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1、8B s13 班级_姓名_学号_成绩_一. 选择填空(15%)1. W e appy _you _ a farwe part for our friends rm Beiing. inve, to B to invit, join C. nviing,o . toinvit, t 2 arin the ame lss. Lts _ fre.A. b . is e D. am.balcony is_ plce _ owes inte hos. A.est, togrow B. he et, growg. bt,gowg D. the bes, to row4 I can peakglis _,I

2、 am _ at t. A. ell, goo B. ood,goo .wl, ell . goo, ell. Theris not _ o us_. . rom enoug;to live B.enogh room; toive C. room og; t ive in D enough rom; li 6. ter is looking forward to _ i od fied fromXijian A. see B. eeing C.aw D. loking 7. I cantuy _ becse I ont haveaymney _ e . something,on . anthi

3、g, on C. smething, wit D aning,ih8.Wer ismy erser _ here jus now A. isB.a C ws D.we Thi book is e portan ,but ht onis_moimporant. A. qie.so .ery . even10. June 1 _ Da aneter 10h is_ aA. Cildren, Tachers B.hdrens, th achersC. ildren, Teachers hildrn,Teahes11 e shuld take turn _ te asage. eadin B. to

4、read C.read D. in readig2._lo time we waied yeserday! A. What B.Wht a .How D. Ho a 3_r ih _ orang in er ha m bt frind, Luy. A.The, an B. he,a C. A, n D. A, the4. -Howmany appesare therein he basket -_.A. No . N ne. None D. othing.15. ity, yur cusins _. Weal likeher.A. suc lovelairl ch lovely gil C.

5、a solovely grl D so lovelgirl二. 完形填空(10)Mr Whie woks n a offic.He led readinginbed whn wa aschool. It a bad for i 6 now he hanear sght ( 近视 ). But he wouldntwat 17 to knw about it an eevr ea a pir o glasss t ften 18 himom roulOnente mrnin he aset t avlle scol on busines(出差 ).He 19 a bsat astop smllt

6、own.Then he hd owalk thre. Theroa to hevilage wn smoot(平坦).He feoer some timesad it 20 isclths dirty. 21 he ot to t villae. Sudenlytbn o lowandit o older. Hews looin o te schoo hile his 2 was blo ff Hbega toun afteri ut heculd gtit He oudntundertan wh hat rn inoa ous a if(似乎 )ithd 23 .ndhrnnothe hus

7、e, 24 wma stoppim an soue 25 , “hatare ou runnng aftry hn (母鸡)fo” 16. . eas B. se. muth D. eyes 7. . ayoyelse B obdy . wman D. seody 8. A. folows tas C. rings D. cari . A tok of .otof C. gt n . ae o 20. A. let . madeC gave D. flt 21. . fst B. h. At times D. t ast 22 A. lothes baC. ha . gses 23. A. g

8、 B had C. shoes . ams 24. A. aways B lsoC. eitr D.o 2. A anry B. happy. anrl . appily三. 阅读理解(30%)Aexios nihbus are he Uited Stts othenoth a uatema n Beize to heouth Mexio s aou on qu he size ofte Unite Stes. Mio has or than niney million eole. The laguge o Mxi is Spais Ths make Mexco worlds lares pa

9、ish-speakigcounty.xico Cityis te apa d largtciy o Mec he city isalso very high. t s 349 eet gh (2240 metes).Thismakeitno th ihest apitalcitn h wold Th platon(人口),of Meic it rowsiggr vey. Abou thirty illoneoleve there It ha moe eople thanany other city in the wrld,ven more tnTkyo.Mexico als hasts spe

10、cilie(特点). Mn of the food e eatstartd i Mexo Foos ike ban, aiz,avoados, aes, peanus, chii pers, vanilla, and cocolaecomefromexic Mexio i alo amous or s cactus (仙人掌)pans. Meicha more kds of cctus hn any oter coutr26. exo s _the SA.A. othe south o B. te norh oC. part of Das lrg as7. xiansspek_.A. EishC. Frenc. paish D atin(拉丁语)28. Whchofthe follong is NOtrue A. Mexco Ctyishe captal MeicoB. The pltino Mexico Cit is 3,000,000.C.Tokyo s on ofthe


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