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1、课堂达标 英语三年级上册Unit 1 Welcome to grade 3!Lesson 1 We are students I Look and match 看图把单词和图画用线连起来 marker boy book girlII Choose the right answer 选择正确答案 ( )1.name is Danny . A. Her B. His C. Hes ( )2.Westudents. A. am B. is C. are( )3.This is our. A.Grade B.classroom C.studentsIII.Complete the dialogues1

2、. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. IV.Look and write 看图写几句话 Ican see .I can see Lesson 2 I like schoolI Match the phrases and pictures. Write the correct letter in each circle 看图把代表短语的字母填在每幅图的圈内A. read a book B. draw with markersC. open the window D. close the doorE. write with pencils F. go to schoolII C

3、hoose the right answer 选择正确答案 ( )1. I walk to school in the . A.evening B.morning C. marning ( )2.I say hello my teacher. A. with B. to C. on( )3.I cut paper scissors. A. on B. in C. withIII.Context communication 情景交际( )1. 早上,你见到老师,应该说: A .Hello, Miss Zhang B. Bye, Miss Zhang C. Good ( )2老师问你用什么画画,你

4、可以告诉她:. A. Scissors B. Markers C. Pen( )3.小刚不知道open的反义词是什么,你可以告诉他是: A. window B. close C. doorIV.Look and write 看图,写一写。 仔细看图用英语写一两句与图有关的句子 Lesson3 Where is it?I Look and write words 看图写单词door desk girl pencil teacher chair II Match Whats her name? I can see a boy Where is my pencil? A chair What can

5、 you find? Jenny What can you see? There it isIII.Context communication 情景交际( )1.当Jenny问你“Where is your book?”时,你不知道把它放在哪了,这时你需要怎么回答? Jenny: Where is your book? Li Ming: A. I dont know B. There it is ( )2上题情景中,如果你知道放在哪了,这时你需要回答:Jenny: Where is your book? Li Ming: A There it is B. I dont knowLesson4

6、Places in my schoolI Look and write words 看图写单词 school library classroom gymII Choose the right answer 选择正确答案 ( )1.Where you? A. am B. is C. are ( )2 The boyin the gym. A. am B is C. are( )3.Iin the washroom. A. am B is C. are( )4.WhereDanny? III A. am B is C. areIII. Look and judge.看图,判断()误()。 (1)

7、(2) (3) (4)1She is in the hall。( ) 2He is in the washroom。( )3They are in the office。( )4They are in the gym。( ) Lesson5 New and oldI Look and fill in the blanks with “new” or “old ”看图用new 或old填空 II Choose the right answer 选择正确答案 ( )1.I like hat(帽子) . A. my B. you C. me ( )2.My pants are,but(但是) you

8、r skirt is . A. short, long B. long, short C. new, new( )3.This is. A.I B. my C. meIII.Match the questions and answers 给问题选择答案AThanks B. No, theyre old.C. Yes, I like it D. There it isE. No, its new( )1.I like your pants( )2 Is it old?( )3.Do you like it?( )4.Where is my skirt?( )5.Are your pants ne

9、w?IV. Draw 画一画long pants short skirt Lesson6 Reading and writing numbersI Look and write numbers看图写数 II Write numbers according to the commands 按要求写数字 1 one, ,five, ,nine 2.two, , ,eight, ten3.three, ,nine,4.onesix Twoeight SixtenIII.Match 连线2 6 7 9 5 10ten five nine two seven sixIV. Lets count and

10、draw 让我们数一数画一画 1Eight apples2 six pencils Lesson7Letters and soundsI Look and complete the words看图补全单词 ish hair oor oyII Write the words according to the commands 按要求写单词 III. Find out the mistakes and correct them 找出错误并改正( )1. Listen these letter sounds. A B C D ( )2 Lets have fun on letters A B C(

11、)3Letters makes sounds. A B C第一单元达标测试卷 听力部分( 20分)I Listen and circle the correct pictures听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图画. (6分) II Listen and draw听录音,画一画(6分)III.Listen and chooses the numbers you hear听录音,选出你听到的数字组合 (8分 )1.A:7701336 2.A:3174852 B:6331337 B:7134582 ( ) ( ) 3.A:8372531 4.A:9219254 B:4256833 B:2919245 ( ) ( )笔试部分( 80 )I Look and the complete the words看图补全单词( 12分 ) chr esk bk soolII Look an


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