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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上clinical klinikl adj. 临床的;诊所的词根词缀记忆(拆分): 拆分:clin- + ni- + -cal (词源分解)to bend(弯腰) + night(晚上) + cal(形容词后缀) 联想:弯下腰在夜晚看护 意思:临床的;诊所的 例句: Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of diclofenac diethyllamine salt gel in the treatment of closed trauma and sprain. 目的:考察双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶

2、治疗闭合性创伤和扭伤镇痛抗炎的临床疗效和安全性。react rikt, ri:- 1 vi. 反应reactor rikt 2 n. 核反应堆词根词缀记忆: 构词:re(返回来的)+ act(行动) 意思:反应 例句: 1.The organo functional groups will react with the resin. 有机官能团将与树脂反应。 2.reactor doubling time. 反应堆倍增时间。tense tens adj. 紧张的词根词缀记忆: 构词:ten + se (词源分解)to stretch + apart 联想:张力的拉伸 + 使之即将分开,使慌乱

3、意思:紧张的 例句: Geralds eyes were quick and restless, his whole manner tense and impatient, he seemed strung up to some activity. 杰罗尔德的目光敏锐不安,举止紧张,心神不定,好象某种活动搅得他神经过敏似的。excess ikses, ek-, adj. 过量的;过多的词根词缀记忆: 构词:ex- + -cess (词源分解): out + to go 联想:走过了的 意思:过量的;过多的例句: The drainpipe conducts excess water form

4、the well. 排水管把多余的水从井中排出。circuit s:kit n. 电路词根词缀记忆:构词:cir-(环路)+ -cuit(形容词后缀) 意思:电路 例句: It also has perfect functions of rated voltage, rated current, rated power and rated resistance, remote measurement, circuit measurement, battery measurement, dynamic measurement, and upper engines software control

5、. 其完善的定电压,定电流,定功率,定电阻功能,远端测量,电路测试,电池测试,动态测试及上位机软件控制等功能让您获得一机多用的实惠与方便。attribute tribju:t, vt. 把归因于;把归咎于词根词缀记忆: 构词:at-(朝)+ -tribute(乡下) + e 向下给 意思:把归因于;把归咎于 例句: It is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions. 仅仅以外部环境解释一切是不合理的。 exterior ikstiri n. 外部;外表adj. 外部的;外表的词根词缀记忆: 构词:ex-(外的) + -ter

6、ior(朝向) 向外的部分 意思:外部的;外表的例句: It is difficult to judge a person by his exterior. 依据外表难以评判一个人。interior intiri n. 内部adj. 内部的词根词缀记忆: 构词:in-(外的)+ -terior(朝向) 向内的部分 意思:内部的例句: It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house. 房屋的内部装饰花去许多钱。destructive distrktiv adj. 破坏的词根词缀记忆: 构词:des-(分开) + struc

7、t(结构) + -tive(形容词后缀) 结构被拆分开的 意思:破坏的 例句: They are far more destructive to the fruit industry than autumn frosts. 它们比秋季早霜对果树生产的损害大得多。perceive psi:v vt. 理解,认为词根词缀记忆: 构词:per-(去)+ -ceive(获得) 意思:理解,认为 例句: We can perceive Gods wisdom. 我们能领悟上帝的智慧。perfectionist pfeknist n. 完美主义者词根词缀记忆: 拆分:perfect完美的 + -tioni

8、st(名词后缀, 表人) 意思:完美主义者 例句: The innkeeper is a notoriously hard driving, whip - cracking perfectionist. 这个酒馆的老板出名地凶狠,不准手下人犯一点错误。delegate delieit 1. v.授权,委托 2. vt. 委派为代表 3. n. 代表词根词缀记忆: 构词:dele-(删除) + gate(大门) 联想:删除大门,删除隔阂 意思:授权,委托 例句: 1.It must decide whether to delegate authority to subsidiaries or c

9、entralize. 它必须决定是委授权力给公司,还是采取集中办法。 2.They chose me as their delegate. 他们选我作为他们的代表。 3.Babbitt was an official delegate. 巴比特是一名正式代表。cycle saikl 1. n. 循环;周期 2. vi. 骑自行车形近词辨析记忆:cycle 循环circle 圆圈 例句: 1.A cows estrus cycle averages 21 days. 母牛的发情周期平均为21天。 2.As a member of the Route Committee of the Athens

10、 Cycle League he had helped lay out the hundred-mile course. 作为阿森斯自行车赛协会线路委员会的一个成员,他帮助制定了百里赛路线。emphasis emfsis n. 强调基本单词记忆。例句:A speaker puts emphasis on important words.演说人在重要词语上加强语气。同家族单词记忆:emphasize emfsaiz vt. 强调,着重 physiological ,fizildikl 1 adj. 生理学的,生理的physiologically ,fizildikli 2 adv. 生理上,在生

11、理学上同家族单词记忆。例句: 1.Their physiological significance is obscure. 它们的生理功能是含糊不清的。 2.For many drugs, physiological and pathological variations in organ function are major determinants of their rate of disposition. 对于许多药物,器官功能在生理上和病理上的差异是决定它们处置速率的主要因素。recommend ,rekmend 1. vt. 建议;劝告 2. 推荐词根词缀记忆:构词:re-(回复)+

12、 commend(词根:命令) 联想:对命令反过来给建议 意思:建议;劝告 例句: 1. I will not recommend you for accelerated promotion at this point. 目前,我不会建议对你提前晋升。2. With reservations I will recommend this film. 我将有保留地推荐这部影片。financial fainnl 1 adj. 金融的;财政的financially fainnli 2 adv. 财政上;金融上同家族单词记忆:finance n. 财政;金融例句: 1.You have a good c

13、hance of getting merit-based financial aid 你很有希望得到奖励性的经济资助。 2.Teaching is not very rewarding financially, is not very well paid. 教书的工作报酬不太高.independent ,indipendnt adj. 独立的;自立的词根词缀记忆:构词:in-(包否定)+ depend(词根:依靠)+ -dent(形容词后缀) 不依靠的 意思:独立的;自立的例句: Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers. 应鼓励孩子们成为独立思考者。stimulate stimj,letid vt. 刺激;激励;激发同家族单词记忆:stimulant stimjulnt n. 兴奋剂;刺激物;酒精饮料adj. 激励的;使人兴奋的例句:Im trying to stimulate him to study harder.我试图激励他更加用功读书。temper temp 1. n. 心情;脾气同家族单词记忆:even-tempered adj.性情平和的;不易激动的例句:1.He is prone to lose his temper when people disagree with him. 人



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