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1、牛津高中英语模块五第一单元Task, Project 的导学案Skills building 1: Writing down the answers1. Lead-inYou are a reporter of your school newspaper and going to have an interview with your headmaster next week, what should you do?2. Turn to page 12 and find some guidelinesa. Questions: Prepare them in advance.b. Notes:

2、 1).Brief notes only, not whole sentences.2).Make the notes which you can understand later.3).Use contractions and abbreviations if possible.c. Tip: Be polite when you ask others to repeat. Use: I beg your pardon? / Pardon me? Could you say that again? Could you repeat that, please? Did you say or?3

3、. Listeninga. Discuss freely:Have you ever moved to a new town or neighbourhood?What did you do when you meet your new neighbours?What did you talk about when you met your new neighbours for the first time?How did you make friends with your new neighbours?b.Listen to the radio programme and make not

4、es(fill in the blanks)1. What things might worry you when you move to a new place? How to find my way around, _meet people and make new friends2. What is one way to meet new neighbours? Visit their homes with a small gift3. What are some things you should do when you meet a person for the first time

5、? Be open and honest about myself; ask him/her questions about himself/herself; listen to what he or she has to say.4. If you want to meet people with similar interests to yours, what can you do? Join a local club or activity group.5. What are some things you should do if you want to make true frien

6、ds?Always be there for them ; listen to what they have to say; be honest about myself and my feelings.Step 1 : Calling Teen Talk for advice1. Brainstorming:What do you do when you have a personal problem?Would you talk to your parents or your friends and ask them for advice?Have you ever called a ra

7、dio programme for advice?2. Read the leaflet about Teen Talk and do the exercise in Part AKeys to Part A Teen talk1 You can read Teen Talk by: e-mail / phone / website.2 Teen Talk never closes. True False3 Teenagers problems will be reported to parents Ture False 4 Teen Talk listen to teenagers prob

8、lems .5 Teen Talk offers advice/tips/suggestions .Keys to Part B. 1. Reason for calling Teen Talk : Have a problem; ask for help 2. Description of the problem: two important friends; dont like oen another 3. Feelings about the rpoblem: feel divided 4. TeenTalks advice: write a letter to friend and e

9、xplain ; meet outside of school 5. Planned actions to overcome the problem: write a letter; meet at a caf on Saturday; talk Skills building 2: agreeing and disagreeing1. Lead-in What do you often do with your friends?Have you ever write letters to your friends?Its a waste of time to write to your fr

10、iends every day, dont you think so? 2. The way to express agreement and disagreement in English :a. Agreeing: b. DisagreeingI agree with you on/that I dont agree. What about ?I am of the same opinion (as). Im not sure that is true.Exactly. I see things in a little different way.Thats a good point. O

11、n the other hand, Thats how I feel (about) too. Perhaps you are mistaken.Thats right. Really? I dont think that Youve got a point. I take your point , but Yes. And another reason is that Thats true, butc. Tips:If you disagree with someone you should express your opinions politely.Others will take yo

12、ur opinions more seriously if you state them calmly and politely.3.Group work:Express your opinions on the statements on page 14 by stating whether you agree or disagree, using the expressions just learned.1. I agree that Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign food. Chinese food usually incl

13、udes plenty of whole grains, vegetables and good source of calcium, which are considered healthy and nutrious. Besides this, Chinese people pay special attention to the ways of cooking food. The color, the smell and the taste are all taken into consideration as they might affect ones appetite. Howev

14、er, most foreign meals contain more fat and are baked or fried, which may cause them to lose flavour. Chinese food is now eaten by one third of the worlds population every day and is widely considered easy to cook, economical and tasty.I dont agree that Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign

15、 food. The traditional Chinese way of cooking vegetables may cause vitamins to be lost. Besides this, Chinese people use too much oil and salt in cooking, which might cause many health problems. However, foreign food, known for its varied flavours and spices, is rapidly becoming a trend worldwide.4. Someone told me that having a good job doesnt necessarily make you happy. That might be true, but in my opinion, a good job is necessary i


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