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1、单项填空之动词和短语动词题组一1The mother opened the door quietly so as not to _ the sleeping baby.A. upset B. interrupt C. disturb D. release2 Do you think our great ship will the hurricane?Alive with Bgo through Cdie from Dlive through3 The lift _ and we were trapped inside it.Abroke down Bbroke up Cbroke out Db

2、roke in4 Only ticketholders were to the stadium for the concept given by Jay Chou, so many of his fans were turned away.A. allowedB. askedC. agreedD. admitted5We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are _.A. looking up B. coming up C. making up D. turning up6The police have _any

3、one with information to come forward and talk to them.A. admitted to B. appealed to C. allowed for D. called for 7 I couldnt _what they were saying, for they spoke to me at once. A. listen to B. make outC. hear D. make up8When it_ air pollution, Beijing faces the three “C” s,cars,coal and constructi

4、on,which lead to Beijings thick air pollutionArefers to Bcomes to Chappens to Dspeaks to9Without _ his notes, the professor gave such a great lecture that the audience _ applauseAreferring to; burst into Blooking for; burst outCbringing up; burst into Dsetting down; burst out10- I know youve always

5、been interested in seeing different places, and experiencing different cultures.- Yes, I always think that the experience I_will help me find a good job when I come back.A. winB. succeedC. gainD. achieve11“Terrorists _ war on the United States, and war is what they got.” Bush said.A. attackedB. decl

6、aredC. foughtD. offered12-Which do you like better, the play or the film?-I _ the film.A. like B. enjoy C. prefer D. see13 She had no idea how it _ that her husband met with trouble again.A. came aboutB. came outC. came acrossD. came up14 The film directed by Frank is wonderful and it has certainly

7、_ my expectations.A. led to B. agreed to C. lived up to D. attended to15 - Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.- No wonder she_ above her colleagues in Chinese.A. stands out B. sticks out C. comes out D. sorts out16 Whether ways will be found to help Ch

8、ina _ the current world financial crisis is just _ worries the public. A. prevent; thatB. survive; whatC. forbid; thatD. quit; what17 He _ some French while he was on a business trip in Paris. A. Went out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in18Hu Jintao on Tuesday _ resuming(继续)cross-strait talks on th

9、e basis of the 1992 Consensus as early as possible, to resolve problems in a practical manner. A. called on B. called in C. called for D. called at19 As he has _ our patience, well not wait for him any longer. A. consumedB. exhaustedC. wastedD. torn20 -What field will your son go into after graduati

10、on?-He _ a good electrical engineer. A. promises B. turns C. makes D. proves21 Youd better fly somewhere in the west. Then you can _ a hire car and travel around. A. take up B. get on C. pick up D. turn on22-Whats the matter with you, Lucy?-After the long walk, my legs _ and I couldnt go any farther

11、. A. gave off B. gave in C. gave up D. gave out23 Varieties of programmes in the TV station _ many different types of interest and taste among the public. A. cater to B. appeal to C. apply to D. adjust to24As they havent a child of their own, theyre going to _a little girl.A. accept B. receive C. ad

12、apt D. adopt25All the training you have been doing seem to have_ handsomely.A. put offB. called offC. paid offD. broken off26Considering your salary, you should _ at least 100 dollars a week.A. put up B. put forward C. put aside D. put out27His little daughter was so unique, he could easily _ her _

13、in the crowd.A. pick, out B. pick, up C. make, up D. help, out28I was so excited at the news that I was admitted to the university that I could hardly_my feelings in words.A. convey B. carry C. transmit D. ommunicate29Jim was not _ to the club, because at that time he was not a member of it. A. allowed B. permitted C. admitted D. promoted30The moment I saw her, I _ her, although she changed a lot through years. A. know B. realized C. recognized D. noticed31Childhood memories which I thought had _


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