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1、实用的英文自我介绍汇总篇 英文自我介绍 篇1Good moring, mna sack, it eally geat hnr haehispotuty for a iterv, wold liketoswe water yomay ae, and hop ian mak ood peformace toay, vntuallynroll n thisprestiius unversity in septeber. now i il iroducemyelf briefy,iam 1 years old,bornnheiogjanprovie ,northast of chia,ad i mcu

2、rruentlya enior stut t being XX uimyajorispacaging engnrin an i wil reeie mbcheo egre aft m rdatioin jne.in e pst yrs,i smost of my tieo sudy,i hepass CET4/6with a end ave aure basic knodgeof pacaging dpublishing both in theory an ipracie. eside, ihveaend everal pckagig exhition ld in ejig, hisisou

3、advtag sd ere, i v tken a tou o some bgacory and company. ruh thes hv deey undestaninof domestic ackgng ndutry. compre to dele cuntrs suc as us, nfortunatel, thu we he mad xtrordinr progrss since 19,our caing industry ar stl unerdevlope, ess,unstable, ttuation f empesi hsfield are awar uti havefullo

4、fdncei arih futr f olyourecoyc kee the grh ace still. i gues you mybe nerete ie rso it a, an ti y plan dun graduate std lif,woullike toell ou th prs law i one f my iflon gal,i ike my majorpaking and i wot give p,f i canpursueyate egre hre i wll ine la whmy frmer eucaton. i ill work hard i tesflds,at

5、en ,trdemark, coyright, on te bsof my yeastdyieparmentofp&p, my character i cannot deribeit ll,ut knw amotiistic ndconident. ometim iprefeto say aone, redig, liteng t musc, bui am nloney,i li cat why lassmates, alsttlk vything ,my favoritepastime is vallebal,playingcadsor surf online. oughcolleglife

6、,i leanhow toaace beten study and etanmn. theway, i wa a tor o ur amaing drama club. ad a fw oriou memory oage. tha i yrie. 英文自我介绍 篇2 Go mornin, I am gd o ave a cance for this teriew, and hope can ake agodperformae oda, eetualy nrol this estgos uiversyi Setmber.Now letnoduce yelf briefl. My name is

7、xx was on in 985 in Han rovie I majred in owr Egineing in Schol f Coter cienc andehology, Hang Zho * Univesity frm 20o 202X. I he pst 4 year, entst my ime n stuing. have asse CET4 wth a ase Bsides, he cuired bai knowledge ofcmpuer progammng both in heorydin rtic. Asr yact, I thk Imtimistic andconfid

8、en.My favort pasties playng ping-p,eding boks ad listenng o th music Tak ou!如果你获得了第一轮英文面试(Thefirs oud Engih intrview)的机会,预示着你梦想的职位正向你招手,这轮面试的分量可想而知,所以你应该确保在面试中发挥最佳状态。其实,英文交流无障碍的应聘者为数不多,大多数人都处于有一定交流基础、但经验不足的水平,以下介绍一些面试中的注意事项,希望帮助英文水平并不是特别出众的你规避硬伤。 Se-trucin忌面面俱到 尽管最近有人认为面试时做自我介绍不流行了,但是准备一份正常语速下3分钟长度的

9、英文自我简介是必要的。首先,自我简介是自我介绍的总纲,是保证你在面对任何问题时都能够应对自如的前提;其次,有备无患嘛。 如果试图在短短几分钟内吸引面试官的注意力,你的简介当然要是浓缩的精品。所以,前奏一般用一句话陈述自己的基本特征即可。然后迅速进入正题,或选择自己最引以为傲的经历叙述,或介绍自己的长处。切记,面试官一般会承接你的自我介绍发问,所以在做自我介绍时最好不要提特别难讲清楚的事情和比较抽象的概念,因为你的英文水平只够应付普通会话,更何况身处高度紧张的面试氛围中,哪里还能够应对自如。简介不需要面面俱到,因为在你曾经提交的资料中,已有详细的介绍,所以力求在面试中突出重点。PesoaStat

10、eme忌语速过快 很多应聘者认为只要在外国面试官前把英文说溜即可,其他的无所谓,于是语速狂飙。我们经常看到这种情形,在你口吐莲花之后,满场静寂,老外目瞪口呆,因为他们没有听懂你赶火车似的中式英文。其实,英文面试的第一目的是让国外主管了解你,甚至对你感兴趣,最重要的是展示你的综合素质,绝非单单的语言能力,所以您应该首先力求表达清晰。另外语速过快容易给人不自信、不稳重的错觉。剑桥大学的一项调查显示,语速快一般体现具备两种不同特质的人,一种是思维和语言反应能力强且协调的人,一种是处事急躁的人,万一人家把你理解为第二种怎么办 英文自我介绍篇3 Gafernoon, tecers! Today,Imve

11、ry happy oak a speechhr. ow, let mentroducemyelf.My nme i xxx English name is xxxIm xx I come o Class1 Grd xxof xxNo.PrimarSchol. Im nactie gir. lik plying basketll Bause I thkt veryintesing. Idlike o at potates. Theyre asty.Myfavourite cur i ren.And likemah bst. Its u. On te wknd, likereadgoks in y

12、 roo. hve a hapy familM fathris tall and trng.Myother is hr-workingand tal,to. Mybrothe is sr. AIm a od stude. My rem isto b a teacer,becse nt to hlpte poor chldren in the futue. Thyoufor ienig! ese eemb me!Tank ou verymuch! 英文自我介绍篇4 Hello!ello, Im yor mot:love everne, e flwerblom, s han did stp pple! day, let m introduce mygrea faily ell yu thmyfmil saig mieage! Dont look atealthougI am small, uI canprevet icce f lun cncer, heart disea! Hldedce fnd that eatin 1to aples da ca uce the risk of eart dsease by hal. Amern cenists h pointedout


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