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1、1. Nobody will be the wiser. 谁也不会更为聪明。(误) 谁也不懂得。(正) 注:英语形容词 wise 有三个基本意思: (1) 聪明的,如 You were wise not to go.(你不去是聪明的)。 饱学的,女口 He is wise in the law.(他精通法律)。(3) 知道的,如 We are none the wiser for his explanations.听完他的解释,我们还是 不明白)。上例便是第三义, 等于说 Nobody will know it. 通常比较级, 意为“至 今不知道的事, 现在知道了” ,所谓 none the

2、wiser= no wiser than before= as wise as before照旧o2. Dont you see the writing on the wall? 你看不见墙上的字吗?(误) 难道你看不到灾难的迫切吗?(正)注:The writing on the wall (or sometimes handwriting on the wall) is an expression that suggests a portent of doom or misfortune. It originates in the Biblical book of Daniel - wher

3、e supernatural writing fortells the demise of the Babylonian Empire, but it has come to have a wide usage in language and literature.3. Truth lies at the bottom of the decanter.真相从玻璃酒瓶地下看出来。(误) 酒后吐真言。(正)4. Dont tell him home truths.不要告诉他家里的真相。(误)不要对他讲逆耳的事实。(正)注 :Home truths are unpleasant facts that

4、 you learn about yourself, usually from someone else. (BRIT)5. This will go a long way in overcoming the difficulty. 在克服困难上要走很远的路。(误)这在突破难关时是很有帮助的。(正)注: go a long way = will be helpful. 又, go a little way with a person, 意为对那人一 点效果也没有,对他影响很小。6. He has a yellow streak in him.他身上有一条黄色的纹路。(误)他有胆小的气质。(正)

5、7.One or two of the jewels would never be missed.一两粒宝石是决不会不见的。(误)失去一两粒宝石是决不会知道的。(正)8.1 know he meant bus in ess.我知道他的用意在生意。(误)我知道他不是开玩笑的。(正)注: 口语用法的 mea n bus in ess = be serious be earn est。做生意的人是要认真的,讲求信用的,因此引伸出上面这种意思来了9.This failure was the making of him. 这次失败是他造成的。(误) 这次失败实为他成功的基础。(正) 注:动词 make

6、原是“造成”的意思,又可作“发展或发达的过程。成功的原 因或手段”解,例句中所用的便是这个意思。 making 还可以加复数, 而构成“要 素”,“素质”之意,女口 He has in him the makings of a poet.他有诗人的素质。)10.He has never recovered her loss. 他永为能补偿她的损失。 (误) 他用含失恃之悲。(正)注:这是英语中最容易弄错意思的一种表现法。 英语属格分主格作用和宾格作用 两种。李据说的是宾格作用,所谓 her loss = the loss of his mother, 而不是 his mothers loss,

7、 不是他母亲的损失,而是他失去母亲。如果说成 She has never recovered her loss.就是主格作用,因为 She和her是同一人,her loss就是她 的损失。从及物动词变来的名词,就能有这两种作用。11.I could do with more leisure time.有更多的闲暇我就能做好了。(误) 要再多一些闲暇就好了。(正)注:can do=be satisfied with; be content with, 满足,忍受。在 do 之前用 can 的 过去 could 时,便有“要能得到就好了”,“想要”的意思,不过常出于戏言。 That man cou

8、ld do with a shave .那人要把胡子剃光就好了。)12.She is now in a delicate condition.她现在是在一种微妙的状态中。(误)她现在是在怀孕中。 (正)注:分辨 a delicate condition 和 a delicate situation, 后者意为“困难的局势“。13.He is brave like anything.他像任何东西一样的勇敢。(误)其勇无比。(正)注:like anything,意为拿任何东西来譬喻都不相称,引申而成“非常”,“不劣 于任何东西”之意。14.It is said that his days are

9、numbered. 据说他的日子都计算好了。(误) 据说他的死期已近。(正)注: number 用作被动是,有“为数可数”之意,即“有限”,“无多”,“迫 切”的意思。传说人寿有定,当生命将尽时,可以说 His hour has come. 或 His course is run.15.It is time he began to work. 这时他已经开始工作了。 (误) 现在是他应该开始工作的时候了。(正)注It is time+主语+过去分词 就和It is time fo叶宾语+不定式一样的意思。句中 的过去动词是一种假设语气的用法,例如It is time I was going.(

10、我早应该告辞了。)16. He may be drowned for all I care. 不顾我怎样当心,他或许仍然会溺死的。(误) 他也许会溺死,但我毫不介意。(正) 注: for all I care= I dont care if. 英语说的 for all 或 with all, 实有不顾(notwithstanding)之意,如 For all his wealth, he is unhappy他虽有那么多的钱还 是不快乐。)17. There is no love lost between them. 他们之间并未失掉爱情。(误) 他们非常不和。(正) 注:这是委婉的说法,意为

11、他们之间根本无爱情可言,换言之, There is hatred between them.(他们之间只有憎恨。)18. He had words with her. 他和她谈过话了。(误) 他和她口角了。(正)注: have words with 或 exchange words with,为互相争论或口角之意。本例也 可说成 They had words together.英文的words,常有吵嘴的意思,如 proceed from words to blows(由争论而至打斗)。19. He was laid up for a few days. 他被安插好几天了。(误) 他病倒两三天

12、了。(正)注:因病或伤睡在床上,英文说 lay up,女口 be laid up with illness(卧病);be laid up with a broken leg(因折腿不能起床)。20. He took my advice in good part.他接受了我的忠告最好的部分。(误)他嘉纳了我的忠言。(正)注: take sth in good part,意为“善意地接受”或“顺受”。相反的说法有in bad(或 ill)part,则为“不悦”或“逆受”。21.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. 聪明人从来不做错事。(误)智者千虑

13、必有一失。(正)注:此句照字面解释,似应照误句的译法,不过这是一句古来的谚语,凡“it is .that (who)的构造,都含有“无论怎样都不免”的意思。参考下列各句:It is an illwind that blows nobody g o od . (害于此者利于彼。人病医生喜。人死和尚乐。 ) It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.(自诽其家者未之有也。家丑不可外扬。)It is a good workman that never blunders.(无论怎样好的工人有时都不免做错。) It is a long lane that has

14、 no turning.(否极泰来。)It is a wise mother who knows her own child.(为母者不 知其子 之恶。)It is a good divine who follows his own in structio ns.(能说者不能行。)22. We parted the best friends.我们和最好的朋友别离了。(误)我们在分别时是极好的朋友。(正)注: part 是一个不及物动词, the best friends 为补语。23. Twenty failed, myself among the rest.有二十人落第,但我自己不在内。(误

15、) 落第者二十名,我自己也是其中之一。(正) 注:the rest,原意为 “其余”,女口 as for the rest(至于其他之点)。但 among the rest,则系一个成语,意为 amo ng the number(就在那个数目之中)。24. He is dead, as I live.他死了,我还活着。(误)他的的确确是死了。(正)注:as I live在此意为in deed,是加重前面主句的。英语还有其他类似的说法,如 as I am here, as the sun shines, as you stand here, as my nose is on my face 等2

16、5.She will make you a good wife.她将是你做一个好妻子。(误) 她将成为你的好妻子。(正) 注:这个 make 是完全及物动词, 采用了两个宾语, 前面的 you 为间接宾语, 后 面的 good wife 为直接宾语。“母亲要替我买一只表” 一语,如不译为 Mother will buy a watch for me.时,也可译为 Mother will buy me a watch.所以上举例句就是 She will make a good wife for you的另一种说法。利用 make这个及物动词,我们还可以造出这样的妙句 She made him a good husband because she made him a good


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