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1、课型:Listening & Speaking 教学内容:故事复述课型分析:本节课为听说训练课,专门针对新高考中听说考试的第三部分故事复述备考策略而生成。本节课通过反复操练、技巧指导等手段,来提高学生故事复述方面的能力。教学对象分析:该学生群体为高三年级理科班学生,学生的英语语言基础属于中等水平,表达能力相对薄弱,能在老师的指导下完成任务。I. Teaching Objectives: Language Objectives 1. The students will practise the liaisons by singing an English song.2. The students

2、 will develop their ability in story-retelling. Learning Strategy Objectives1. The students will be guided how to prepare for the story-retelling.2. The students will be trained some skills in story-retelling. Moral Objectives1. The students are encouraged to express themselves in English. 2. The st

3、udents will experience the sense of achievement in story-retelling drills. MI Objectives1. Music Intelligence2. Linguistic Intelligence3. Interpersonal IntelligenceII. Teaching Difficulties1. To help the students get the skills in preparing for the story-telling;2. To encourage the students to be mo

4、re confident in story-telling.III. Teaching ProceduresReasonsStep I Warming-up Lead in the topic with an English song “I love you”.Ask the students to fill in the blanks.Ask the students to pay attention to the liaisons.Step II IntroductionMake the students clear about how the test of story-retellin

5、g goes.Step III Drills1. First Try!The teacher will not give any guidance in this period, but let the students have a try in their own ways.2. Follow Me!The students will be asked to watch the teachers steps in preparing for the story-retelling. They will learn how to make better preparations.At the

6、 end of this period, the students will be asked to make a summary of the skills.3. Do It Yourself!The students will be asked to have another try by themselves. In this period, they may be more confident.4. SummaryThe students will be asked to summarize the steps & skills. Step IV. PresentationThe st

7、udents will be asked to try another story on their own, with the skills they obtained in the last step. They may be better in performing, but still have some problems in retelling the whole story. So they are allowed to invite others to help them finish it.Step V. Interaction (optional)The Students

8、will finish this task in pairs. Student A chooses one story and reads it out to Student B. Student B try to retell the story. It is also another challenge for their oral English.Step VI. EvaluationStep VII. Homework 本部分既是这节课的热身导入环节, 又是口语训练课的英语口语常识介绍环节。简单介绍连读知识,并要求学生在歌唱中感受。 简单介绍本题型的考试流程,让学生做到心中有数,有的放

9、矢。 在本环节中老师没有任何指导的情况下,学生表现可能不佳,会感到挫败。 这是本节课最重要一个环节,学生将在老师的带领下一起分步骤完成故事复述准备阶段,并感受相应技巧。在这个环节中,帮助学生体验到一定的成功感。 引导学生对刚才环节做出总结及再次巩固。 展示部分是一个语言输出的环节,学生再次独立完成故事复述。本环节中根据不同学生的能力,设置了故事接龙和个人展示两部分供以选择。 本环节是对学生口语表达能力的更高要求。若课堂上时间有限不能完成,则作为课后作业进行要求。 Possible problems:本课内容设置丰富,课堂步骤较多,要求任课教师掌握好适中的课堂节奏,寻求既能使课堂进程流畅,又能体现重点的教学进程。 Ways out:针对此忧虑,老师在教学过程中应注意:1、熟悉教学进程,环环相扣,注意好每个教学步骤的衔接自然流畅;2、严格掌握好每个教学步骤的时间;3、需要特别强调的重点部分,如技能的讲解,不能一味求快,应使用学生能接受的语言及语速,同时应关注课堂上的语言生成,并对之做出适当应对; Reflections:2


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