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1、 2022年职称英语等级考试综合AB级模拟试题(一)4下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请认真阅读短文并依据短文答复其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。第1篇Milosevics DeathFormer Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic was found dead last Saturday in his cell at the Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The 64-year-old had

2、 been on trial there since February 2022.Born in provincial Pozarevac in 1941, he was the second son of a priest and a school teacher. Both of his parents died when he was still a young adult. The young Milosevic was “untypical”, says Slavoljub Djukic, his unofficial biographer. He was “not interest

3、ed in sports, and avoided excursions and used to come to school dressed in the old-fashioned way white shirt and tie.” One of his friends said, he could “imagine him as a station-master or punctilious civil servant”.Indeed that is exactly what he might have become, had he not married Mira. She was w

4、idely believed to be his driving force.At university and beyond he did well. He worked for various firms and was a communist party member. By 1986 he was head of Sebias Committer. But still he had not yet really been noticed.It was Kosovo that gave him his chance. An autonomous province of Serbia, K

5、osovo was home to an Albanian majority and a Serbian minority. In 1989, he was sent there to calm fears of Serbians who felt they were discriminated against. But instead he played the nationalist card and became their champion. In so doing, he changed into a ruthless and determined man. At home with

6、 Mira he plotted the downfall of his political enemies. Conspiring with the director of Serbian TV, he mounted a modern media campaign which aimed to get him the most power in the country.He was elected Serbian president in 1990. In 1997, he became president of Yugoslavia. The rest of the story is w

7、ell-known: his nationalist card caused Yugoslavias other ethnic groups to fight for their own rights, power and lands. Yugoslavia broke up when four of the six republics declared independence in 1991. war started and lasted for years and millions died. Then Western counties intervened. NATO bombed Y

8、ugoslavia, and he eventually stepped down as state leader in 2022.Soon after this, Serbias new government, led by Zoran Djindjic, arrested him and sent him to face justice at the Yugoslav was crimes tribunal in the Hague.1. where did Milosevic die?A in a basementB in prisonC in a small room考试大(Examd

9、a。com)D in his own country2. Which of the following is NOT true of the young Milosevic?A he dressed in a pretty old-fashioned wayB he was not interested in sportsC he was an ordinary personD he was extremely ambitious3. All of the following persons in one way or another changed his fate expectA. Mir

10、aB His parentsC Zoran Djindjichttp:/D The director of Serbian TV4. Why was Milosevic sent to Kosovo in 1989?A to handle economic issuesB to drive Albanians back to their own countiesC to remove the Serbians fears that they were discriminated againstD to launch an attack against his political enemies

11、5. What happed in 1991?A Yugoslavia broke upB Western counties intervenedC NATO bombed YugoslaviaD Milosevic was arrested标准答案: B,D,B,C,A.xamda.CoM解析:1. Milosevic(米洛舍维奇)s Death1. B。 解析:问题问“米洛舍维奇在哪里去世的?”该题是细节题,问题问及米洛舍维奇的去世,因此关注文章开头局部涉及到米洛舍维奇去世的句子(方法:利用问题句中的细节词die及其相关词(death, dead(死的, 废弃了的,完全地), pass a

12、way(去世)作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句)。提示:文章后面的细节题一般根据文章的进展挨次涉及。Former(以前的, 从前的) Yugoslav (南斯拉夫的)leader(领导人) Slobodan (史洛波登)Milosevic was found (被发觉)dead last(最近的, 最终的,持续) Saturday(星期天) in his cell(单身牢房)at the Hague(海牙)-based (位于.的,以.为根底的)International(国际的) Criminal (犯罪的)Tribunal(法庭)for the former Yugoslavia.答

13、案相关句在文章开头的第一句:该句说“米洛舍维奇在位于海牙的前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭的牢房里去世”。因此B是答案。2.D. 解析:问题问“有关年轻的米洛舍维奇的事情以下哪个说法不正确?”该问题也是细节题,因此顺着上一题的位置放下查找答案相关句(方法:利用问题句中的细节信息词young Milosevic作为答案线索词):(第2段) Born (诞生的)in provincial(省的) Pozarevac in 1941, he was the second son of a priest(牧师) and a school teacher(教师). Both of his parents died

14、 when he was still a young adult. The young Milosevic was “untypical” (与C全都), says Slavoljub Djukic, his unofficial(非官方的) biographer(传记). He was “not interested in sports(与B全都), and avoided(避开) excursions(巡游,短途旅行)and used to (过去经常)come to school dressed in the old-fashioned way(与A全都) white shirt and

15、 tie.” One of (一个)his friends(朋友) said, he could “imagine him as (把.想象成.)a station-master (车站站长) or punctilious(拘泥于细节的,一丝不苟的) civil(公民的) servant(仆人)(公务员)”.(第3段)Indeed(确凳? that is exactly(正好, 准确地) what he might have become(原来可能成为), had he not married Mira(虚拟语气(=if he hadnt married Mira):假设他当时没有与Mira结婚的话). She was widely(广泛地) believed(认为, 信任) to be his driving force(推动力).第3段的答案相关句说“人们普遍认为Mira是米洛舍维奇的推动力, 假如米洛舍维奇当时没有和Mira结婚的话, 他可能就是一个一丝不苟的公务员而已”, 依据这句话的内容推断出米洛舍维奇本人很可能并不是一个很有理想的人, 因此D是答案。3.解析:该题问“以下列举的人中除了谁以外, 其他的人都以这



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