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1、编 号:On the Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese from Cultural Viewpoint从文化视角探究英汉颜色词的内涵意义论文作者名称: 作 者 学 号: 所 在 学 院: 所 学 专 业: 导师姓名、职称: 论文完成时间: On the Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese from Cultural Viewpoint从文化视角探究英汉颜色词的内涵意义# University May 2011AcknowledgementsFirst and f

2、oremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Chen Jingjing, my supervisor, for her patient instructions and constant encouragement. She has made great effort to guide me to finish this paper and walked me through all the stages of the writing of it. Without her consistent and illuminatin

3、g instruction, this paper could not have reached its present form. Second, my heartfelt thanks should go to the professors and teachers at the Department of English who have taught me in these years. Their profound knowledge in different fields is conductive to the writing of this thesis.Last my tha

4、nks would go to my beloved family and friends whose encouragement and assistance have helped me overcome many difficulties in study.【Abstract】Cultural connotation is peoples ethical and moral cognizance and obedience, as well as the standards of peoples lifestyle. Color words, obviously, is an vital

5、 element of culture. Due to different values, customs, religions, living environment and historical development, Chinese and English reflect their cultural connotations respectively. This paper shows the similarities and differences in the connotations of color words in Chinese and English from cult

6、ural viewpoint. By comparing, we learn that it is of great importance to get well acquainted with the cultural connotations of Chinese and English. The study of cultural connotations of color words in both languages makes learners to learn the target language more efficiently and is helpful to cross

7、-cultural communication and translation as misunderstanding and disgusting can be eliminated.【Key words】color words; cultural viewpoint; cultural connotation 【摘要】文化内涵表现出人类对道德的认识和遵守,它为人们的生活方式提供了参照标准。而颜色词汇则当之无愧的成为了文化范畴中一种不可或缺的元素。然而,由于受不同的价值观、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、生活环境和历史发展的影响,英汉两种语言分别反映出各具其自身特色的文化内涵。本文试从文化角度比较英汉语

8、言中的颜色词汇的异同,由微观到宏观,向读者展示出两种语言的艺术魅力。通过对比分析,可获知,熟识英汉语言颜色词汇的文化内涵具有极其重要的意义。其一,辨别区分两种语言颜色词汇的异同促使学生更有效地学习目标语;其二,掌握两种语言颜色词汇文化内涵的相似性与差异性,将其运用到实践当中,有助于消除中西方因文化差异产生的误解,更好地促进跨文化交际和翻译的发展。【关键词】颜色词汇;文化角度;文化内涵ContentsAbstract (English)iAbstract (Chinese).iiContents.iiiChapter One Introduction.1Chapter Two The Simil

9、arities in the Connotations of Color Words in both Languages.32.1 Cultural Connotations of “White”.32.2 Cultural Connotations of “Blue”42.3 Cultural Connotations of “Black”.4Chapter Three The differences in the Connotations of Color Words in both Languages.63.1 Cultural Connotations of “Red”.63.2 Cu

10、ltural Connotations of “Yellow”.73.3 Cultural Connotations of “Green”.7Chapter Four Causes that Affect the Connotations of Color Words.94.1 History background94.2 Geographical Environment.94.3 Religions.104.4 Perspectives.10Chapter Five Conclusion.11Bibliography.12Chapter One IntroductionCultural co

11、nnotation is the reflection of human life, the records of human activities and the precipitation of history. It is peoples needs and requirements, ideal and desire for life, as well as spiritual reposing. With its special ideological and theoretical elements, cultural connotation is peoples ethical

12、and moral cognizance and obedience, as well as the standards of peoples lifestyle. The value of cultural connotation, with its central features on personality, is the core of cultural consciousness, also the fountain of national cohesion and enterprising spirit. It deeply influences the thoughts and

13、 behaviors of human group in the fields of morality, religion, art, science, economy, politics, law, custom, etc. Due to different values, customs, religions, living environment and historical development, each nationality has formed its own cultural norms, which is called “cultural features”. These cultural features respectively reflect their expressions. Namely, there exists similar or different representation method for the same meaning under different cultural circumstances, and also the same expression method passing the distin


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