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1、Lesson 3 Sports一 相关词汇 跑步 2.swim 游泳 3.walk 竞走 4.skate 溜冰 滑雪 basketball 打篮球 football 踢足球 tennis 打网球 badminton 打羽毛球 ping pang /table-tennis乒乓球打乒乓球 11.paly baseball打棒球 morning exercise 做早操 13.ride a bike 骑自行车 kites 放风筝 15.boxing 拳击 跳舞17

2、.skipping-rope跳绳 18.high jump跳高19. long jump跳远20.race比赛 21.rugby橄榄球22.beach volleyball 沙滩排球 hki n. 曲棍球 hockey 冰球25.water polo 水球26.handball 手球27.golf高尔夫球28.gymnastics体操29.weightlifting举重30.judo柔道31.fencing 击剑32.shooting 射击33.diving daivi n. 潜水,跳水 34.rowing rui 赛艇35.Road cycling 公路自行车二

3、Sentences:1. Sport activities play an important part in peoples lives. 体育活动在人们的生活中占有重要的地位。2.sports of exercise would do us good。 体育锻炼对我们有好处。3. You should do sports to keep young。你应该参加体育活动以保持年轻。4.Proper exercise will keep you in shape。适当的断粮能让你保持良好的身体状况5.She goes to the fitness center every weekend。 她

4、每个周末都要去健美中心。6.We go to the gym for a workout very often。我们经常到体育馆锻炼。7. The best way to keep fit is to do sports 。参加体育活动是保持体形的最好的办法。8.Youd better go for regular exercise 。最好要坚持锻炼9. Ive been in the habit of getting up early and taking exercise in the morning. 我养成了早起锻炼的习惯。10. He keeps on running every d

5、ay, windy or rainy ,hot or cold. 无论刮风下雨,还是严冬酷暑,他每天都坚持跑步。11.The visiting side is a strong team。客队是一支劲旅。12. Which team do you support ? 你支持哪个球队。13.He likes football best of all. He is a football ace.他最喜欢足球,他是个足球好手。14.Have they scored yet ? 他们进球了吗?15. He is holding a safe lead. 他遥遥领先。16.She is one of t

6、he top seeds.她是最优秀的种子选手之一。17That was really a close game.那真是一场势均力敌的比赛。18. He has broken the world-record. 他打破了世界记录。19.He is in good form .他的竞技状态良好。20.He was against the rules .他犯规了。三 Now see a video about fishing carefully.Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following blanks .Xin : Can I _

7、 try_ _fishing_?Bil : Do you know how ?Xin : No, but you can teach me .Bill: Ok. First, you _cost_it_ _out_ about twenty feet, and watch the bobber. When the bobber starts moving , jerk sharply , because you have a_fish_ _got _ your minnow.Xin: Ive _get_ one!Bill : Jerk your pole!Xin: Its _pulling_!

8、Bill: Reel in your line .Xin: I cant .its _pulling_ so hard .Bill: Oh, you have a big bass .Look at him.Xin: Its so big. I dont want to _lose_ it ! Bill: Bring him close to shore ._got_ him !Xin: Wow! Its so exciting !Bill: Thats _why_ we came here ._Catching_in _fish is even more exciting than _eat

9、ing_ fish .Xin: I want another one .Quick, put another minnows on my hook.Bill: Well .i think Ive made a Minnesota fisher woman out of you.Dialogue:Xin: I can see why you like _fishing_so much. But I cant see why all the guys like football.Bill: Well, we _graw up_with it. We played if for _fun_ as l

10、ittle kids-dreaming we were going to be great football stars. If we were the star we knew everyone would love us and we would make _millions_ of dollars for only three month of work. It was every little kids dream.Xin: It doesnt sound so realistic.Bill: Of course not. We soon learned that when we pl

11、ayed football in _high_ school. When we saw other_guys_ that were bigger and stronger and faster, we knew that we werent going to be one of the _7_ones. But dreaming is part of _being_ an American. If you dont dream, you dont do anything you really want to do.Xin: What about being _practica_?Bill: T

12、hat comes in time, of course. But all new and great inventions. Businesses and ideas _came from_ creative dreaming. Sure , a little kids dream of being a football star may not be realistic, but it _establishes_ a way of think and dreaming that gets carried over_into_ real life later. You have heard

13、the _term_,” the American dream”, havent you?Xin: Yes. Now I m beginning to see America is different. People dream and the _creative _. And they follow their dreams and make them _come true_. Thats wonderful!四 dialogues1Talking about sports 谈论运动A: So, Janet, do you do any sports?你好!Janet,你平时做什么运动吗?B

14、: Well, I go to the gym a lot .Im a member of a gym nearby.我大部分时间都花在健身上,我是附近一家体操中心的会员A: really? How often do you go?真的吗?你多久锻炼一次B: about three times a week, if I can.如果可能,一周三次A: Not bad! Do you do any other sports?听起来很不错,你还喜欢其他什么运动吗B: Not really. Id like to try golf, though.也就没什么了!但是我想尝试一下高尔夫相关词汇:spo

15、rt 运动 gym 健身 not bad 蛮不错 not really 不是的 golf 高尔夫 though 但是2Basketball Game 篮球赛A:Jesse ! What a game ! I love playing man-to-man defense, so I can keep my man scoring .多么精彩的篮球赛啊!我喜欢玩一对一的防守赛,可以使我们队得分B: Yeah! If we had been playing zone defense, I dont think we would have beaten them by so much .We might only have t


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