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1、1. If the pressure is 0.01 atm at an altitude of 38 km and 0.001 atm at 57 km, what is it at 19 km (ignoring temperature variations)?2. At an altitude of 50 km, the average atmospheric temperature is essentially 0C. What is the average number of air molecules per cubic centimeter of air at this alti

2、tude?3. 请计算标准状态下1ppmv甲烷、0.5ppmv二甲基硫(CH3SCH3)的摩尔浓度和质量浓度。在压力为5hPa、温度为-20时又是多少?(假定均为理想气体)4. 已知20时水的饱和蒸气压为2.34kPa,请分别计算20相对湿度为20%和55%时空气中水蒸气的体积浓度和质量浓度。(假定为理想气体)5. 术语翻译Fate, transport运输, transformation转换Stratification层化, 成层, 阶层的形成, Troposphere, Tropopause 对流顶层, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, ThermosphereAtmos

3、pheric chemistry大气化学, ozone, ultraviolet紫外线, sink汇,最终去向, wet deposition沉积作用, north hemisphere, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC)碳氢化合物6. If the pressure is 0.01 atm at an altitude of 38 km and 0.001 atm at 57 km, what is it at 19 km (ignoring temperature variations)?答:

4、0.1atm7. At an altitude of 50 km, the average atmospheric temperature is essentially 0C. What is the average number of air molecules per cubic centimeter of air at this altitude?答:由由和数量浓度,可得:8. 请计算标准状态下1ppmv甲烷、0.5ppmv二甲基硫(CH3SCH3)的摩尔浓度和质量浓度。在压力为5hPa和-20时又是多少?(假定均为理想气体)答:标准状态下:1ppmv甲烷:摩尔浓度C=质量浓度A= 0.

5、5ppmv二甲基硫:摩尔浓度C=质量浓度A= 压力5hPa和-20状态下:1ppmv甲烷:摩尔浓度C=质量浓度A= 0.5ppmv二甲基硫:摩尔浓度C=质量浓度A=9. 已知20时水的饱和蒸气压为2.34kPa,请分别计算20相对湿度为20%和55%时空气中水蒸气的体积浓度和质量浓度。(假定为理想气体)RH蒸气压Pa体积浓度ppmv质量浓度mg/m30.24684618.83458.10.55128712701.79509.8体积浓度:质量浓度:10. 术语翻译Fate, transport, transformationStratification, Troposphere, Tropopa

6、use, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, ThermosphereAtmospheric chemistry, ozone, ultraviolet, sink, wet deposition, northhemisphere, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), non-methane hydrocabon (NMHC)Fate归宿Transport传输Transformation转化Stratification分层,成层Troposphere对流层Tropopause对流层顶Stratosphere平流层Mesosphere中间层The

7、rmosphere热层Atmospheric chemistry大气化学ozone臭氧ultraviolet紫外线辐射,紫外线的sink汇wet deposition湿沉降northhemisphere北半球volatile organic compounds (VOCs)挥发性有机物non-methane hydrocabon (NMHC)非甲烷烃类大气化学作业21. Why is it that “highest levels of carbon monoxide tend to occur in congested urban areas at times when the maximu

8、m number of people are exposed?” 2. If a power plant burning 10,000 tons of coal per day with 10% excess air emits stack gas containing 100 ppm by volume of NO, what is the daily output of NO? Assume the coal is pure carbon.3. 已知下列化学键的键能,请计算使得这些化学键光解断裂的最大波长。键键能(kJ/mol)H-H436H-Cl432Cl-Cl243O=O498NN94

9、6H-C415C=O(二氧化碳)8044. 推导羟基自由基生成速率表达式羟基自由基(OH)是对流层重要的反应物,它是通过以下反应然而激发态氧原子O(1D)也可以进行如下反应而不生成羟基自由基(OH):假定以上反应中O(1D)的浓度处于稳态,请写出羟基自由基(OH)生成反应的速率方程式(以上反应式中的J1,K1,K2,K3表示各反应的反应速率常数)。5. 对流层中甲烷、异戊二烯、CO与羟基自由基的反应可以用二级反应动力学描述,即,其中,具体参数见下表。同时可假定反应过程中对流层中羟基自由基处于稳态,浓度不变,为106个分子/cm3.s。我们定义物质浓度降低一个自然对数(即降低为初始浓度的1/e)

10、的时间为该物质的大气寿命,请计算以上物质在298K时的大气寿命。反应物质A (cm3.分子-1s-1)E/R(K)甲烷2.6510-121800异戊二烯25.410-12-410CO1.510-1306. 测定一个物质与羟基自由基OH的反应速率常数经常采用以下方法:将待测定物质A和另一物质B(物质B与羟基自由基的反应速率常数kB已知)放入同一个存在羟基自由基的反应器中,通过测定物质A和B的浓度随时间的变化,通过lnA0/At对lnB0/Bt作图以及已知的kB计算得到kA。请说明为什么。假定物质A和B与羟基自由基的反应均为一级反应(对A和B而言),同时假定反应过程中羟基自由基处于稳态。 7. 术

11、语翻译Methane 甲烷 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 isoprene 异戊二烯terpene 萜烯 Ammonia 氨 nitrogen oxides氮氧化物nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮 Carbonyl sulfide 羟基硫 sulfur dixoide 二氧化硫 dimethyl sulfide 二甲基硫Halocarbon 卤代烃 Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)氯氟烃类hydrochlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs)氢氯氟烃类 hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 氢氟烃

12、类 Perhalocarbons 全卤代烃 halons 含溴代物 emission 散发 Photolysis 光分解ozone hydroxyl radical 羟基自由基作用photochemical reaction 光化学作用大气化学作业28. Why is it that “highest levels of carbon monoxide tend to occur in congested urban areas at times when the maximum number of people are exposed?” CO的一大来源是汽车,城市人多交通拥挤是自然有大量C

13、O排放,所以此时CO浓度最高。9. If a power plant burning 10,000 tons of coal per day with 10% excess air emits stack gas containing 100 ppm by volume of NO, what is the daily output of NO? Assume the coal is pure carbon.答:先根据下式计算空气量:化学反应式为 C的摩尔数为10000106g/12g/mol,相应O2也需要这么多的摩尔数,再考虑10%的过量,而氧气又占空气的21%,假定燃烧后空气体积不变(消耗氧气产生CO2),所以燃烧后的空气体积为:所以产生的NO量为:10. 已知下列化学键的键能,请计算使得这些化学键光解断裂的最大波长。键键能(kJ/mol)相应波长nmH-H436274 H-Cl432277 Cl-Cl243492 O=O498240 NN946126 H-C415288 C=O(二氧化碳)804149 11. 推导羟基自由基生成速率表达


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