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1、利率市场化对商业银行得影响及 对策摘 要利率市场化就是政府与中央银行放松与取消对利率得管制,使利率水平根据资金得市场供求关系来决定。利率市场化能够创造一个公平竞争得金融环境,从而提高金融系统得运作效率,促进经济得可持续发展。利率市场化就是我国金融改革迈出得重大一步,从1996年开始,我国开始了利率市场化得进程,经过20年得推进,在2015年10月24日,我国完成了利率市场化得改革。本文首先阐述了利率及利率市场化得意义与内涵,并探讨了实行利率市场化改革得必要性。其次,介绍了发达国家与发展中国家利率市场化得实践,得出国际经验对我国商业银行所带来得启示。然后再回顾我国利率市场化改革得进程,具体分析利


3、对策,对其她银行起到一个参考得作用,使我国商业银行更好地应对利率市场化得浪潮。关键词:利率市场化 东莞农村商业银行 影响 对策ABSTRACTInterest rate liberalization is the government and the central bank to relax and cancel the interest rate control, so that the level of interest rates in accordance with the market supply and demand of funds to determine、 The mar

4、ketization of interest rate can create a fair petition in the financial environment, so as to improve the operation efficiency of the financial system and promote the sustainable development of the economy, promote the sustainable development of economy、 Interest rate market is a major step in China

5、s financial reform, from the beginning of 1996, China began the process of marketization of interest rates, after 20 years of progress, Chinas interest rate market reform has made significant progress、Firstly, this paper expounds the meaning and connotation of interest rate and interest rate market,

6、 and discusses the necessity of implementing the reform of interest rate marketization、 Secondly, this paper introduces the practice of interest rate marketization between the developed countries and the developing countries, and draws the inspiration from the international experience to the mercial

7、 banks in China、 Review the process of interest rate marketization reform in China, and analyze the impact of interest rate marketization on Chinas mercial banks, on the basis of this, we can draw a conclusion that Chinas mercial banks should be in the interest rate market reform strategy、This paper

8、 discusses the impact of interest rate marketization on mercial banks mainly through the bination of theory and empirical analysis, the main use of the parative analysis, literature review, induction and other research methods、 The article focuses on the theory of interest rate and the interest rate

9、 market to explain, summed up Chinas marketoriented interest rate reform process, illustrates the necessity of Chinas marketoriented interest rate reform、 Secondly, through the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to explore Chinas marketoriented interest rate of mercial banks, and finally

10、 puts forward the coping strategies in China mercial banks in the process of interest rate marketization、The main innovation of this paper is reflected in previous studies in the micro level, there is little research on this specific aspect of a mercial bank, so this can be micro manifestation of th

11、e interest rate market concretely, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures according to the specific circumstances of the bank, the role of a reference for other banks、 To help Chinese mercial banks suit to interest rate marketization tide、Key words: Interest rate liberalization Dongguan R

12、ural mercial Bank Influence Strategy目 录一、引言1(一)选题背景及意义1(二)文献综述1二、利率市场化得国际经验及中国进程2(一)利率市场化得定义与特点2(二)外国得利率市场化改革进程3(三)中国得利率市场化改革进程5三、利率市场化对东莞农村商业银行产生得影响7(一)东莞农村商业银行得经营与财务状况7(二)利率市场化带来得影响8四、利率市场化改革进程中东莞农商行得应对策略10(一)实施差异化战略定位,实现特色化发展10(二)全面推行利率风险管理10(三)大力发展中间业务,注重金融创新11(四)建立合理得存贷款定价体制11(五)积极引进与培育人才,提高利率风

13、险管理得人才储备11五、总结12参考文献13致 谢14利率市场化对商业银行得影响及对策以东莞农村商业银行为例一、引言 (一)选题背景及意义自1996年起,中国开始了利率市场化得进程,虽然过程比较缓慢,但就是走得非常稳健。由于利率得变动对经济得发展有着十分重要得作用,所以我国长期实行利率管制政策,保持着利率得稳定性。国有商业银行与股份制银行已经习惯了被动接受由政府制定得存贷款利率,导致商业银行自主根据市场定价得能力严重缺失。随着我国经济体制由计划经济转向市场经济,固定得利率开始制约我国经济得发展,阻碍了资金得有效配置,反应市场中真实得供求关系。因此,利率市场化得改革对我国经济得发展及金融发展显得

14、尤其重要。本文在我国利率市场化进程得基础上,总结国内外关于利率市场化对银行业得产生得影响得有关研究文献,并借鉴其她国家利率市场化改革得先进经验,以东莞农村商业银行为例分析利率市场化对我国商业银行产生得影响,归纳出银行业应对利率市场化改革得有效措施,着重为东莞农村商业银行提出风险管理、差异化定位、业务创新、投资管理等方面得建议,借此为其她商业银行应对利率市场化提供参考案例。(二)文献综述 1、国外文献综述1973年,随着布雷顿森林体系瓦解,从此金融自由化浪潮拉开了序幕。这场革命起源于发达国家,随后席卷了亚洲等国家,各国纷纷开始了利率市场化得改革。Tom(2013),认为在金融利率市场化改革得驱使




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