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1、Calculation Sheet for Canopy of Undergroud Lobby-Doha High Rise Office BuildingKing Glass Engineering GroupCalculated by: Checked by: Approved by:Architectural: Structural:This calculation sheets should be read in conjunction with the related drawings.1. Calculation of Perforated Al SheetThe perfora

2、ted Al sheet at the outermost of the canopy is the most critical one in press bearing and calculation is required. Relevant sketches are as follows: Figure 1-1 Perforated Al Sheet Plan Figure 1-2 Section A-AFigure 1-3 Section B-B Figure 1-4 Sample CFigure 1-5 Sample D Figure 1-6 Sample E1.1 Calculat

3、ion of Supporting Frame and Rinforcement Bar of Al Sheet1.1.1 Design Sketch Figure 1-6 Supporting Frame and Reiforcement BarThe in the sketch symbolizes hinged connection.Section of frame is as follows:Figure 1-7 Frame SectionSection data of reinforcement bar is as follows:Figure 1-8 Sectional Data

4、of Reinforcement Bar1.1.2 Standard Load1.1.2.1 Standard WindloadThis project is 100m from the coastline, which ground surface roughness is sorted as “Village”.Building-type factor: Kb=2。(BS6399 part2- table 1)Building height: H=1.3m300m,Cr0.25,( BS6399 part2-1.6.1 table 1)Effective height: He=1.3m A

5、ccording to Section , part 5 of tender document for Doha High Rise Office Building, the basic wind speed Vb is 25m/s.Site windspeed: Vs=VbSaSdSsSp (BS6399-part 2-)Sa=1+0.001s (BS6399-part 2-3.2.2) In which:In which:Vb Basic wind speed.Sa Height factorSd Direction factor (Ref. BS6399, Clause.3, Volum

6、e 2.)Ss Season factor (Ref. BS6399, Clause.4, Volume 2.)Sp Propability factor (Ref. BS6399, Clause.5, Volume 2.)s is the altitude of site ground surface.s=2m, So, Sa=1+0.001x2=1.002Sd =1.0,Ss =1.0 ,Sp =1.0 Vs=VbSaSdSsSp=25x1.002x1.0x1.0x1.0x1.0=25.05m/sEquivalent wind speed is:Ve=VsSb (BS6399 Part-.

7、1, Division 2)Sb= Sc1+(gtxSt)+Sh (BS6399 Part-.2.2, Division 2)In which:Sb Factor of topography and building. Sc Wind field factor (Ref. BS6399 table 22, Division 2)St Onflow adjustment factor(Ref. BS6399 table 22, Division 2)gt Gust peak factor (Ref. BS6399 clause .3, Division 2)Sh Topography incre

8、ment (Ref. BS6399 clause .4, Division 2):Sc=0.873(effective height He=1.3m); St=0.203(effective height He=1.3m);gt =3.44; Sh=0:Sb= Sc1+(gtxSt)+Sh= 0.873x1+(3.44x0.203)+0=1.483Effective wind speed at 1.3m:Ve=VsSb=25.05x 1.483=37.15m/s Dynamic press is:q=0.613Ve2=0.613x(37.15)2=846N/m2=0.846KN/m2 (BS6

9、399, Part-.1,Division 2)static press p :p=qeCp (.1.3 b ) qe is dynamic press susdained by canopy or building members under effective wind speed. See ;Cp is the coefficient of static press on members. See 2.7.qe =q=846N/m2Cp=2.0p= qeCp=846X(2.0)=1692 N/m2Punching ratio of perforated Al sheet is 32.1%

10、.So the standard effective windload on Al sheet is:(1-0.321)x1692=1149 N/m2(Attraction) Standard Deadload(1),Deadload of Perforated Al SheetThickness of Al sheet is 3mm with punching ratio 32.1%. For the strength of material is decided by youngs modulus and moment of inertia,ie rigidness:EI,

11、in which E is youngs modulus and I is moment of inertia. In this design, the sheet is uniform with holes laid out uniformly. So we can assume that the moment of inertia of the perforated sheet equals with Al sheet with the same dimension multiply (1-0.321). Again, for El is a fixed value, so we can

12、use a equivalent mock-up, ie: Decrease E without changing I, the youngs modulus of the original sheet E=0.7x105N/mm2.So equivalent youngs modulus of perforated sheet E1 =0.7 x105 x(1-0.321)=0.4573 x105N/mm2.The same,the equilavent compensation density of perforated sheet is:2.8 x10-6x(1-0.321)=1.9 x

13、10-6 kg/mm3Deadload of perforated Al sheet is auto-calculated by ANSYS with gravity acceleration 9.8m/s2.(2),Al Frame and Reinforcement BarYoungs modulus of frame and reinforcement bar E=0.7 x105 N/mm2。Density: 2.8 x10-6 kg/mm3Deadload of perforated Al sheet is auto-calculated by ANSYS with overall

14、gravity acceleration 9.8m/s2.1.1.3 Load CombinationStrength calculation:1.0deadload+1.2windloadDeflection calculation:1.0deadload+1.0windload(BS8118-1 3.2.3Table 3.1)1.1.4 Strength Calculation1.1.4.1 Design LoadIn this design, unifromly distributed windload on the Al sheet is: 1.2x1.149x10-3=1.379 x10-3 N/mm2Deadload of perforated Al sheet is auto-calculated by ANSYS with overall gravity acceleration 9.8m/s2.Simulate frame and reinforcement bar with beam 188 of ANSYS, simulate perforated Al sheet with shell 163. Confine the moveme


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