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1、贵州省习水县七年级英语下册Unit2WhattimedoyougotoschoolSectionB(3a-3b)&SelfCheck导学案(新版)人教新目标版Unit 2 What time do you go to school?第四课时 Section B (3a-3c)& Self Check学习目标:1、重点单词life (n.) 生命;生活2、重点短语(1)at +具体时间点 在几点(几分)(2) eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭(3)thirtyhalf past+基数词 点半 (4) fifteena quarter to +基数词 差一刻

2、到点(5)take a/an +名词 从事活动(6)fromto 从到(7)need to do sth. 需要做某事3. 重点句式I have a very healthy life.重点难点: (1)复习时间的提问以及回答方式。(2) past与to用于时间表达的用法(3)关于日常生活的动词短语;导学设计:1. I have a very healthy life.我有非常健康的生活方式。【归纳】healthy意为“ ”,是 。名词是health“健康”。She is very healthy. =She is in good health.她很健康。2.I always get up a

3、t six.我总是在6点钟起床。【归纳】at放在 前面,如:at a quarter past seven 在7:15在具体某天用介词 ,on Sunday 在星期天在年月前用介词 ,如:in 2017 在2017年3. I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven.我通常从6:15到7:00锻炼。 【归纳】from to意为“从到”,可以连接 。From America to China, children all like hamburgers.从美国到中国,孩子们都喜欢汉堡。4. I have lunch at a quarter to twe

4、lve.我在11:45吃午饭。I usually go to school at half past seven.我通常在7:30去上学。【归纳】时间的表达方式有 和 :(1)顺读法,即按时间顺序来读。6:15 six fifteen(2)倒读法,即先读分钟数,再读整点数。6:15 fifteen past six注:分钟数小于等于30分钟时:分钟数+past+整点数分钟数大于等于30分钟时:距离下一整点的分钟数+to+下一整点数9:25 twenty past nine 9:45 a quarter/ fifteen to ten5. You need to brush your teeth

5、 after eating to have good teeth.为了牙齿健康,你需要在吃东西后刷牙。need to do sth. 意为“ ”,need是实义动词。We need ten chairs for the meeting.为这次会议,我们还需要十把椅子。He needs to exercise more because he is fat.他需要多锻炼,因为他太胖了。知识巩固: .从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形式填空。play sleep early have quarter look work do tell speak1. -What your brother in t

6、he evening?-He watches TV at home.2. -Do you like a little longer in the morning?-Yes, I like it very much.3. -Where your uncle ? -In Beijing.4. Xiao Feng the violin well. He wants to join the music club.5. -Can you a little Chinese? -Yes, I can.6. -You get up so . -I always get up at 5:00.7. -What

7、time you lunch? -At twelve.8. Please me what his job is.9. They usually eat dinner at a to seven in the evening.10. at the clock. Its time to go home. 根据汉语完成句子。1. 这苹果尝起来不错。The apple .2. 他有健康的生活。He has a .3. 我妈妈要求我快点穿衣服。My mother asks me to quickly.4.Tony有时打半个小时的篮球。Tony sometimes plays basketball for

8、 hour.5. Bill, 上学别迟到。Bill, dont be school. 按要求改写句子1. People usually have dinner in the evening. (对划线部分提问) 2. I usually get up at around six fifteen. (对划线部分提问) 3.My friend wants to know about my morning. (改为一般疑问句) 4. I do my homework at six thirty.(改为否定句) 5. Does your brother Tommy get up at five thi

9、rty in the morning? (作否定回答) 参考答案导学设计1. 健康的, 形容词 2. 具体时刻, on, in 3. 时间和地点 4. 顺读法, 倒读法 5. 需要做某事知识巩固. 1. does, do 2.sleep 3. does, work 4. plays 5. speak 6. early 7. do, have 8. tell 9. quarter 10.Look. 1. tastes good 2. healthy life 3. get dressed 4. half an 5. late for. 1. When do people usually have dinner?2. What time do you usually get up?3. Does your friend want to know about my morning?4. I dont do my homework at six thirty.5. No, he doesnt. /



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