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1、 英语口语8000句:餐馆用餐1.How is the meal?这饭味道如何? 2.The dish of boiled beef and carrot tastes good. 那道清炖牛肉胡萝卜的菜味道不错。 3.It is the best live had in a long time. 这是我很久以来吃的最美味的一顿饭了。 4.The chicken curried with rice is very good. 咖喱鸡饭很不错。 5.The cake is crispy. 这点心吃起来酥脆。 6.The apple pie and custard are delicious. 苹

2、果饼和软冻的味道好极了。 7.The meat tastes delicious. 这肉味道真好。 8.Would you like to taste it? 你们想尝尝这个吗? 9.How delicious, tender and crispy! 味道真不错,又嫩又脆。 10.Well, what a nice meal! 哦,多丰富的一顿饭啊! 11.The beef tastes great. 这牛肉好吃。 12.Enjoy your meal. 请渐渐享用吧。 13.To tell you the truth, it is really nice and delicious. 说实话

3、,这顿饭既精致又可口。 14.This sweet and sour fish is very tasty. 这个糖醋鱼很好吃。 15.Please help yourselves to some more fish. 请多吃点儿鱼。 16.I don”t like soup, but all in all, rt is pretty tasty. 我不喜爱那个汤,但是大体而言,晚餐挺好吃的。 17.The hamburger not only smells good, but also tastes delicious. 这只汉堡包不但闻起来很香而且味道好吃。 18.It”s just my

4、 cup of tea. 正合我口味。 19.No wonder the dishes are delicious and tasty. 难怪这些菜味道鲜美呢。 20.This food is out of this world. 这真是人间美味。 21.Why don”t we crack open a bottle of champagne? 我们何不开瓶香槟酒呢? 22.I will have a Scotch. 我来一杯苏格兰威士忌。 23.Will you partake in a glass of sherry? 你要喝杯雪利酒吗? 24.Please try out the re

5、d wine. 请试试喝些红葡萄酒。 25.Let”s drink to our friendship. 为我们的友情干杯! 26.That”s the best wine Ive ever tasted. 那是我喝过的的酒。 27.To your health and success in business, cheers! 为你身体安康,生意兴隆干杯! 28.More than anything in the world, I want to get drunk. 我现在最想做的事就是喝醉。 29.Bottoms up! 干杯!(也可以这样说:Toast!Cheers!) 30.Here”s to you! 敬您一杯! 31.It is fun to get drunk with you. 和你喝酒很有意思。 32.Can I buy you a drink? 我能请您喝一杯吗? 33.Lets tie one on. 咱们一醉方休吧。 34.Let”s have one more for the road. 再喝一杯,咱们就回去吧。


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