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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助! 2010年秋六校半期联考试题九年级英语 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第卷(共95分)I. 听力测试(共30分)A) 情景反应。(每小题1分,共6分)听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答句。(听一遍)( )1. A. About three years ago. B. Since I was 7. C. Five days a week.( )2. A. No, but I used to be. B. Yes, I was. C. No, not a little.( )3. A. Please ask me.

2、B. I can do it for you. C. Let me help you.( )4. A. He was very short. B. He liked football very much. C. He was very sad.( )5. A. Thanks a lot. B. I hope so. C. I think I will.( )6. A. No, please dont. B. Yes, you can, if you like. C. Certainly not.B) 对话理解。(每小题1分,共6分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出

3、正确答案。(听一遍)( )7. A. At the railway station. B. At a bus stop. C. At the airport.( )8. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By underground.( )9. A. She will look after her mother.B. She will look after her mother and sister. C. She will look after her little sister.( )10. A. 8:20 B. 8:35 C. 20:08 ( )11. A. He sh

4、ould be 51 years old now. B. He should be more than 35 years old now. C. He should be about 34 years old now.( )12. A. 22 yuan B. 23 yuan C. 45 yuanC) 短文理解。(每小题2分,共18分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(听两遍)()13. Children are sent to school because _ . A. they can grow fast at school B. they have t

5、o work at the moment C. the parents have to prepare them for their future()14. Why do they learn languages? Because they will _. A. make friends with others B. be able to speak to and hear others clearly. C. be able to understand others.()15. What does an educated person do when he meets something n

6、ew? He will _. A. try his best to do it B. quickly find the best way to work on it C. be unable to do it well()16. The main idea of the text is that _. A. children should be taught not only to learn but how to learn B. children must go to school C. parents should send their children to school(B)()17

7、. Joan felt unlucky that evening mainly because _. A. there was a dance ball at the hospital B. of her unpleasant job C. she would lose the chance to go to the big dance at the hospital()18.Poor Dicky _. A. was very healthy B. was a boy of 11 who was clever at talking C. could walk well though he wa

8、s ill()19. Dicky was lovely because _. A. he was a nice, kind boy of seven B. he was always thinking of others more than of himself C. he saved a piece of cake for his nurse()20. Which of the following is not true? A. Dicky knew why Joan was unhappy. B. Dicky heard about the dance. C. Dicky got up t

9、o greet Joan when she came.()21.At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, Dicky probably _. A. gave Joan a cake he had saved B. got up and danced with her C. lost the dollar which he was going to give her. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。22. _ people are hurt in traffic accidents every year.A.

10、 Thousand B. Two thousands C. Two thousands of D. Thousands of23. What _ to the photographer in the past few days?A. happened B. was happened C. happen D. has happened24. The kind man always offers food _ the poor people.A. for B. to C. with D. on25. Whats the matter with my son, doctor?Theres _ wit

11、h him. Dont worry.A. something serious B. serious somethingC. nothing serious D. serious nothing26. Ill have to ask my parents for some more money because Ive _.A. used up it B. used it up C. run it out D. run out it27. Where are the students?Some are playing soccer, the rest _ them.A. are watching

12、B. is watching C. watch D. watches28. Can you see the man clearly? Is it Mr Green? It _ be him. Hes gone to England already. A. could B. must C. cant D. mustnt29. Thanks for the hamburger, Jim. It_ really delicious.Oh, thats my pleasure. Im glad you like it.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. feels30. D

13、ont eat _ _ food if you dont want to get heavy.Thanks, I wont.A. a lot B. too much C. much too D. too many31. Our monitor is so clever that she can always _ _ good ideas. A. come out B. come up with C. make up D. get along with32. I have much trouble _ _ the work on time. Dont worry. Let me help you. A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. with finish33. I like watching movies that _ _ famous actors in t


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