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1、大学英语考试四级听力考前辅导A.应试策略 所谓应试策略指应付考试的有效手段,一般包括 (1)预读选项 预读选项指在听之前先将试题的四个选项浏览一遍。这是做好听力必备的技巧。通过分析四个选项可以对所提问的问题有个大体的了解,带着问题去听,有助于提高注意力,将注意力集中于对话中的某一点信息,减少听的负担,解题也更加准确,快捷。(2)记笔记 记笔记是一项比较重要的听力技巧,尤其是在听短文时,实际上听力中也有对记笔记的专项考题,如听写填空。因为各题的四个选项都有可能在对话中或文章中出现,记笔记有助于分清具体的细节,以免出现混淆。(3)整体理解 无论是对话还是文章都是围绕一个主题展开的,文章的一切细节都

2、是用来说明一个主题。一般选择题的设计也都是针对文章的主题和用来说明主题的有关细节。在听的时候,考生通过预读选项了解了文章的话题范围,这样在听的之后就可以搜索与该话题有关的信息,前后联系,综合考虑,从而把握文章的主题。前后的关联,整体的把握对听力文章的理解至关重要,不能因为细节而忽略整体。要做到整体理解需要: 注意文章的首句。一般文章的主题由首句提出,然后以举例、列举、比较、对照等手段,抓住首句也就掌握了文章的主题,对文章的叙事方式也就有了预测性的了解。理解起来也就简单了许多。 抓关键词。并不是每个单词,每个句子都同样的重要,有的是论点,有的是论据,有的只表示关联,更有很多是冗余信息。因此,在听

3、的时候,同学们要注意分清哪些是关键词汇,哪些是关键句子,将注意力集中在关键之处。 忽略。所谓忽略,指当同学们遇到难以理解的词句时不要停,而是跳过去,继续听下文,根据上下文的关系去理解文章。(4)推测同学们可以通过出现的词汇推测对话发生的地点,会话人之间的关系,各自的身份等。 (1)利用出现的词汇判断对话发生的地点以及会话人之间的关系和身份、职业等。(2) 利用话题和主题知识把握全文: 文章的主题一般出现在文章的首句,在听时一定要注意首句的理解,然后根据首句推测文章可能会包括的内容,在听的过程注意用来说明主题的信息,进行前后的连贯思索,就可以轻松地理解全文。事实上听力中也有对文章主题的考查。B.

4、对话部分的应试技巧听力测试的对话内容主要是日常生活中的一般交际内容,涉及到衣、食、住、行、工作和学习等。对话的题材主要谈工作情况、职业特点、家庭计划、行为动机、事件背景、人物动态、行动意图等。根据近年,尤其是2003年6月四级听力测试的试题来看,听力材料中的句子结构渐趋复杂,主从复合句明显增加,隐含否定题型,言外之意题型和重复反问题型时有出现,而且语境材料偏长,信息量大、选项相对较长,这就使四级听力的难度大大增加,考虑到听力测试命题的这种趋势,同学们更应该明确主攻方向,针对听力测试的重点和难点,做好复习备考工作。1 有关“对话”部分中的常见短语与表达方式:(1) 职业与身份:a, 教师与学生可

5、能的场景:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生校对论文打印错误。常见词与短语:textbook, course, subject, homework, assignment, test, quiz, tuition, school record(成绩单),credits(学分),registration, quit school, term paper, thesis(毕业论文),band(乐队),Students Union, gymnasium, homecoming(校友聚会), dormitory, teaching building,do rese

6、arch for ,professor, semester, work as ones teaching assistant, assistance, assist, trouble a professor, may I ask you a few questions, I have a class at ten, come in ones office hours, finish reading ones research report, revise (improve) some parts of it, get it published, read some papers he reco

7、mmended, correct all the typing errors in a paper, read it through again, check the paper for typing errors等。b, 图书馆管理员与学生常见词与短语:library, book for reading assignment, magazine, periodical, fiction, reading room, library card, library catalogue(图书馆的图书目录), loan desk(借书处), journal, reference book, stack

8、s(书库), shelves, renew, due(到期的), overdue(过期的),close, open, weekend, weekday, check out, volume two (ten), check for sb., borrow, one the upper shelf, a book hard to identify/ is missing, has been misplaced 等。c, 营业员与顾客常见词与短语:on sale, bargain, price, out of style(老式), fashion, ready-made(成衣), cloth pa

9、ttern(花纹,图案),tip, cash or charge(付现金还是记账),department store, cashier, supermarket, daily necessities, check-out stand(付款柜台), receipt, shop assistant, salesman, clerk等。d,饭店与顾客常见词与短语:seasoning(调味品), menu, wine, drink, food, snack, banquet-tray(餐盘), paper napkin(纸餐巾), go Dutch(各自付账),receptionist, servic

10、e counter, a single room, a double room, customer, manager, boss, well-done(全熟的), underdone(半熟的)等。e,医生与病人常见词与短语:hospital, doctor, nurse, patient, operation, ward, physician, medicine, surgery, hospital registers office(挂号处), outpatient department(门诊部), emergency department(急诊部), to suffer from, to g

11、ive an infection, to give first-aid treatment(急诊)等。(2)地点与方向a,Hospital(医院)常见词与短语:blood pressure, cough, fever, a headache, pills, tablets, take ones temperature, take medicine, patient, doctor, nurse, dentist, a physical examination, physician等。b,Bank(银行)常见词与短语:account, bank clerk, current account(活期

12、存款帐户), check, service charge, cash the cheque, saving/check account(储蓄/支票帐户)等。c,Hotel(宾馆)常见词与短语:hotel, motel, a single/double room, a suite, book a room, check in/out, register, fill in a room, make a reservation, lobby, Room Service, reception, front desk, porter, tip等。d, Railway station(火车站)常见词与短语

13、:train, platform, passenger, check in/out, catch a train, miss a train, fail to catch a train等。e, Bus station/stop(汽车站)常见词与短语:conductor, passenger, fare, next stop, the terminal station(终点站)等。f,Airport or on plane(飞机场或在飞机上)常见词与短语:airliner, airlines, land, take off, flight, on board, boarding card, d

14、eparture, arrival, destination, cancel a flight, delay, check in, luggage, fasten the safe belt, crew 等。g, Library(图书馆)常见词与短语:librarian, assistant, call number, book, due, overdue, return, renew, borrow, lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, fine(罚款), fiction, novel, magazine, bookshelf等。h, Movie/The

15、atre(影剧院)常见词与短语:film, movie, play, show, drama, row, seat, be on (上演,上映), performance, program, Shakespeare, Oscar, ticket, check in, The Twelfth Night等。i,Store(商店)常见词与短语:department store, the grocers, drug store, shop, go shopping, market, on sale, sell well, size ,type, fashion, style, color, cost

16、, price, counter, brand, cash, check, assistant, May I help you? What can I do for you? How much does it cost? Here you are. pay, buy, purchase, change(零钱), US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, pounds, shelling, penny等。j,School/University(学校)常见词与短语:campus, department, dean, college, professor, teacher, student, tutor, lecturer, headmaster,



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