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1、北师大版英语八年级上册一单元语法及所需掌握短语Unit 1 FREE TIME现在进行时,现在进行时表示将来的用法, 一般过去时,表示频率的副词, like+名词/动名词的用法,打电话的习惯用语,兴趣爱好语法:一、现在进行时 主语+be动词+现在分词(动词的ing形式)+其他现在分词的构成规则是: 1)大多数动词直接在词尾加-ing,例如:go-going, work-working, study-studying, look-looking等。 2)以不发音的e字母结尾的动词,需去掉e再加-ing,例如:make-making, write-writing, skate-skating等。

2、3)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写这一辅音字母,再加-ing。例如:run-running, swim-swimming等。及begin 和 star符合现在分词构成规则的第三点.listen /lisn/重读在第一个音节上,不符合第三点,所以他属于规则变化,直接加ing就好了.至于open是双写n加ing的。1. 现在进行时的基本用法:a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。例如:Mr. Green is writing anot

3、her novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)c. 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如:The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。Its getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。d. 与always, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。2. 现在进行时表示将来的用法下列动词come, go,

4、 arrive, leave, start, begin, return等表示位置移动的动词现在进行时可以表示将来。例如:Im leaving tomorrow. 明天我要走了。Are you staying here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗?二、一般过去时1. 通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、动作或情况。Eg. Sam phoned a moment ago.I got up at eight this morning.2. 还可以表示刚刚发生的事情而没说明时间。Eg. Did the telephone ring? Who left the door

5、open?3. 也可以表示过去的习惯性动作。Eg. I smoked 40 cigarettes a day till I gave up.与一般过去时连用的时间状语:yesterday, last week/Sunday/year, ago, just noweg. I met Lily yesterday. I went to Dalian last summer. I was a good student 5 years ago. He had dinner just now.一般过去时的构成:(1)有be的句子am/iswas arewereeg.肯定句:He was a cook 2

6、 years ago. They were at school yesterday. 否定句:He was not a cook 2 years ago.They were not at school yesterday. 一般疑问句: Was he a cook 2 years ago?Yes, he was. /No, he wasnt.Were they at school yesterday?Yes, they were. /No, they werent.(2)行为动词的一般过去式。规则动词的变化规则:一般动词直接加-ed以e结尾的动词直接加-d以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加ed以

7、重读闭音节结尾,词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后这个辅音字母,再加ed 不规则动词变化需参看不规则动词表逐一熟记。(和一般过去分词一起记忆)。基本句式:词汇:1.a lot of(lots of)许多(可以和可数名词和不可数名词连用,一般用于肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中常用many或much)A lot of students went roller-skating yesterday afternoon.We had lots of homework last week.2.go to the movies(theater)去看电影(看戏)Are you going to the theate

8、r this evening?今晚你去看戏吗?Would you like to go to the movies with us?你愿意跟我们一块儿去看电影吗?3.a member of成员之一,一分子She is a member of the family.她是家庭的成员之一。I hear he is a member of the football club.我听说他是那个足球俱乐部的会员。4.have a good time过得很愉快,玩得很痛快Did you have a good time at the party yesterday evening?昨天的晚会上你玩得痛快吗?W

9、e had a good time at Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.暑假里我们在北戴河海滨过得很愉快。5.enjoy oneself过得快活,玩得痛快Did you enjoy yourself last Sunday?上星期日你玩得痛快吗?All of them enjoyed themselves very much at her birthday party.在她的生日聚会上他们都玩得非常愉快。6.What do you think of?你对有何想法?你认为如何?What do you think of the book?你认为那本书怎

10、么样?What do you think of him?你认为他这个人怎么样?I think of him as a happy person with lots of friends.我认为他是个快乐的、有很多朋友的人。7.take a course(class)学一门课程He is going to take a French class.他想修一门法语课。I want to take a course on the history of European countries.我想要上欧洲国家史课。8.helpwith帮助(某人)做Can you help me with my homew

11、ork, Tom?汤姆,帮我做作业好吗?Please help me with the work in the garden.请帮我修整一下花园。She had a servant to help her with the housework and cooking.她有一个仆人帮她干家务和做饭。9.get ready for为做好准备,准备做Have you got ready for the journey?你做好旅行准备了吗?They got ready for the attack.他们已准备发起攻击。Wed better get ready for leaving here.我们最好

12、准备离开这里吧。Has everything got ready for the dinner party?宴会的一切准备都就绪了吗?10.take photos拍照,摄影Photos are forbidden here.此处禁止拍照。He took a photo of her behind her back.他偷偷给她拍了一张照片。May I take a photo of your sitting room?我可以拍一张你家客厅的照片吗?11.go shopping去购物He has gone shopping.She went shopping at a supermarket.她去

13、超级市场买东西去了。12.on a farm在农场He works on a farm.他在农场工作。They worked on a three-hundred-acre farm when they were young.他们年轻时曾在一个占地300英亩的农场工作。13.on ones own靠自己;独自Can you finish your homework on your own?你能自己独立完成家庭作业吗?I cant carry the wooden box on my own, its too heavy.我自己扛不动这只木箱,它太重了。He has lived on his o

14、wn since last year.他从去年起就独自一人生活了。14.on time按时,准时The plane arrived on time.飞机准时到达。Be here tomorrow on time.明天准时到这儿来。He is always on time, never keeps you waiting.他一向准时,从来不会让你等候。15.arrive at (in)到达The train arrived at the station on time.火车准时到站。When will you arrive at the airport?你什么时候到达机场?Please give

15、 us a phone call when you arrive in Paris.到巴黎时请打电话给我们。特殊疑问词(7W7H)What 对物品名称或事件进行提问 who 对人物进行提问 where 对地点进行提问which对特征进行提问 when对时间进行提问 whose对物品所属进行提问why对原因进行How 对方式方法,身体,天气进行提问 how old 对年龄进行提问how much对价钱或不可数名词的数量进行提问how long 对+时间段进行提问 how far对距离进行提问how many 对数量进行提问后加可数名词复数how soon对+时间段进行提问 how often 对频率进行提


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