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1、泰兴市大生小学“真课堂”教学备课用纸课题Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 课时1修改人教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说和会运用词汇too, trousers, gloves, so, party, dress,coat2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用日常用语Whoseis it/are they? Its/ Theyres.3. 能初步了解名词所有格的用法;区分表示程度的形容词too, so以及准确区分Whoseis it/are these? Its/ Theyres.的单复数形式用法。教学重难点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说和会运用词汇too, trousers,

2、 glove, so, jeans, shorts, party, dress 2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用日常用语Whoseis it/are these? Its/ Theyres.3. 能初步了解名词所有格的用法;区分表示程度的形容词too, so以及准确区分Whoseis it/are these? Its/ Theyres.的单复数形式用法。预习设计:Read after the tape 5 times.课前准备:PPT, tape, tape recorderStep1 Warm upT: What day is it today?S: Its.T: In such a

3、 warm day, what can you do?S: I can fly the kites. I can go to the park.T: Yes, you can enjoy this warm day. Do you want to go to the Disneyland? (并展示图片)S:Yes!T:Some good news for you. In Jun 1st, the park will hold a fancy dress party, all of you can dress up and join them.(教授party)简略展示参加化装舞会的准备过程“

4、Finish the tasks,and you will get the tickets to the party.”Step 2 Presentation and practiceT: We will go to the Fancy Dress Party. First, I think we should prepare for the party. We should wear different clothes, so lets go to the clothes shop and dress up ourselves.1. Enjoy a song “Clothes shop” a

5、nd say T: What clothes can you hear in this song?S: T-shirt/skirt/socks/shoesT: Yes, very good. 2. Learn the new words T: We also need to buy some other clothes, now look at the shelves. There are so many beautiful clothes. The first is “a coat”(教授新词,采用read it one by one、group by group等形式).dress/shi

6、rt/gloves/trousers方法如上3. Play a gameT: Please speak the words or pictures you can see再次巩固新词的读法4. Show time (不合身衣服的换装环节)T: The little girl goes to the clothes shop and wants to buy a dress. Look at her dress.S: Its too big. (too 太)T: Yes, we should change a smaller one for her. Now, lookat this one.

7、Is it beautiful?S: Yes ,its beautiful.男孩的shirt too small/ trousers too long 如上并附上Tips5. Lets learnBefore class, I took some clothes of the students. Lets guess.Whose .is this? Its .s.(Learn “whose”)两个对话Whose.are these? They are.s.(强调注意单复数的运用,及名词所有格的方法)T: Whose coat is this ? S: Its LiuTaos.T:Whose t

8、rousers are these? S:They are SuHais.6.Say a chant7.Lets talk列举了superman/barbie/Helen等人的例子,巩固句型T: All the students have found their clothes and dressed up already. Its time for the party, so shall we go. Lets watch the story time and answer my questions . Who are they and what are they talking about

9、?教案修改:Step3 Story time1. Watch and judge (1)T: What are they talking about?S:Clothes.(2)T: What clothes are they talking about ? Lets read and judge.S: Dress, trousers, gloves.2. Read and choose(Before the party).T: Before the party, Su Hai and Su Yang, they will prepare for the party. Read p38 and

10、choose. Su Yang chooses the pink dress at last. Su Hai chooses the green trousers at last.read after the tape.3. Read and complete(At the party).T:Read the conservation at p39 and discuss the question with your partner.A: Whose gloves are they? B: They are Su Hais fathers.A: How about these gloves?

11、B: They are so big.A: Whose dress is this? B: Its Helens cousins.(教授cousin 堂妹 表妹)A: How about this dress? B: Its so beautiful.T: Youre right. Good job. Try to say(试着用下面的句子说一说)This dress is s. Its too /so.These are s. Theyre too / soread after the tape.4. Try to follow, happy reading多种方式读Step4 Consol

12、idation1.Exercise2.Lets summary.主题升华:Please be modest in dress and behavior on any occasions.Step5 Homework1. Listen to the tape 5 times and try to recite.2.Copy the new words 3 times3.Talk your clothes with your friends or families.课堂练习:Unit6 Whose dress is this?Whose is this? Its sWhose are these? Theyre sThis . is s. Its too /so.These are s. Theyre too / so教学反思:教案修改统一用铅笔进行


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