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1、 影视英语口语连读、略读、断句、重音、语调等发音规则! 1 连读 发音规章一辅音+元音 一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,拼读成“辅音+元音”。 讲解:你还记得汉语拼音中有些单词xi”an(西安)、ku”ai(热爱)吗?假如去掉隔音符,就成了xian(先)、kuai(快)了。英文中几乎全部的句子都是从头拼到尾,简洁地说:连音就是两个单词相遇能拼读就拼,不能拼读就让过。 例如:Takeiteasy 短语练习(大声读出来喔): 1.faraway It”s not faraway from here. 2.inanhour I should be there in

2、anhour. 3.lateron I”m going to see a movie lateron . 4.putiton Here”s your sweater. Putiton. 5.standup Standup and stretch for a while. 6.takecareof I”ll always take careof you . 7.takeiteasy Takeiteasy! Everything is going to be fine. 8.takeoff Please fasten your seat belt. we will takeoff shortly.

3、 9.thereare Thereare forty students in my class. 10、workout I workout every day to keep fit. 句子练习: eon!cheerup! 2.keepitup! 3.never giveup! 4.I meanit. 5.I”ve gota lotof work to do. 6.May I havea cupof milk? 7.What do you thinkofit? 发音规章二元音+元音 一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,则在两个元音之间加上一个稍微的 j 或 w

4、的音,拼读成“元音+ j 或 w +元音”。 i:或e结尾的元音+j+元音 1、see ussee j us Come and seeus again soon. 2、be overbe j over It will beover soon. 3、be ablebe j able Will you beable to come tomorrow? 4、say it say j it Could you sayit again please? 5、pay Ann pay j Ann Please payAnn her salary. 以u:或 结尾的元音+w+元音 1、do itdo w it

5、Don”t doit again. 2、go upgo w up Let”s goupstairs and have dinner. 3、show usshow w us Can you showus something else. 注:元音与元音的连音是一种自然滑过后带出来的音。当你的发音接近流利时,你会发觉不用刻意去发 j 和 w 就可以有效果,所以尽管放松地去练习,仿照是第一教师。 发音规章三省略【h】的连读 在连音规章中,以“h”开头的单词 h 音近乎省略。由于 h 发音很特别只是出气没有摩擦,所以拼读时似乎被省略了。 1、Doeshe know? 2、Whathappened? 3、

6、Please givehim a hand! What do you do for a living?这句话怎么连读? 三分钟视频一边看,一边练。 2 略读 英文最明显的语音规章除了连读外,就是略读了。爆破音和爆破音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称为失爆;爆破音和其他辅音相邻,该爆破音不完全爆破。英语语音中的失爆和不完全爆破现象,我们简称为“略读”。略读是英语语音学习的重点,也是一个难点,把握好略读,也就把握了地道英语发音的制胜法宝! 留意:略读时并不是把整个音丢掉,而是发音时点到为止,有口型不发音或稍微发音。 重要学术名词-爆破音:p b t d k g 1 爆破音+爆破音=失

7、去爆破 Tips: 六个爆破音中任意两个相遇,一个爆破音后紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面一个音点到为止,形成阻碍,但不发生爆破;其次个音完全爆破;若其次个爆破音在词尾,则必需轻化。 以一个爆破音结尾并以同一个爆破音开头时,只发一次音,前一个音只做好发音预备而不发音,直接发其次个音。 单词内失爆 1.active=a(c)tive k+t Students are encouraged to be active in class. 2.blackboard=blac(k)board k+b Our class has a large blackboard. 3.dictation=di(k)tati

8、on k+t We”ll have dictation today. 4.football=foo(t)ball t+b There is going to be a football match tonight. Shall we watch it together? 5.goodbye=goo(d)bye d+b She waved me goodbye. 句子内失爆 以上列举的失爆和不完全爆破现象,都发生在单词内,实际上,在一个句子或者词组中,相邻的两个单词消失失爆和不完全爆破现象的几率要大于消失在单词内。 1.Stop talking!=Sto(p)-talking! 2.I don”

9、t care.=I don”(t) -care. 3.I had a bad cold.=I had a ba(d)-cold. 2爆破音t和d+鼻辅音m和n 爆破音t和d后面紧跟鼻辅音m和n,t和d形成阻碍,在词末必需通过鼻腔爆破;发音时,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,稍放开立即贴回,从爆破音到鼻音舌位不变,让气流通过鼻腔冲出,在词中则不完全爆破。 t和d+m和n在词末 1. Britain tn Britain is made up of England, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland. 2、certain tn They are certain to agre

10、e. 3、frighten tn The high prices frighten off many customers. t和d+m和n在词中 1、admire=a(d)mire d=m I really admire your enthusiasm. 2、admit=a(d)mit d+m She admits to being strict with her children. 3、goodness=goo(d)ness d+n Thank goodness! t和d+m和n在句中 1、Good morning!=Goo(d)-morning! 2、Let me take a look.

11、=Le(t)-me take a look. 3、I don”t know what to say.=I don”(t)-know what to say. 3 爆破音t和d+舌边音l 爆破音t和d后面紧跟舌边音l,则必需由舌两边爆破,这种状况多发生在词尾。爆破音爆破音t和d后面紧跟清楚舌边l,则为不完全爆破。 t和d+l在词末 1.battle t+l Any soldiers were killed in the battle. 2.gentle t+l His soap is very gentle on the hands. 3.little t+l I”m a little tire

12、d. 4.settle t+l The company has agreed to settle out of court. 5.title t+l Give your name and title。 t和d+l在词中 1.heartless=hear(t)less t+l The decision does seem a little heartless. 2.lately=la(te)ly t+l Have you seen him lately? 3.badly=ba(d)ly d+l Things have been going badly. 4.needless=nee(d)less d+l Banning somking would save needless deaths. t和d+l在句中 1.


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