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1、3.Youre a good baseball player.你是一名很好的棒球运动员。 Why dont you play a game with us? 你为什么不和我们一起玩呢? I dont want to do it right now. 我不想马上做这个。4.Youre a good cook. 你是一名好厨师。 Why dont you make some pancakes? 你为什么不一做些薄煎饼呢? I dont want to do it by myself. 我不想自己做。5.We need one more runner.我们还需要一名赛跑运动员。 Whos the b

2、est runner? 谁是最好的赛跑运动员? Pete runs the fastest. Pete跑得最快。6.We need a basketball player.我们需要一名篮球运动员。 Whos the best basketball player?谁是最好的篮球运动员? Jim plays basketball the best. 吉姆篮球玩得最好。 Lesson 2 Can I Join You? 第二课,我能和你们一起参加吗?一、 单词practice/prkts/练习;prepare/prpe/准备;agree/ri:/同意;bring/br/带来;test/test/检验

3、测试;proud/ prad/骄傲;cookie/ kk/小甜饼; during/dr/在.期间;excited/ksatd/令人激动的;without/ wat/没有;drummer/drm/鼓手;pack/pk/收拾行李,装箱;had better 最好 二、 句子1.May I come in?我可以进来吗? Yes,you may. 是的,可以。 What are you doing?你正在做什么? We are practicing for the talent show.我们正在为演唱会做练习。 Can I join you?我能参加吗? Sorry! Youre too youn

4、g.对不起,你太小了。 Im a good pianist.我是一名优秀的钢琴演奏家。 Without a pianist, you cant make a good band. 没有钢琴演奏家,你们不能组成好的乐队。2.It doesnt sound right.听起来有点不对。Something is missing.好像缺点什么。Whats that sound?那是什么声音?Qiaoqiao is playing the piano.乔乔,正在弹钢琴。We need a pianist, dont we?我们需要一名钢琴家,是吗?Yes,we do.是的。What about you,

5、 Xiaoxiao?你说呢,肖肖?I agree with you.我同意你的想法。Id better bring him back. 我最好让他回来。3.We are practicing for the talent show.我们正在为演唱会做练习。I am making a cake for the birthday party.我正在为生日宴会制做蛋糕。What is Xiaoxiao doing?肖肖正在做什么?He is preparing for the test.他正在准备考试。What is Jenny doing? Jenny正在做什么?She is packing fo

6、r the picnic.她正在为野餐打包裹。4. We need a drummer, dont we?我们需要一位鼓手,是吗?No, we dont.不,我们不需要。5. You want some more hot chocolate, dont you?你想再要些热巧克力,对吗?No, I dont.不,我不想。6.You want some more cookies, dont you?你想再要些小甜品对吗?Yes, I do.是的。-Lesson 3 What Happened to You?第三课,你怎么啦?一、 单词guy /a/家伙,小伙子(口) ;terrible/terb

7、l/极度的,严重的; champion/tmpjn/冠军;winner/wn/获胜者;congratulation/knrtjulen/祝贺; race/res/赛跑;win/wn/赢;prize/praz/奖品;hug /h/拥抱 ; turn/tn/次序;weather/we/天气;subject/sbdekt/科目,学科;contest/kntest/比赛,竞赛; important/mprtnt/重大的,重要的; mistake/mstek/错误;down/dan/情绪低落;沮丧的;二、句子1.I have to go to the bathroom.我要去洗手间。 When is o

8、ur turn?什么时候轮到我们? Were next.下一个就是我们。 Lets go.咱们走。 The winner is Betty Smith.优胜者是Betty Smith。 Lets give her a big hand.大家一起为她鼓掌。 Congratulations!祝贺。 You won the first prize.你获得了一等奖。2.How was the talent show? 演唱会怎么样?Not bad.It wasnt too bad.还不算太坏。There were so many bands.有很多乐队参加了演出。You look down.你好像很泄

9、气的样子。What happened to you?发生了什么事?I made a terrible mistake.我犯了一个很大的错误。We didnt win the prize.我们没得到奖。Thats okay.没关系。Thats not important. 那并不重要。You did your best.你已经尽力了。You can do it better next time.下次你会做得更好。3.You won the race!你赢得了赛跑比赛。The champion is Jim Williams!冠军是Jim Williams!Lets give him a big

10、hand.大家一起为他鼓掌。4.How was the contest?竞赛怎么样?It was good.挺好的。I won the first prize.我获得了一等奖。Thats great! Im proud of you.太棒了,我为你感到骄傲。-Lesson 4 How about a pizza?第四课,比萨饼怎么样?一、 单词volume/ vlju:m/音量;loud/lad/大声的;address/dres/地址;avenue/vinju:/ 大街;order/:d/点菜;dessert/dz:t/甜点;breakfast/brekfst/早饭;lunch/lnt/午饭;

11、dinner/dn/晚饭;already/:lred/已经;usually/juul/通常;sometimes/smtamz/有时;never/nev/从不;terrible/terbl/太糟糕;a quarter/kw:t/一刻钟;turn up 把调高;二、句子1.I cant hear the TV.我听不到电视的声音。Please turn up the volume.请把声音调大点。Its already a quarter to twelve.现在已经是差十五分十二点啦。What do you want for lunch?午餐你们想吃什么?Turn down the volume

12、, please.请把声音调低点。The TV is too loud, now.现在电视声音太大了。Do you want a pizza for lunch?午餐你们想吃比萨饼吗?Yes. We usually eat pizza on Sunday.星期天我们一般吃比萨饼。2.How can I help you? 我能为你做点什么?Id like to order a pizza, please.我想订一份比萨饼。Could you tell me your address?可以告诉我你的地址吗?1325 Maple Avenue.枫树街1325号。Whats your phone n

13、umber?你的电话号码是多少?345-9076.3.Its already ten to nine.现在已经是差十分九点了。Do you want pancakes for breakfast?早餐你们想吃苹果饼吗?Yes. We sometimes eat pancakes on Monday.是的,星期一我们有时吃苹果饼。Its already five to seven.现在已经是差五分七点了。Do you want some peaches for dessert?你们想吃点桃做为餐后甜点吗?No. I never eat peaches.不,我从来不吃桃。4.Happy Day P

14、izza.How can I help you?这里是快乐的日子比萨饼店,我能为你做点什么?Hi! Id like to order a pizza, please.你好,我想订一份比萨饼。Whats your address, please?请问你的地址在那里?1089 Sunshine Street.阳光大街1089号。-Lesson 5 What kind of pizza Do You Want?第五课,你想要哪一种比萨饼?一、单词size/saz/尺寸; medium/mi:djm/中号; large/l:d/大的;pair/p/对,双;slice/slas/片,块;cardigan/k:dgn/羊毛衫;cheese /ti:z/pizza/pits/芝士披萨; arrive



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