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1、新目的八年级下册unit1教案 新目的初一英语unit 7教案一学情分析p :本课是一个实用性较强的课,又与学生的生活经历和认知程度严密相连,学生对本课时的学习将会表达出浓重的兴趣。另外本课时的新单词虽然很实用但却较多,学生在学习及使用单词的过程中将会产生一些障碍。在教学过程中,应注意1,单词的读音及is 和 has的区别;2,tall, short 和 medium height; thin, heavy和medium build的教学应注意其相对性。最后,任务的设置应有明确的目的并具有可操作性,这样才有利于进步实际语言的运用才能。二教学目的:1知识和才能目的:本课时的语言目的为描绘人的外貌

2、;学会议论身高、体重、发型;围绕语言目的,学生应掌握“What does he/she look like? What do they/you look like? He isHe has”等句型;学习并掌握“like, look like, curly, long, medium, build ”等重点词汇。2过程和方法目的:学生通过看、听、说、写掌握并使用描绘人的外貌的句型和词汇。学生通过完成教材和老师设置的各项任务,使用这一课时的目的语言获取并分享信息,自由议论别人的外貌特征。 3情感态度目的:学生讨论和完成任务的过程是学生合作与交流的过程。另外,在议论别人的外貌是应注意使用委婉语,礼貌

3、待人。不要以貌取人(We mustnt judge people by appearance)四,教学重难点:描绘人的外貌句型和词汇;句型中is和have/has的区别。四:教学手段;多媒体 图片五:教学方法:(Teaching Methods)呈现,归纳,讨论等 (Scene teaching method Oral practice method Pairwork)六:教学过程(Teaching Procedures)Step I: Lead-in (1 minute)Show 2 pictures to lead in todays topic.Step II: Presentation

4、 (20 minutes)1.Show pictures to present one type of describing peoples looks (long hair).2.Present the new word (long hair) and the target language through the pictures: What does he look like? She has long hair.3.Get Ss to drill the sentences by asking and answering the question: What does she/he l

5、ook like?4.Use almost the same steps as above to present other types of describing peoples looks and make Ss drill the target language.Step III.Consolidation (8 minutes).1.Ask several Ss to read these words, target language and describe the peoples looks according to the pictures (3minutes)2.Listeni

6、ng practice with a gameBingo (5 minutes)(1).Get the class to do 1a quickly, then check the answer with whole class.(2), Make sure Ss know what to do, then play a gameBingo by using these words and target language.Step IV.Practice (9minutes)1.Ask Ss to take out their photos and make dialogues like th

7、is: A: Is this your family photo?B: Yes, it isA: Who is your mother?B: She is medium height, has short curly hair.She is thin.A: Aha I find her, is it her?B: Yes, it is.Youre clever.What do your parents look like?A: My fatherand my mum Then ask several pairs to act their dialogues out.2.Invite one s

8、tudent to draw a picture of a person, and write down the description of the person Step V Summary (1minute)New words and target language.The differences of “is and have/has”Step VI.Homework (1minute)1.Copy the new words learned in this lesson 3 times.2.Write down the dialogue theyve made in the class第 页 共 页


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