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1、阿米屋()-特产零食,进口零食!免运费,货到付款!费费逻辑宝典详解版Ver. 2004-06-29主编:fyhllj (风云化龙)编委:Mindfree, Anchoret, fyhllj, ZZENG, freegirl, YOYO700, RIC0717, MARR, IOS, MAX, tupan, CYNTHIAS, followggg, 祈晴坊主, crystalzeng, miejue, cuili, dz, cicia, isabellu, chriszhx, euphony, precious, chrislujin, nana460, xihui, annywx, fair_

2、sword, christinewxy, vidy, tyghbn, Mozatfan, NeTman, iidiot, mozatfan, nnt992, pumpkin题目版权属原作者所有,题目思路、解释版权由ChaseDream网站与作者共同所有;电子版由网站校正、维护;寻找最新版本或反馈使用信息,请访问:http:/l 费费逻辑宝典详解版是继费费数学宝典详解版后,又一积聚ChaseDream网友智慧的心血之作。ChaseDream论坛GMAT逻辑专区版主fyhllj(风云化龙)担任主编,37位ChaseDream会员协力完成。l 费费逻辑宝典全集(共135题)是目前公认的非常好的GMA

3、T逻辑复习补充材料,这是费费从最新LSAT逻辑中摘出的他认为最具有代表性也是最符合GMAT逻辑原则的135题。l 本套练习题共135题,根据牛人建议:为锻炼Pace,每18题划分为一组,限时30分钟完成。l 反馈请发到:ChaseDream论坛【GMAT逻辑专区】http:/ 版本的更新与维护由ChaseDream网站负责。致谢:mindfree, Anchoret, fyhllj三位超级巨牛编写了9道题的分析模板,供编委参照;pumpkin校正补全;欢迎访问ChaseDream超级论坛!Test 11. Although 90 percent of the population believ

4、es itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-informed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care. The argum

5、ents reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that A. those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices B. more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well informed about health care for good public policy

6、 decisions about health care to be made C. ones being able to make well-informed personal medical choices ensures that one makes good public policy decisions about health care D. an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy dec

7、isions about health care E. since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief. 答案:D思路:本题的推论错误在于以偏概全,用对DNA的了解程度来考核well informed about health care的程度。据个例子,我们可否用掌握核物理知识的程度来考核对物理基本知识的掌握程度呢?显然不行!A: 支持

8、作者的观点B: 无关C: 无关 D: 本题的推论错误在于以偏概全,用对DNA的了解程度来考核well informed about health care的程度。据个例子,我们可否用掌握核物理知识的程度来考核对物理基本知识的掌握程度呢?显然不行!E: 无关2. During the 1980s, Japanese collectors were very active in the market for European art, especially as purchasers of nineteenth-century Impressionist paintings. This strik

9、ing pattern surely reflects a specific preference on the part of many Japanese collectors for certain aesthetic attributes they found in nineteenth-century Impressionist paintings. Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the explanation above? A. Impressionist paintings first bec

10、ame popular among art collectors in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. B. During the 1980s, the Japanese economy underwent a sustained expansion that was unprecedented in the countrys recent history. C. Several nineteenth-century Impressionist painters adopted certain techniques and v

11、isual effects found in Japanese prints that are highly esteemed in Japan. D. During the 1960s and the 1970s, the prices of nineteenth-century Impressionist paintings often exceeded the prices of paintings by older European masters. E. During the 1980s, collectors from Japan and around the world purc

12、hased many paintings and prints by well-known twentieth-century Japanese artists. 答案:C思路:A. 无关B. 无关C. 作者先提出一个事实,然后指这个事实说明了日本收藏家对19世纪印象派画家的一些审美特性有着特别的偏爱。C直接举证说明原因:这是因为19世纪印象派画家使用了一些在日本备受推崇的技术和视觉效果。(Several nineteenth-century Impressionist painters adopted certain techniques and visual effects found i

13、n Japanese prints that are highly esteemed in Japan.)D. 无关项, many Japanese collectors for certain aesthetic attributes 和D中的price没有任何关系E. 无关3. Because of the recent recession in Country A most magazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue, so much so that the survival of

14、 the most widely read magazines is in grave doubt. At the same time, however, more people in Country A are reading more magazines than ever before, and the number of financially successful magazines in Country A is greater than ever. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resole the appa

15、rent discrepancy in the information above? A. Most magazines reduce the amount they charge for advertisements during a recession. B. The audience for a successful television show far exceeds the readership of even the most widely read magazine. C. Advertising is the main source of revenue only for the most widely read magazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue. D. Because of the recession, people in Country A have cut back on magazine subscriptions and are reading borrowed magazines. E. More of



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