebook Bought a street map Packed the beach towelsTurn to page 136 to rea

8、d the tapescript. While reading remember to cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Useful expressions from the textpack the beach towels, water the plants, the travel guidebook, the street map, pack the camera,

9、 put in my suitcase, lock the windows Now read the conversation again to turn it into an article.1c Pairing and speakingImagine that you are going to the beach for the vacation. Ask your family members if they have already made a good preparation. Paying attention to the “present perfect with alread

10、y and yet” structure.A: Have you watered the plants yet? B: Yes, I have already watered them.A: Have you packed the camera yet? B: Yes, I have already packed the camera.A: Have you bought a street map yet? B: Yes, I have already bought a street map.A: Have you locked the window yet? B: Yes, I have a

11、lready locked the window.A: Have you packed the beach towels yet? B: Yes, I have already packed the beach towels.A: Have you bought a travel guidebook yet? B: Yes, I have already bought a travel guidebook.Period 2: Listening and Speaking (Page 111)(How do you learn English best?)Objectives To learn

12、to understand and use present perfect with already and yet To listen and speak about things that you have doneProceduresWarming up by studying the “Target Language” Grammar is so important that it should always be learned and made use of in class. Today we shall learn to use “Present perfect with al

13、ready and yet” Look at the two sentences:Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered them?Do you understand the structure of the two sentences? We shall make more sentences like those.Have you finished your homework yet? Yes, I have already finished it?Have you found your bike yet?

14、Yes, I have already found it?To use the “Present perfect with already and yet” more in communication, lets go on to page 110. 2a Listening and writingNext is a conversation between Mark and Tina. They are talking about things to do before leaving home. Listen to the conversation for what Mark did an

15、d what Tina did. While listening also pay attention to the “present perfect with already and yet” structure. Now on page 111write before the 6 sentences M for Mark or T for Tina.1. No. I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 2. Ive already put it in the garage. 3. But I havent locked the garage yet. 4. Ive already done most of my jobs. 5. Not yet. Ill do it in a minute. 6. Yes, I have. I think were almost ready.Now turn to page 136 to read the tapescript. While reading remember to cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all


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