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1、兰州大学大学英语(2)命题作业我对一个人吃饭的看法What is your opinion.要求:Eating alone seems to be becoming a major feature of society. The Oxford Economic Research Institute and the National Social Research Center of the United Kingdom surveyed more than 8,000 people and found that nearly one-third of Britons eat their own

2、 meals most of the time. It was discovered by British bargaining market research firm Mintel that, in London, nearly half of the people would eat alone.What is your opinion about eating alone? How much has our lifestyle changed by eating alone?1、按英语作文格式书写;2、说明核心观点并进行阐述;3、英文字数控制在400-500个单词;4、没有统一答案,请

3、勿抄袭。我对一个人吃饭的看法在中国乃至整个世界,一个人吃饭亦是一种普遍的现象,在中国,近年来针 对一个人吃饭的餐厅也逐渐多起来,比如单人的串串火锅以及快餐,一方面,这 缓解单身狗吃饭的尴尬,另一方面,这为忙碌的上班族吃饭多了一份选择。长久一个人吃饭容易吃得单一,营养跟不上,还会影响情绪,导致消化不好, 易得胃病。而且,一个人的时候,就会“变懒”,吃饭经常就是凑合,可能随便 吃一些泡面或者其他没什么营养的食物填饱肚子就行,久而久之,对人体的健康 是很不利的。一个人吃饭情绪很容易受影响,尤其当一个人情绪紧张时,胃肠的血管会加 剧收缩,阻碍其活动,并抑制消化液的分泌,经常这样的话,是很容易得胃病的。

4、一个人吃饭容易看手机和电视,缺少了朋友亲人及同事之间的交流,食物的“消 化”过程需要充足的血液供应,如果边看电视或者手机边吃,注意力不在吃饭上, 部分血液流向大脑,导致肠胃供血不足,容易影响消化。人是社会性动物,是有 交流需求的,吃饭就是我们与他人交流的好方式。如果一个人吃饭,压力的情绪 不但得不到疏解,反而可能更严重。吃饭本身就是一种放松的行为,看手机或想 其他事情时,就不能体会到美食带来的快乐了。所以我建议,如有条件的话,还是多和家人、朋友、同事一起吃饭,如条件不允许的话,那就尽可能地让食物丰富一点,多样化一点。一个人吃饭的时候不 要想工作上烦心事,不妨放些舒缓的轻音乐,尽情享受美食带来的

5、乐趣。多和父 母视频聊聊天,不仅解决了我们无聊的问题,同时还能缓解他们的孤独感。My view on eating aloneIn China and even the whole world, eating alone is also a common phenomenon. In China, in recent years, there are more and more restaurants catering for one person, such as string hot pot and fast food for single people. On the one hand,

6、 this eases the embarrassment of single dog eating, on the other hand, it provides busy office workers with a choice to eat.For a long time, a person is easy to eat a single meal, nutrition can not keep up, but also affect the mood, leading to poor digestion, easy to stomach disease. Whats more, whe

7、n one is a person, he will become lazy. He often makes do with his meals. He may eat some instant noodles or other non nutritious food to fill his stomach. Over time, it is very harmful to human health.A persons eating mood is easily affected, especially when a person s mood is tense, the gastrointe

8、stinal blood vessels will aggravate the contraction, hinder its activity, and inhibit the secretion of digestive juice. Often, it is easy to get stomach disease. It is easy for a person to watch mobile phone and TV when eating.Without the communication between friends, relatives and colleagues, the

9、digestion process of food needs sufficient blood supply. If you eat while watching TV or mobile phone, you will not pay attention to eating, and part of the blood will flow to the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the stomach, which will easily affect digestion. People are social anim

10、als, and they need communication. Eating is a good way for us to communicate with others. If you eat alone, the stress will not be relieved, but may be more serious. Eating itself is a relaxing behavior. When you look at your mobile phone or think about other things, you cant realize the happiness b

11、rought by delicious food.Therefore, I suggest that if conditions permit, we should eat more with family, friends and colleagues. If conditions do not permit, we should try our best to enrich and diversify our food. When you eat alone, dont want to worry about your work. You may as well play some soothing light music and enjoy the fun brought by delicious food. More video chat with parents not only solves our boring problem, but also relieves their loneliness.



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