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1、开口“致辞”,有章可循目前的英语作文呈现多元化趋势,近几年来出现了另一类型作文,即演讲稿(演说辞或发言稿)作文。如2006年福建高考作文,2007年江苏和江西高考作文,2008年陕西高考作文等。 【题型特征】 在各种各样的会议上,与会者的身份和相互关系各异,因而产生了不同形式的发言稿,称为致辞。无论谁发表演说,发言人都是为了达到某一特定的目的,所以,根据致辞的目的,发言稿可分为宣讲类和欢迎(送)类。其共同的特点在于:言辞要主题突出,易于听众接受。 【方法指导】 结构安排:三部分 第一部分:称谓(听众或与会者称呼)。常用语有:Comrades/Friends/Ladies and gentlem

2、en/Dear fellow students/Boys and girls/Good afternoon, everyone . 第二部分: 正文或导言。 第三部分:结束语。结束语的最后往往是:Thats all. Thank you!/Thank you for your listening . 1. 欢迎(送)类发言稿写作特征 (1) 内容:正文部分明确介绍欢迎的对象,简单介绍其身份、经历或成就。也可说明客人在此逗留期间的活动等。简要回顾客人在此期间的所作所为及所起的作用,如增进友谊等。结束语往往对其到来表示热烈的欢迎和敬意,要表达对客人的良好祝愿,必要时请客人讲话。 (2) 语言:欢迎

3、辞,顾名思义就是向对方表示欢迎的言辞。态度一定要热情,要让对方感受到欢迎的诚意,感受到友好的氛围。这就要求写作者在撰写欢迎(送)辞时,注意选择使用能表现这种态度的语言材料。欢送辞要表现依依不舍的心情。 (3) 常用词汇及句型:为了表达发言者真诚的感情,行文多用一些修饰性的成分(如形容词、定语等)和表示心意的词汇或语句。例如: Lets give our best regards and respects to Mr/Mrs/Miss . Please take our kind respects to Mr/Mrs/Miss . We wish . a pleasant journey hom

4、e and good health. Wish him the best of health and success. Looking forward very much to seeing him again. I take the greatest possible pleasure in sending to you, on behalf of all the members here. Im very thankful/grateful for your holding . Im very much struck by your hospitality(好客)and . Ill nev

5、er forget the days spent here . Before leaving, I should like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for . B11 Today we feel much honored to have a chance to invite Professor Wang Bin to give us a lecture on . 2. 宣讲类发言稿(目前高考常用)写作特征 (1) 内容:通过叙述、说明、议论相结合的手法对某种现象提出看法或针对某件事情提出要求,它的目的是向听众宣

6、讲一个道理或事实,以起到警示或倡导的目的。 (2) 结构:从整体上看,可以看成是“格式+内容”的模式。格式就是三部分(称谓、导言和结束语)。内容是往往先提出问题或某种现象,然后通过夹叙夹议、说明等手段宣讲材料,即正文。 (3) 语言:可以采用一些论证方法(对比、反证、因果、条件、假设、举例、说明、叙述等)进行论证,使文章的内容有理有据。 (4) 常用词汇及句型: firstly, secondly, thirdly, first of all, on behalf of, at the same time, however, while, on the other hand, besides,

7、 in addition, therefore, Whats more, in ones view/opinion, personally, in a word, to start with, above all, as for, let alone . As we all know./only in this way引导的倒装句;It is my honor to ./Let me express my .to .; I think ./Thats all. Thank you!/I am sure . (5)句型操练: Hello, everyone, it is nice to spea

8、k about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something. The first thing we can do is to make our campus more beautiful. Personally, I think it is a good idea for us senior 3 students to have exercise. Dear friends, as we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it is very imp

9、ortant for us to form health eating habits. Our monitor told us that we have “Friday News Hour”. I think it is a good idea. As for my suggestion, I think it is better to have it twice a week. In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way ca

10、n we have enough energy to study better. 【典型例题】宣讲类 假设你叫李华,在一所国际学校就读。经过反复考虑,你决定参加学生会主席的竞选。为了获得来自各个国家的广大学生的支持,你用英语准备了一份大约120词左右的竞选演讲稿。 你的演讲包括三层意思: 1 介绍自己。(性格:随和开朗,充满活力,乐于助人;爱好:体育、阅读) 2 强调你胜任工作的能力。(讲一口流利的英语,善于沟通等) 3 如果被选上将为学生会做什么。(至少列举两点) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Good afternoon, boys and girls! First of all, t

11、hank you for giving me this opportunity. Now allow me to introduce myself. _ Thats all. Thank you for your listening. One possible version: Good afternoon, boys and girls! First of all, thank you for giving me this opportunity. Now allow me to introduce myself. Im Li Hua from China. As an energetic

12、boy, I love sports, and Im the captain of the school football team. Im open and easygoing, maybe that is why everyone wants to make friends with me. Im warmhearted and always ready to help others. I like reading, both for fun and for knowledge. I speak good English, which helps me to communicate eas

13、ily with all of you. If Im chosen as chairman of the Students Union, I will organize kinds of activities to make your life more colorful. Firstly I will set up an international club where students can learn about different cultures from each other. Also the Students Union will regularly collect ideas and opinions from you and pass them on to the teachers in charge. Thats all. Thank you for your listening.


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