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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 第一天答案一、选择: 1-5AACCD 6-10CBBDC 11-15CCBAC 16-17DD二、阅读理解:B C A B C三、完成句子:1. He has poor eyesight,because he reads too many books.2. Her straight,shoulder-length hair makes her look beautiful.3. Tianjin is one of the biggest cities in our country.4. You can ask the teacher for h

2、elp when you have problems.5. Miss Li always goes into the classroom with a smile on her face.第二天答案一单项选择: DDDBA BCBDB二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.musical 2.fastest 3.height 4.better 5.humorous 6.correctly 7.chose 8.uncomfortable三、完成句子:1. We shared an umbrella because of the rain yesterday.2. Be careful!Dont kno

3、ck over my books.3. We think climbing is as pleasant as camping.4. I dont think any of the outdoor activities are dangerous if we are careful.5. I am willing to make friends with you if you have a sense of humour.6. You can come to me if you have problems with English.7. Though I often stay at home

4、alone,I dont feel lonely at all.8. We have to stay at home because of the heavy rain.9. Climbing is better for health than watching TV,because outdoor activities can keep people healthy.10. I will try my best to learn English well,because English is one of the most popular languages in the world.四、阅

5、读理解:A C B C A 第三天答案:单项选择:1-5 ABDCD 6-10. DBDCA 11-15.CABAB 词汇运用1. ate 2. Walk 3. not to read 4. will have 5. to become 6.themselves完成句子1. My cousin spends one hour and a half / one and a half hours practicing playing softball.2. Your school uniforms are the same as mine.3. Its impossible to finish t

6、he work today.4. I didnt know how to do things for myself before I came to this school.完形填空:1-5 ACDDB 6-10. BACDB第四天答案:单项选择:1-5 ABBAD 6-10.BCACB 11-13. CCC词汇运用1. worse 2. closest 3. seniors 5. movies 6. heroes完成句子5. My father spends the least money on the clothes in my family.6. We learned how to co

7、ok healthy and tasty dishes after Home Economics.7. Do you know the length of this vocation?8. The person I admire most is Yang Liwei.阅读理解1-5 CABCD第五天答案:1-7 CDCCCDD1. living 2.will show 3. to save 4.crashed 5.heavily 6. mopping 7.surely, sure 8. Lightning, thunder 9. lost, lost 10. accident 1. Its f

8、un to see many places of interest all over the world/2. I felt sick for most of the trip because of the heavy traffic on the road.3. He invited us to her birthday party yesterday.4. Thank the teacher for agreeing to let us watch the basketball match.5. The teacher taught us how to make home pages by

9、 himself./on his own/ alone.6. You will look healthier and slimmer than before if you take exercise.1-5 CADDA 1. weekend 2. dangerous 3. between 4. couldnt 5. heard 6. holiday 7. until 8. nothing 9.sleep 10.working第六天答案:1-5BBCDD 6-10ABDDC 11-16CCCBBA 1. heavy 2. until 3.was shopping 4.excitedly, exc

10、ited 5.friendly 6. music, musical 7. the most clever/ the cleverest 8.going 9.careful 10. polite, politely 11. elses 12. unhappy 13. playing 14. said 15. Drinking 1. They tried to pull themselves up the rocks but failed. 2. I dont think swimming is as interesting as skiing. 3. Shall we go to the Pal

11、ace Museum tomorrow? 4. I stayed at home instead of going shopping。1-5 DCADB 6-10 BADBA1. angry2.few3. speak4. tired5. soon6. supper7. later8. were9. suddenly10. says第七天答案:一、单选: ACCDD ADABB CB二、词汇1. wetlands 2. danger 3. rainforest 4. following 5. Camels6. tortoise 7. survived 8.kangaroos 9.Sadly 10

12、. leaves11.healthier 12.fewer 13.protect 14.performance 15.attack三、阅读理解: CDAAB第八天答案:一、单选: DBDBB DBDBC AC二、词汇1. will watch, has 2. knowing, not to give 3. did , finish , feeding4. is will walk , finds 5. to protect 6. drinking 7. give 8. stops 9. protecting 10 amazing三、翻译下列句子1.The number of the giant

13、 pandas is getting smaller and smaller because people keep hunting them.2.What does a tiger look like when it is born / at birth ?3.The dolphins were all tired because of the long performance.4.Wolves are friendly to each other and never attack people.5.If the exchange students come to Beijing, we w

14、ill show them around this old city.四、完型填空: BDACA DCBDA第九天答案一1.play 2.having 3.to share 4.not to stay 5.advice 6.smiling 7.uncomfortable 8 true 9.Hiking 10.problem二.DAAAB BBCCA BA三1. What does the word”hero” mean? 2. Driving to school takes less time than taking a bus to school. 3.They often have a g

15、ood time chatting on the Internet with each other. 4.Mother asked me to bring in the clothes before it rained. 5. Lily spent less time on after-school activities than lucy.四CDCAC BACDA BBCAA第十天答案一1. thought 2. to help solve 3. will be 4.have ;didnt rest 5. meets 6.does mean 7. was; had;felt 8.wrote 9.work 10. is coming二.BADCC ADBCC三1.Im sure our team will


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