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1、三年级人教新起点英语下学期阅读理解专项提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,选出与图片对应的人名。Its going to be sports day on Monday. Were going to take part in some sports. Jack is going to do the high jump. Lucy is going to do the long jump. Dalong can run fast. Hes going to run a race. Xiaoyong is going to play basketball. What about you? C

2、an you tell me? A. Jack B. Lucy C. Dalong D. Xiaoyong2. 阅读短文,判断正误。Danny is a boy. Hes tall. Hes fat. Now he and his mum are at the supermarket. The supermarket is very big. There are many toys in it. They are balls, dolls, kites, bicycles and so on. Danny likes footballs very much. They buy a big fo

3、otball. Danny likes kites, too. They buy a blue small kite. They can fly the kite and play football in the park. Danny is very happy.( )(1)Danny is a fat boy.( )(2)He and his mum are in the park.( )(3)The supermarket isnt small.( )(4)They buy a football and a kite.( )(5)The kite is brown and small.3

4、. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )。Im Linlin. Im a quiet girl. Im eight. Im short and thin. Look at this photo, theyre my grandparents. They werent old then. They were very young. But now they are old. This is their dog. Its hair was short then. Now its long. And its cute.1Linlin is a girl and shes 18.( )2

5、Linlin is quiet.( )3Her grandparents are very young now.( )4They have got a cute dog.( )5The dog is short and thin.( )4. 阅读理解,选择正确答案,将其编号写在前面的括号里。I am Jack. I live near our school. So I can go to school on foot. But sometimes I go by bike. Because its so much fun. My father works in our school. We g

6、o to school together. On the weekends, I often play with my friend, Mike. We usually play ping-pong, sometimes we play chess. This weekend, Im going to visit my grandparents. Because its my grandmas birthday.( )(1)Jackusuallygoestoschool.A.onfoot B.bybike( )(2)Jacksmotherlives.A.intheschool B.nearth

7、eschool( )(3)Jackgoestoschoolwith.A.hisfather B.hisfriend,Mike( )(4)JackandMikeusually.A.playchess B.playping-pong( )(5)Whosebirthdayisthisweekend?A.Grandfathers B.Grandmothers5. 读一读短文,选择最佳答案。MynameisPeter.Thesearemyfriends.TheyareJim,Sam,Jjack,BillandWilliams.Weoftenplayfootballafterschool.Thisweek

8、endwellgotothezoo.Nextweekwellgotoseethefilm“HarryPorter”.Weareveryhappyeveryday.( )(1)HowmanyfriendsdoesPeterhave?A.4 B.3 C.5( )(2)Whatdotheyoftendoafterschool?A.playfootball B.playbasketball C.swim( )(3)Wherewilltheygothiswekend?A.museum B.school C.zoo( )(4)Whatwilltheyseenextweek?A.ateacher B.afi

9、lm C.afriend( )(5)WhatisPetertalkingabout?A.hisfamily B.hisschool C.hisfriend6. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I have got a toy bear. Its white. It has a small red hat and a black coat. Its name is Winnie. Its very lovely. I like to play with Winnie.(1)Winnie is a toy _.A.bear B.dog C.pig(2)Winnie is _.A.pink B.white

10、 C.black(3)It has small red _.A.coat B.scarf C.hat(4)I like to play with my toy _.A.cat B.bear C.dog7. 根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。A: Hello, Im Mr Dog. Whats your name?B: Hello, Im Miss Cat. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.B: Whats this?A: Its a bird.B: Whats that?A: Its a monkey.B: Oh, theyre very love

11、ly!(1)A is _.A.Mr Dog B.Miss Cat C.a monkey(2)B is _.A.Miss Cat B.a bird C.Mr Dog(3)That is a _.A.bird B.dog C.monkey(4)This is a _.A.Dog B.bird C.cat(5)Which one is wrong(错的)?( )A.Mr Dog knows(认识)Miss cat.B.Mr Dog doesnt know Miss Cat.C.There are four animals.8. 读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom : Hello , Lily .L

12、ily : Hello , Tom . Whats your favourite colour?Tom : Its blue . Whats your favourite colour?Lily : My favourite colour is red.Tom : Whats your favourite letter?Lily : I love every letter.( )(1)Toms favourite colour is red.( )(2)Lily loves every letter.( )(3)Lily loves red.( )(4)Tom loves blue.( )(5

13、)Lilys favourite colour is blue.9. 阅读选择正确答案。 My name is Frank. Im eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. Thats me. There is one girl. Shes my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. Were going to the cinema. Were going to see a film.1. How old is Frank. ( )A. 7. B. 8. C. 9.2. How many people are there in Franks family? ( )A. Three B. Four C. Five.3. Are there two boys in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.4. Are there two women in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I don


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