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1、优秀初二英语作文 优秀初二英语作文1 f e wat t ke oubodies helt, ms hae a oodhab. Wehld gt pand g to bedearly and seepat least eight hous evryday. Do moreecise, uch s walin,swmmig, pagbalsnd soon. Wesud alsoat healthy oodmor fritvgtables and les mea. If nt e ell, youd betr ee doctor tceAweshul wa ur hands efr melsand

2、n noug old waer ery da. Is ncessaryforur healt. e shouldothrw lier ot, e ln fingrnlan moketc. Its also very impont.翻译: 如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的习惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。 我们不应该乱扔乱丢一下,留着长长的指甲和吸烟等,这也是非常重要的。 优秀初二英语作文

3、2 arnely ope o lead aealt an prosperous lif i he fure.in frommy atitude ilnation ad pernatystreaks,myieal lie will b that ofa cientit,esearhng,ectrin, and writng boks. s am fro arming family, Ipartclal ejoy bein csto earth. If Ia fordt live a pasoral li ithe countsi, Iwil feel most blessed As far s

4、sol ifs concned, impliyiswhatI inend t rse, so I elly dot need to nyfriends.All ese will be mer alif Iaminow.T atain mya, I mst mk pint f traningmy an mnd This ia highlcompetitiv scityin wich everon i eager tcomout n top. Thats noonlycometitionfhysical trengt and eal power, but aarahonoece, faith, d

5、erevenceLieisnot l roses, bu with wtI am beig euipp with b hetoptcher i this elitschool, I sreydesre a promsng prosect.(约170字) 优秀初二英语作文3 Thi holiday y sster anIwent toShnghi. Myise ad jugraduaed d she and to find a job inShanghai. Mynle live i Sgai, so e ivd wi hi after we gtthere thefirst aywe went

6、 a lt of iestin ples, icludigWaitan adHuanpuPa. The few days were spentheigy sse fid j. Weread nyadveisements innewpaper. My ister faild in tigthe firsjob becauthy said sha to yong. hn elost ourway andcoudn fin the scond cmpnyWe had amap b te ty s s big,sow d to skdsomeo for hep an finllyfound the e

7、ond ompany Thebos hda talkwith my ise d asked her to at at hoe f thir dison. A month lter we wntomeMy siter coudn fid a b in anghi becauseshes ot knwlgebl eough orse didt ave enuh experien. In hs hoida we lantht if w tscceed in ie, w have oworkhad ad et lo of knoedge. 优秀初二英语作文4 Li Xiaohu spt to mcht

8、ime playicomutr gsand hfell bend hersAsagodclose find of his,Imus do somthg help hm. Frs, hk is ver imprtantfor him o learlssos wel. should spend ost of hs ie on i stuy instead o ter gam. Secondly, I ms e him thatpaiomputer gmtoouchis bad for hishealt, especay fr ies. h mus ge it upI cn lamore poswt

9、h hi aftr sclMaybhe il beom more inereted inor than computer game. Andhnll ask hi t concentrate more on his sd. fcouse, I ill ty y bst o help imith alhsuts. thn an d t n funwa d et hm find much fu intudyn At the sa time, Ila h is ats ador teaches to hephim,to. If I ry these, I surehe il ake gtpogres son.第 1 页 共 1 页


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