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1、Period 2 Introduction, Reading & FunctionEmphasis: to understand the passage and analyze the language points.Difficulty: to write a letter, based on what they have learned.课前自主学习To fill in the blank according to the textCitiesParisBarcelonaFlorenceAthensPopularthe capital and largest city of _the se

2、cond largest city of _An _city famous for the Renaissancethe capital of _, is known as the birthplace of western civilisationLocationon the River Seineon the _ coastPlaces for tourists_ - the famous symbol of Paristhe Church of the Sagrada Familia designed by _ is the most famous art gallery_on the

3、Acropolis HillNumbers of tourists per yearover eight millionAbout_ To read the sentences from the passage and try to understand the underlined words or phrases:1. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. (P1) 辨析: off the coast _ on the coast _ along the coast _拓展: in/to /

4、on the south of 的不同_2. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris._ “H2O” is the symbol for water. _3. 短语: 以而出名_; 作为而出名_ 请从文中找出两个例句:(1)_(2)_4. One of the worlds largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. _5. by an architect called Antonio Ga

5、udi. _ To explain the sentences1. About two-thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris.分数的表达法:(1)分子用_, 分母用_。分子为一时,分母用_; 分子大于一时,分母用_。例如:1/3_, 3/4_.(2) 分数+of构成名词短语作主语,谓语动词的单复数由_决定。如果of 后为可数名词复数,则谓语动词用_;如果of后为不可数名词,则谓语动词用_. _ of the area in the city _ covered by trees and grass. 这个城市的五分之四的地面是由

6、绿树和草地覆盖的。 _ of the workers on the building site _ from the countryside. 这个建筑工地上十分之九的工人来自农村。2. Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.译:_(1) 这是一个_句, which became famous because o

7、f the Renaissance 是_从句,修饰先行词_; a great artistic movement 为 the Renaissance的_, which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years 是_ 从句,修饰先行词_.(2) 定语从句which became famous because of the Renaissance可由现在分词_ 代替,而意义不变;定语从句which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years 可由现在分词_代替,意义不变

8、。(3) in the 1300或in the 1300s, 译为:_;表示某人大约年龄用_,例如:在他三十多岁的时候_ 写出你疑惑的问题,或可以和同学们分享的知识:_ 1 课上小组讨论、分享课前探究作业:学案中的课文知识点等。2利用实物投影仪,小组汇报展示探究成果。3 教师及时点评、点拨、拓展。 写作佳句: 背诵并默写,第二天小考。1. It is the first time that I have met with such an involved problem.这是我第一次遇到这样复杂的一个问题。2. It is three years since I last saw him.自从

9、我上次看到他几经有三年了。(我三年没有见到他了) 实践应用评估: 某外商考察组一行来你们工厂考察投资环境,你负责接待。请你按以下提示写一个工厂口头介绍 历史15年位置位于长江北岸,靠近京广线,水陆交通便利规模有200多名工人,占地4.5平方公里产品女性服装市场全国各地、东南亚地区评价发展迅速,前景广阔,是投资的明智选择注意:1. 词数:100左右2. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)3. 参考词汇:投资-invest主要句型:(完成句子)1. Id like to give you _ to our factory. 我想对我们厂做一个简介。2. Our factory _of 15years

10、. / Our factory is a factory _of 15 years. 我们厂已有15年的历史。3. It _ on the northern bank of the Changjiang River and on the railway line from Beijing to Guangzhou. 它位于长江北岸,靠近京广线。4. The transportation is very _both by water and by railway. 水陆交通便利。5. We believe our factory ahs been developing rapidly and has _. 我们的工厂发展迅速,前景广阔。6. Its _ to invest here. 在这里投资是明智的选择Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our factory._


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