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1、 初级英语口语对话:邀请一、Sentence Patterns根本句型 41. How about going with us?跟我们一起去怎么样? 42. Would you like to join us?你能跟我们一块儿吗?43. Id like to invite you to the party我想邀请你来参与这个舞会。44. Are you free on Sunday?你星期天有空吗?45. Why dont you come and join us for a dance?干吗不来和我们一起跳舞?46. Thanks,Id like to感谢,我很喜爱去。47. Its So

2、nice of you!Thanks a lot!你真好,太感谢了。48. Thats good idea!这是个好办法!49. Oh,Im afraid I cannot go tonightPerhaps to morrow evening?哦我唯恐今晚上不能去明晚或许可以吧50. Im sorry I cant,but thank you,anyway真愧疚,我不能去,但我还是要感谢你。 二、Situational conversation场景会话 A:How about having a cup of tea with us?我们一起喝一杯茶怎样? B:All rightThats v

3、ery nice of you好的,你简直太好了。A:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?和我一起去看电影,好吗?B:Im sorry I cant make itThank you anyhow我不能去但无论怎么说还是要感谢你A:Hello。this is Susan喂,我是苏珊B:Hello,Im MarkIm just wondering if you are free this weekend喂,我是迈克,我想知道你这周末有空吗?A:Yes,I think So有的,我想我有空。B:GoodI was thinking that Id

4、like to invite you to watch a movie. I can meet you at the cinema gate很好,我想邀请你一起去看电影。我们可以在电*门口见面。A:Whats the time?什么时候?B:6:30,tonight今晚六点半A:Oh,Im sorry I cant. Because I have to do some houseworkYou can ask Jenny to go with you噢,我很愧疚,我不能去。你可以叫珍妮跟你一块儿去B:All rightMaybe next time I can go with youBye!好

5、吧,或许下一次我能跟你一块去。再见A:Good bye!再见。 三、Substitution Drills句型练习 1 Woud you like to have dinner with us?你情愿和我们一块儿吃晚饭吗Woud you like to go to the cinema with me?你情愿和我一块看电影吗?Woud you like to go to a concert with me?你情愿和我一块去听音乐会吗?Woud you like to join us to play football?你情愿和我们一起踢足球吗? 2 Id like to invite you t

6、o my house我想邀请你去我家。Id like to invite you to our Christmas party我想邀请你来我们的圣诞晚会。Id like to invite you to play a piece of music with me我想邀请你和我一起演奏一支曲子。Id like to invite you to go to the park with us this weekend我想邀请你这周末和我们一起去公园。 3 How about joining our party?我想邀请你参与我们的晚会怎么样?How about singing a song for

7、us?我想邀请你为我们唱首歌如何?How about going to the teahouse together?我想邀请你一起去茶馆如何?How about watching a movie with me?和我去看电影如何? 4 What about joining our party?参与我们的晚会如何?How about singing a song for us为我们唱首歌How about watching a movie with me?和我去看电影 5 Why dont you come and join us for a dinner干吗不来和我们一起吃顿饭?Why don

8、t you come and join us for a party!干吗不来和我们一起开晚会?Why dont you come and join us for playing basketball?干吗不来和我们一起打篮球?Why dont you come and join us for tasting my mothers cake?干吗不来和我们一起尝尝我妈妈做的蛋糕 四、Words and expressions 英语生词 with跟 us我们(we的宾格形式)like想join参加invite款待party社交性聚会wonder想知道see会见film软片free空闲的Sunday星期日dance舞会nice高尚的idea意见tonight今夜perhaps或许tomorrow明天cup杯tea茶叶anyhow无论怎么样wonder惊异watch观看movie电影(院)ask问gate大门meet迎接because由于housework家务劳动


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