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1、学案 8B Unit 4 A New Newspaper 2011-08-25 20:40:32| 分类: 8BUnit4 A new ne | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 Unit 4 A New Newspaper 一 Learning aims:1 引导学生理解文章的同时,一起办一份自己的英文报纸,以激发学生的学习兴趣。2 掌握本课的核心词汇和词组: suggest, vote for ,elect, chief editor 等。二Main words and phrases :Words:1. elect 2. chief 3. editor 4. suggest 5. experi

2、ence 6. vote 7.charge8. publish 9. consider 10.briefly 11 conclude 12.arrange 13. principal14. print 15. choice 16. decisionphrases1. local news 当地新闻2. an unknown man 一个不出名的人3. win the competition 赢得竞赛4. be short of 短缺5. the United Nations 联合国6. walk down the street 沿着街道走7. on everybodys lips 挂在每个人的

3、嘴边8. the best known 最著名的9. inconsiderate passengers 不体谅他人的乘客10. I cant stand it any more. 我再也无法忍受了. 11. queue up 排队12. be unfair to sb. 对某人不公平13. recognize sb. 认出某人14. in self-discipline 在自律方面15. give sb. a lesson 给某人一次教训16. celebrate its 11th year of development 庆祝它开发11周年17. soon after 不久以后18. publ

4、ish a newspaper 出版一份报纸19. hold a meeting 举行一次会议20. write a report about sth. 写一份关于的报告21. at the meeting 在开会22. decide to do sth. 决定做某事23. elect the chief editor 选主编24. have experience 有经验25. vote for sb. 为某人投票26. elect sb. to be 选某人当27. take charge of 主持, 掌管28. ought to do sth. 应该做某事29. ask for sugg

5、estions 征询建议30. the Drama Club 戏剧俱乐部31. take notes 记笔记32. be responsible for 为负责33. talk over 讨论34. make a list of 列一张的单子35. be free to 对免费36. pay for 支付37. consider the questions 考虑这些问题38. a bit longer (时间)长一点39. make a decision 作出决定40. agree to do sth. 同意做某事41. conclude the meeting 结束会议42. arrange

6、 to do sth. 安排做某事43. in one weeks time 在一周后的时间里44. give out 分发45. have different ideas 有不同的想法三Language points:1. hold v. (held, held) 举行e.g. A debate will be held in the school hall tomorrow afternoon.明天下午学校礼堂将进行辩论。2. elect v. 选举 election n. 选举 elector n. 选民e.g. Reagan was elected as the 40th presid

7、ent of the United States.里根被选为美国第40任总统。3. ought to aux. v. word that you to tell or ask sb. What is the right thing to do1) 用语表示义务或责任e.g. You ought to work harder than that. 你应当努力地工作。2) 用于表示合理可行或谨慎的态度e.g. You ought to wear a raincoat. 你应该穿件雨衣。3) 用于表示愿望e.g. She ought to finish by nest week. 下星期她该完成任务

8、了。4 Consider v. think about carefully 考虑,认为e.g. We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我认为着不是司机的过错。5 Conclude v. finish , come to the end of 结束;决定e.g. To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life.The doctor concluded that the patients disease was cancer. 医生断定病人患的是癌症。6 Agree to do st

9、h. 同意做某事e.g. He agreed to support our action.Agree to + 计划/建议/条件,表示赞同Simon agreed to our decision on naming our newspaper Rising Star.7. suggest 建议1)suggest + n. suggest +v+ing Suggest +that sb. Should do sth.e.g. I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.The dentist suggested that she (should) come

10、 another day.四. Exercises:I. Translation :1. 出版一份报纸 2。 举行会议3主编 4。投票选某人5主管负责 6。 记笔记7对读者免费 8。 我正在考虑出国9同意做某事 10。 应当做某事II. Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the definition.1. _ choose by voting 2. _ finish, come to the end of 3. _ thought about carefully4. _ skill and knowledge gaine

11、d from doing sth.5. _ discuss6. _ showed which person or thing you wanted to choose, by putting up your hand or marking a piece of paper7. _ the person who looks after a committees paper work and records8. _ started being in control of sth.9. _ sth. you choose to do after thinking about it10. _ prep

12、are and print a magazine, a book, etc.III. Complete the sentences using the proper form of words or expressions in the box. :Secretary talk over hold chief editor decision concludeTake charge of experience suggestion elect1. Well _ the problem tomorrow.2. The new manager _ the company quickly.3. It

13、is the job of a _ to make minutes .4. After twenty years, she has a lot of _ in teaching.5. Our meeting will make a _ at 9:30 p.m.6. The people _ the new president.7. My _- are that we go to Toyo, rent a hotel room and stay for a week.8. We will _ our school sports meeting next week.9. The _ decline

14、d the articles.10. Have they reached a _ yet?一、选择:1. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven. A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journalists _ at once _ Iraq. A. leave; for B. leave; to C. left; to D. to be left; for3. He

15、is talking so much about America as if he _ there. A. had been B. has been C. was D. has gone4. The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free. A. did; set B. had done; should be set C. should do; be set D. had done; must be set5. I suggested there _ be a kind of language all could understand an


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