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1、短语 一) 1. give up放弃,认输 2. letin 使进入 3mountains of 大量的4be in danger 处于险境5in order to do 为了做6a kind of (某)种7get back to 回到上8cause to do 引起;造成9. notbut 不是而是10. answer to 的答案11in the form of 以的形式12. be different from 与不同13. keepfrom doing 使与分开跟踪练习 一、 根据中文意思完成句子。1 如果你在铁路上行走,那是很危险的。Youll be _ _ if you walk

2、 on railway line.2 请让他进来。Please _ him _.3请不要让那些孩子在河里游泳。Please _ the children from _ in the river.4我们离题了,让我们回到刚才讨论的议题吧。Were away from our topic. Let us _ _ _ the subject we were discussing.5她父亲戒了烟-Her father _ _ smoking.6你的看法同我的看法并无多大区别。Your ideas are not much _ _ mine7 这孩子对老师提出的问题回答很快。The boy gave a

3、 quick _ _ the teachers question.8他不是歌唱家,而是个作家。He is _ a singer _ a writer.二、 根据句意选择方框内的词组填空。kind of, in the form of, mountains of, in order to 1. My garden is _ a square.2. John served me with _ whisky.3. He started early _ catch the bus.4. We must overcome(克服) _ difficulties our study. 二) 1. put o

4、ut 扑(火)2. go to prison 坐牢3. take a holiday 休假4. notuntil 直到才5. pay a fine of 付款6. give a reason 说明原因7. get sth done 使完成让某人做某事9. as manymuch as 和一样多10. know of 知道(熟悉)11. warmup 使活跃起来12. prefer to do 喜欢愿意做13. inform sb about/ of sth 通知某人 14. help sb with sth 帮助某人(做)某事15. take sth with sb 随身携带16. ask s

5、b for help 向某人寻求帮助17. the same as 和一样跟踪练习 一、根据中文意思完成句子。 1 请注意你的书写。 _ _ _ your handwriting, please. 2 他们一起在公园前照了一张相。They _ a photograph _ in front of the park3 约翰上个月坐牢了。John _ _ _ last month.4 请给我说明你做这件事的原因吧。 _ me a _ for doing it, please. 5 我愿意等到天黑。I _ _ wait until evening:6我用一盆水把火扑灭了。I _ _ the fire

6、 with a basin of water.7他们通常每年休一个月的假。They usually _ a months _ every year.8我听说过这部电影,但是我还没有看。I _ _ the film but I havent seen it yet. 二 、选择词组填空as many as, as much as, as many, as much 1. Take _ you like.2. You may try _ times as he could.3. On the continent of Africa, there are _700languages.三、 根据汉语意

7、思用like, belike或would like填空。1 她长得像她妈妈。She _ her mother.2我想参加你的生日聚会。I _ to come to your birthday party.3他喜欢周末去爬山。He _ going climbing at weekends.Reading A 1 The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass. 环绕地球的大气层像玻璃一样发挥作用。解读:句中的like不能用as代替,因为大气和玻璃不属于同类。like与as区别如下:like侧重A、B两者间的比较,并不意味着A和B属于一类或完全相似;

8、as则侧重于同一性质,意味着A、B两者属于同一类事物或完全相似的事物,as还可以意为“作为,看作”。例如:The boy climbed up the tree like a monkey. 这个男孩像猴子那样爬树。He wanted to be an engineer as his father was before him. 他想象他父亲那样当一名工程师。As a teacher, she is strict with h her students. 作为一名教师,她严格要求学生。 2 it is keeping in too much heat! 大气中正保存着太多的热量。解读:句中to

9、o much后面修饰不可数名词,如果是可数名词用too many。注意区别too much和much too:too much意思是“太多的”,too是用来加强much的,后面接不可名词。 much too意思是“非常,太”,much是来加强too的,后面接形容词或副词。例如: There is too much water on the floor. 地板上有很多水Its much too hot.天气太热了。 3 In order to save our world the book is asking us to become “green consumers”. 为了拯救我们的世界,这

10、本书呼吁我们做“绿色消费者”。解读:句中in order to:后面要跟动词原形;为“为了目的”。例如:He studies hard in order to go to high school. 他努力学习就为了考上高中。【巩固练习】 选择最佳答案填空。1. He felt uncomfortable because he ate _.A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too2. She got up early _ catch the first busA. because B. in order to C. for D. becaus

11、e of3. He picked up some small hard things _ stones by the river.A. like B. look like C. as D. the same asReading B 4 Whats the answer to all our pollution problems? 我们所有有关环境污染问题的答案是什么k?解读:以上句子中注意the answer to搭配中的“to”不能换作of等其他介词,类似搭配有: the key to the door(这个门的钥匙);the key to success(成功的关键)。 5 My sist

12、er returned last month after living abroad for five years. 我的姐姐在外国居住了五年后,上个月回来。解读:以上句子是一个简单句,句子中的after作介词,后面跟名词,名词词组, 或时间短语,如果跟动词要用ing形式,例如: After the meeting, Lucy began to design the sports; section of the school newspaper. 会议后,露西开始设计校服的运动版。My parents went out s shopping after making a list. 我的父母列好清单后外出购物。He came back after two days. 他两天后就回来了。 after也能用于复合句,在复合句中作连词引导时间状语从句,如以上句句子可以改写为 My sister returned last month after she had lived abroad for five years. 6 A hundred years ago,most people died in their 40s. 一百年前,大部分人在40多岁时就去世了。(40s读作:forties)解读:表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几


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