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1、一 Phrase C-E1. 商务参赞处2. 市价3. 进出口4. 协议5. 出口(货物)清单6. 报盘7. 询价8. 商品交易会9. 价目表10. 有竞争性的价格11. 商品目录12. 代理商13. 报价单14. 成本加运费15. 佣金二 E-C1. be in the market for2. acquaint sb. with3. approach sb. for sth.4. Requirements5. Be interested in6. Mini fair7. For your reference8. For attention and reply9. Comply with10

2、. The captioned goods11. Under separate cover12. Regular supply三 Multiple choices1. We thank you for the special offer you _ us.A make B offer C let D inform2. We are sending you _ separate airmail two catalogues and a price list of our canned fruits.A. Under B. in C. by D with3. Please let us have

3、a copy of your Export List so that we may acquaint ourselves _ your business lines.A. to B. for C with D in4. We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotations _ receipt of your detailed requirements.A. With B on C when D as soon as5. We are a state-owned corporation _ both the import and export of

4、 textiles.A. Handling in B. trading C. dealing with D. dealing in 6. Please _ when you will again be in the market for chemicals.A. Inform D. advise C tell D notify7. Your name and address _ by ABC Co.A. Are given to us B. are owedC Have been sold D. are indebted to8. Our customers are _ not interes

5、ted in your chemical products.A at present B at the time being C nowadays D since then9. We are desirous _ business relations with you.A to establish B for establish C to enter to D of entering into10. Your letter of September 10 _ to Fujian Foreign Trade Corp. has been passed on to us for attention

6、 and reply.A. Addresses B addressing C addressed D being addressed11. As _ machine tools, we regret to say that we are not able to supply for the time being.A. Reference B regard C regards D regarding12. We have the pleasure of writing to _ you in the hope of doing business with you _.A contact with

7、 you, in this line B contact, in this lineC get in touch with, upon this line of business D get contact, within line of business13. _ what price can you accept this offer?A for B at C in D with三 fill in each of the following blanks with a proper preposition:1. We have been informed that you are _ in

8、 the market _ textiles.In ; for2. Should any _ the items be _ interest _ you, please let us know.Of; of; to3. We always adhere _ the principles _ equality and mutual benefit.To; of4. Please inform us _ the date _ shipment.Of; of5. Kindly let us know _what price you can close business.at6. We are wel

9、l acquaint _ the market condition _ West Europe.With; in7. We are glad to learn that you wish to enter _ trade relations _ this corporation _ the line _canned goods.Into; with; in ; of8. We learn _ your letter _September 13 that you are interested _ establishing business relations _ us _ the purchas

10、e _ our machine tools.From; of; in; with; for; of9. Your letter _ October 27 addressed _ our Xiamen Branch Office has been passed on _ us _ attention and reply, as the goods you require fall _ our business scope.Of; to; to; for; within四 Translation1 承蒙拉哥斯(Lagos)ABC公司告知贵公司名称与地址,现特去信,希望与你建立业务关系。By the

11、 courtesy of Lagos ABC Corp., we are given to understand your name and address. We are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.2 本公司专营纺织品之进出口生意,谨此表示渴望与你公司在这方面做生意。We are specializing in the import of textiles and we wish to enter into trade relations with you in this line.3 如果你对上述任何产品有兴趣,请电传告知。Please cable us if you are interested in any above products.4 此类产品已委托新加坡ABC公司代理,特此告知你直接与他们接洽解决。As we are already represented by ABC company, Singapore for the sale of this commodity, we would advise you to approach them for your requirements.


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