英语人教版七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining .docx

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1、Unit 7 Its raining Section A 1a-2c 【Learning goals】:1.knowledge goal掌握表示天气的词汇rainy raining sunny cloudy windy snowy snowing weather能用所学语言谈论天气(talk about the weather)A: Hows the weather in Beijing?B:Its sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/ windy/ snowy.能简单地描述人们正在进行的活动。(describe what people are doing)A: What are you

2、 doing?B: Im watching TV.2.ablity goal: 在教学过程中,培养学生听,说,读的能力。3.emotional goal:使同学们了解天气是“闲谈”(small talk)中的一项重要内容,了解世界各地不同天气以及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。【Important point】:How引导的询问天气的特殊疑问句,描述天气状况的形容词,还有与天气相关的人们相应的即时活动。【Difficult point】现在进行时中助动词be 和动词-ing的正确使用。Task 1.自主学习 1. 单词天气_ 晴朗的_ 多云的_ 多风的_ 下雨, 雨水_ 多雨的_ 下雪,雪_

3、 下雪的_2 译出下列短语玩电脑游戏_ 打篮球_ 看电视_ 对某人说_ 像平常一样_ 现在_忙_ 放风筝_Task2.学习过程 .1. learn to talk 2. A: Hows the weather? =Whats the weather like ?B: Its 3. Learn to be a teacher(小小老师我来当)Teacher: Hows the weather in.?/Whats the weather like in?Student: Its.4. work on 1a Match the words with the pictures5. work on 1

4、bListen and match the city names with the weather6. work on 1c pairworkTalk about the weather with your friend on the phone.7. learn to be a weather reporter(小小播报员)8. work on 2a and 2b9. Fill in the blanksto this cooking there cold Dont sunny Whats Is talk to say watching J: Hello. Linda. _is Jim. L

5、: Hello, Jim. J: Is Uncle Joe _? L:No, he isnt. Hes outside.J: Outside? Its _.Isnt it? L: No .Its _and really warm.J: _Uncle Joe doing. L: He is playing basketball.J: _Aunt Sally there? L:Yes, she is. But shes busy right now.J:Whats she doing? L: Shes _.J:How about Mary? Whats she doing?L: Not much.

6、 Shes only _TV. You want to _her. . _you?J:Yes, thanks. And can I _“hi” _ Jeff, too?L: Sure. Hes just playing computer games.10. work on 2c pairwork11. Fill in the blanks My Happy HolidayI am in Sanya with my family now. Its a beautiful city. Its_ here now. Look, my parents are_.My sister is_ Thats

7、my brother. He is_. I am_ _on the chair. It tastes good. We are having a good time! 12 summary13 homework教学反思:本课通过游戏,拓展学习,挑战小老师以及天气预报播报员等多种形式充分激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。同时对教学内容进行了较好的整合,让各层面的学生都有表现发挥的机会,培养了学生小组合作的能力,锻炼了他们组织语言和解决实际问题的能力。课堂教学是一门艺术,注定了它难以达到完美的境界,在本课的教学中,我不敢放开手脚,去涉及更多的知识,如作天气预报时没有加入温度的表达,只局限于本课知识的运用。怕学生觉得太难,失去知识学习的兴趣。


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