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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 新目标英语八年级下Unit6 SectionA1a-1c学案 一、 教学目标(一)知识目标:1.学习并掌握shoot,stone ,once upon a time等。2.学会使用相应句型展开话题谈论。(二)能力目标:1.运用不同的听力技巧完成不同的听力任务。2.通过听愚公移山的故事,能够用英文阐述个人观点。二、教学重难点1在听力过程中提取关键信息的能力。2学会表达对事情的看法。三、自主学习1.预习P41词汇,朗读并记忆这些词汇。2.检测自己的预习情况,完成下列词汇练习。(共5分)1)射击_ (过去式) _ 2)挖 _ (现在分词)_3)从前(词组)_3. 翻译下列

2、故事名称1) 愚公移山_ 2)西游记_3) 后羿射日_ 4)女娲补天_班级_ 姓名_小组_ 编号_阅读P41页在四副图,说出这几幅图的名称。4. 列举中外各至少三个传统故事,并汉译英。中国传统故事:1)2)3)外国经典故事:1)2)3)四、教学过程 Step 1: 听歌并说出对应故事的英文名。comjyStep 2: 预习展示1 说出四幅图片对应的中国传统故事英文名称。22.说出至少三种中外传统故事的英文名字。(前面展示过的故事不算)3.完成书上1a任务。Step 3: 听力训练通过听力练习,完成1b的两个听力任务。【1. Listen and check () the facts you h

3、ear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?(在听到的事实前打对号。)1)_ The two mountains were very high and big.2)_ A very old man tried to move the mountains.3)_ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.2.Listen to 1b again and fill in the blanks.(听音填词)1)Once upon a time, there was a very _ man

4、. There were _ mountains _ his house. They were _ high and _ that it _ a long time _ walk to the other side.2)Well, the old man told his _ that they should all help _ _ the mountains3)Yu Gong said they could put it _ the _ because its _ _ to hold everything. So they all started _ the next day.3 讨论:

5、回答有关故事的相关问题,完成1c的任务。(小组以对话形式呈现)1. How does the story begin? 2. What happened next?3. Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?Step 4:合作展示合作展示1 Act out the dialogues.1. 表演P101听力材料对话。2.自编对话。(围绕故事编对话。)合作展示2 Story Chain(故事接龙)1._,there was _.There were_his house.2. Because they wer

6、e so _ that it _ a long time _ walk to the other side.3. Yu Gong told his family that they should _him to move the mountains.4. They would _the earth and stone _ the sea.合作展示3 Discussing:根据听力材料的内容讨论问题。1.What do you think of the story?2.Do you think Yu Gong is silly?3.What can we learn from the story of Yu Gong?4.Do you have any other ways to solve the problem?Step 5:总结及家庭作业。Retell the story of Yu Gong moves the mountain.专心-专注-专业


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