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1、美国侵权法(中英文)HEAMERICAN LAW JbSTITUTETHE LAW, THIRD, TORTSRestatement of the Law , Third , Torts by The American Law Institute 美国法学会侵权法第三次重述Part One: In toduction of Torts侵权法概述Part Two : Apportionment of Liability( Rule Sections )第一部分:责任分担Part Three: Products Liability产品责任Part One: In toduction of Tort

2、s侵权法概述在美国,侵权法主要属于各州的法律范畴, 而且主要由判例法组成。侵权行为可 分为故意侵权行为(intentional tort)、过失侵权行为(negligenee or neglige nt tort) 和严格责任侵权行为(strict liability tort).对侵权行为的一般救济方法是对侵权行为所造成的损害予以一定的金钱补偿,在涉及交通事故等领域的侵权赔偿已广范采用了保险赔偿的方式。Part One: In troduction基本概念1. The law of tort is still the source of most civil suits in the Uni

3、tedStates, with damage claims for automobile accide nts tak ing first place. Many circumsta nces con tribute to this: (a) the plai ntiff in an America n civil suit is ordin arily en titled to try his claim before a jury which will often-andunderstandably-relymore on human than on legalcon sideratio

4、ns, for in sta nee whe n a child has bee n injured in an automobile accident or through a defective product of a large enterprise;(b) Compe nsatio n and damages in clude not only the actual loss but also the in ta ngibledamage. A pla in tiff can therefore ofte n play on the huma nreaction of the jur

5、y: for instanee, what is appropriate compensation for a permanent disability such as the loss of a limb? (c) American law permits the participatio n of the attor ney in the pla in tiff s recovery (contingent fee) which not un com monly amounts to 25 to 33 perce nt of the verdict. As a result of all

6、of these factors, a tort action maybe a lengthy proceeding, result in large expe nses, for in sta nee through hono raria for experts (which may deter the small plaintiff from suing at all), and may end in the award of a very large verdict. It is no linger uncommorthat a jury will aware a verdict in

7、excess of$ 100,000. These con diti ons have bee nthe touchst one for several reform en deavors which will be discussed inmore detail below. 在美国,侵权行为法产生的诉讼仍是大多民事诉讼案件的主要来源, 其中基于交 通事故产生的损害赔偿案件居于首位。很多因素造成了这一现象:(a)在美国民事诉讼案件中的原告通常利用法律赋予他的诉讼权利主张赔偿, 因为陪审团更 多的是基于可以理解的人性考虑而非法律考虑, 例如当一个孩子在一起交通事故 或因购买大公司的瑕疵产品而受

8、到伤害往往能得到陪审团的同情理解。(b)补偿费和损害赔偿金不仅包括实际的损害而且包括了无形损害。 原告经常可以利用 陪审团的人性反应: 比如,当永久的失去肢体时怎样才算是一个适当的赔偿金额。(c)美国法律允许律师分享原告所获得的赔偿金(胜诉酬金)。这种酬金达到 法院判付赔偿金金额的百分之二十五到百分之三十的情况并非罕见。 由于以上所 有因素的存在,在侵权案件中若想获得巨额的赔偿金必将经历一个冗长的审判过 程。这方面的一个例子是在陪审团对一个重大的侵权案件做出裁决后, 专家(证 人)的酬金可能是“渺小”的原告所获得的损害赔偿金的全部。陪审团做出一个 超过 100,000美元的裁决已不再是不可能的

9、,而是极其常见的。这些因素都将 成为若干改革努力的试金石,我们将在下文中更多的讨论其细节。2. Tort law and the law of contracts often overlap since an injured party frequently has the choice between a tort claim(for instance, unauthorized use of property-conversion-or personal injury)and a suit in contract,for instance, in implied contract or,

10、in the case of personal injuries, for breach of warranty. Since the law of torts permits the recovery of intangible damage(which is usually not the case with respect to contract claims), the plaintiff will ordinarily choose the tort claim for personal injuries when the facts so permit.侵权行为法常常与合同法产生竞

11、合, 受损害的一方也常常在侵权之诉 (例如将未 经授权使用的财产转移和因非法占有他人财产所造成的个人损害) 和违约之诉中 做出选择。 比如,在格式合同及在个人损害赔偿案件中或因为违反保证诺言的案 例中。因为侵权行为法还将赔偿无形损失 (而违约责任往往不赔偿无形的损失) , 因为侵权行为法如此的规定,在现实生活中原告往往选择它提起个人损害赔偿。3. Everyone is liable for his tortious act, in limited form also children (however, parents only then when they acted as the chi

12、ld s agent or did not comply with their duty to supervise), but not the state unless express statutory provision has abolished state immunity. 每个人都要对其侵权行为承担责任, 在有限的形式下儿童亦然 (但是,父母仅当 其作为该儿童之代理人或未能按照其监护义务行事时才负此责任) ,但国家不在 此例,除非法律明确规定取消了国家的豁免权。4. Everyone is protected against tortious acts, including the

13、 embryo. The heirs or next of kin may have a damage claim for the intentional ornegligent death of their relative or testator (wrongful death action).The statutes of some States provide protection, and a tort claim, to third parties for injuries arising out of the intoxication of the tortfeasor;unde

14、r these so-called dram-shop acts, a party injured as a result ofthe intoxication of the tortfeasor has a claim against him whocontributed to the tortfeasors intoxication.每个人包括婴儿都受到侵权法的保护。 继承人或近亲属可以提起损害赔偿之诉, 当其被继承人或近亲属被故意或过失导致死亡时 (非正常死亡之诉) 。一些州的 法律规定,对于第三方的行为使侵权行为人醉酒从而导致受害人受伤的可以提起 侵权之诉,这些规定被称为“小酒店法令”

15、,作为侵权行为人醉酒之结果而受到 伤害的一方有权向那些造成该侵权行为人醉酒的人提出索赔请求。5. Finally it should be emphasized again that the law of torts is, in the main, State Law.最后需要强调的是侵权行为法主要是各州的立法。Part Two: Intentional Torts 故意侵权The case law contains the usual catalogue of intentional torts. For instance: battery, assault, conversion of

16、property, false imprisonment, trespass to personal and real property. Some torts, for instance, alienation of affection have been abolished by statute in many States. Others, such as defamation, have recently been modified significantly through constitutional case law. New torts, unknown to the traditional common law, have also been introduced by the case law; particularly important amongthem are



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