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1、五年级英语集体备课主 备 人备课时间课 型教学内容Unit 4 Hobbies教 学目 标1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:dance, draw, play the piano, read, sing, watch films.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:I like / They like3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好。内容分析 重 点能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。难 点能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次

2、备 课Step 1:Greeting and warm up1. Greeting 2. Sing a songT: Do you like singing?S: Yes.T: I like singing very much, lets learn to sing a new song, ok?S: OkT: First, listen and watch carefully, and you can follow it if you want .(播放歌曲一遍)T: Do you like the song? Now follow me.(老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作

3、)T: This time, lets try to sing and do some actions together. (再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱。)Step 2 : PresentationWatch a video and learn the new words(教师出示有关自己兴趣爱好的视频,可将生词融入进去,边说边做,每到一个生词处板书,之后将句子提炼出来,教授新词。) I like dancing I like playing the piano I like singing (学生观察句型)T: They are my hobbies, so what about yo

4、urs? (4名学生练习说句)T: We know different people have different hobbies, look, what do they like doing? (出示课文图片,让学生先试着说。)Step 3 : Story time1. T: First, read the story by yourself and underline some words and sentences you dont know. (五分钟左右熟读并尝试理解)2. 解决难题,学生找出课文相似句型,注意区分第一和第三人称所导致的动词形式的变化。3. Watch the car

5、toon and read loudly. (跟读2-3次,注意发音和语调,培养学生的语感)4. Retell the story. (教师起第一句,学生接龙)Step 4:Practice1. Think and write 书上38页练习学生看图先口头表达完成下面填空,小组检查汇报Think and say 小组活动,介绍自己的兴趣爱好。(四人一组,教师可提供必要的词汇帮助学生。)Homework :听磁带,跟读录音5遍。用I like/He likes 的句型介绍爱好。板书设计:Unit4 hobbiesdance draw play the pianoread sing watch f

6、ilmsI like playing basketball and football.She likes reading stories.They both like swimming.五年级英语集体备课主 备 人备课时间课 型教学内容Unit 4 Hobbies教 学目 标1能熟练运用句型I like/ They like/ He/She like进行对话。2能独立复述课文内容。内容分析 重 点熟练运用本课所学单词和句型介绍爱好难 点能独立复述课文教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1. Revision1.Sing the songT: Hello, boy

7、s and girls. Do you remember this song “we all like climbing”S: Yes.T: Lets sing the song again. (播放歌曲,学生齐唱)2.Change the lyricsT: Can you change the words according to my picture? Now listen to me. (教师示范唱第一段,剩余两段让生试唱)3、Review the storyT: I think you read and understand the story well, lets do some j

8、udging(1). Mike likes playing football.(2).Liu Tao likes playing piano.(3).Yang Ling likes drawing.(4).Su Hai likes reading stories.(5).Su Yang likes watching films.T: Great! Can you dub for the story?S: (集体跟着动画配音)Step2 : Practice1.思考完成下面的句子(1) Mike likes _ (sing).(2).The students _ (like) _ (draw).

9、(3)Su Hai and Su Yang like _ (swim).2. Can you tell me what do you like? Step 2.Consolidation1. 小组活动,介绍自己家人的兴趣爱好,教师可提供词汇S1:My mother likes cooking and shopping. My father likes taking photos and traveling. What do your parents like doing?S2: 2. 卡片游戏,连词成句教师可要求每个学生制作一张人名卡片和一个表示兴趣爱好的词汇卡片,人名卡片可以是单数也可以是复

10、数,词汇卡片可以以图的形式呈现,不必呈现单词。教师将卡片收齐后,要求学生任意抽取两张,用like doing造句。3. Think and write学生独立完成书上45页活动,小组交流并展示Homework :模仿45页写一篇有关自己兴趣爱好的小文章教 学反 思五年级英语集体备课主 备 人备课时间课 型教学内容Unit 4 Hobbies教 学目 标1能听懂、会读、会说、会用What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?句型询问和回答某人的爱好。2能理解并掌握like doing 句型的用法及规则。3能完成Fun time

11、中的任务。内容分析 重 点能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。难 点能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1.Free talk1.Greeting2.Free talk1) T: I like running, what do you like doing? S1:I like . S2: I like . (问3-4名学生,将表示兴趣的词汇板书)Step2. Presentation1. Play a game.(learing tips:快速说出PPT闪现的动词并作出相应动作) 如 run, swim,

12、 play basketball, sing, dance,等2.教授动名词形式(1)教师让学生根据free talk 板书的词汇观察动词的变化形式,自己总结说明动词转化为动名词的规则。(2)教师讲解动名词变化规则:一般在动词后直接加ing,有些动词则要先去掉字母e或双写尾字母再加ing。step3.Practice 1.操练这一语法规则,出示经常用到的动词。如:read-reading, dance-dancing, swim-swimming, play-playing,skate-skating等2.Say a chantSwimming,swinmming,I like swimmin

13、gRunning,running,you like runningSinging,singing,he likes singing.Dancing,dancing,she likes dancing.Reading,reading,my father likes reading.(这里讲解第三人称动词变化形式)3.Revision(教师出示story time中的图片,让学生介绍他们的兴趣爱好)T: What does Liu Tao like doing?S1: .T: What does Yang Ling like doing?S2: .T: What does Mike like do

14、ing?S3: .T: What about suhai and Su Yang? What do they like doing?S4: .4.Work in pairs (多次操练加强记忆)5.小组展示Step4:Consolidation1.Do a survery (出示书40页fun time 表格和图片,小组完成)2.教师给出模板,学生完成Im _, I like _, I can _, Im good at _. This is my friend _. _ likes _, _ is _ at _, _ also likes _.教 学反 思五年级英语集体备课主 备 人备课时间课 型教学内容Unit 4 Hobbies教 学目 标1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:about, idea, ice, hole, look out,


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