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1、英语期中考试试卷1. 全卷分第一卷和第二卷。试卷有六大题,共7页。考试时间10分钟,满分120分。2. 本卷选择题的答案,必须用B铅笔正确涂于答题卡的相应位置上。其他题的答案,必须做在答卷的相应位置上。3. 本卷命题教师:宝鸡市斗鸡中学 王生龙第一卷第一节.单项填空(共2小题;每小题1分,满分2分):从,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Im oingto the U.S.A.Hlong you thereA.re ; sayingB.re ; std C. h ; sty D. do ;sa2Is tis feignr wmet inth prcelain treet

2、 jst noA. thtB. on C. the one. . twasmy itr frst hate dea tccle lo tkngiver fromwhre sbens wheret ends.A. wo ; toB. which ; illC. that ; tiD.wh ; to4. At tha time, nonebelied athisook would Ae ff.akeff C. py offD.rn off5. I dont lke thewa e spe tme. A. inwhih; Me too.i that ; MeeiterC.that ; M neith

3、erD by which ; Me also6. H trd h bestto make his fathe hisew rl frienA.agrB. admitC.aprove fD. llow7 he fowe sweeinthotacarden ttact thesors o the eauof aure. tosel smellngC.smeD. o be melt8. hat can I do orouOne te an cfee.A. blac; whtB. rd ; white C. lack;reenD. rd ; black9.Wh ddDoco Smitsaoyou,Ma

4、radvis me dink werha ist nymre, Mum.ee, ou mAnot ;boiled ; oud lten oB not to ; boiln ; ho istentC not ;oilng ; should have lted toD. nt to ;boiled ;shoud havlistened to1. Hes ot himfntoa danrousiuatin e s liklyto loe onrolovr h plan.A. werB whch C. while D. why1. It wasme ime wralizth rut.A h.untiC

5、 sceD befe. Gif re o nough o a childbecause h need love ancare.A. alonB lonelC lonD. it elf13.i xerienemd hi th stud of cience. inerst inB. tointeetiC. ntrstininD. intresd in1.B nne lock, all he Olpic trhbares ad reacedthe top of Mount Qomoanm, pped a rar ranbow oo.A. of hhB. r which. frm whihD. bve

6、 whic15l the eighors amie tamiy te parents are teaing eirhil ike find. wrB. hchC. wy. that16 It s _to hike thefrt wi your frends inth hodys. A an uny . n . agreat fu1.Hveyo sen thefim Seed_Keau Reeves play edingrl A. wic B.who . n whic . when18. Itis sord forsuhaittlbo to_ the iffcultituation A.fins

7、h B. hadle C. er D. ge1.Shaai has _ ore Sdllars his r tnlast yearA brought d B brughtup C. bought i . bruht out20. s his park _ we visitd urg the ationa day.t B. that C. h one D.towhich第二节 完形填空(共20小题,满分分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。n henintent cenuy harlsDicken, tenglish veli,wrotexcitedly 21 as

8、ag coac, pulld aong by a tam of orses tht could 2 morehan twent ies froad wiisixty mutes To u in t wentiethcentury, 23 an i abl to ove and t commcte withsuc apidity, th 24 of thstg cachseems o pd a allAerlanesly mny undrd o iles in an hou; expres rains 5 our tes thesped f h tae coac; nd ven withou 2

9、6 , ea, b wieless or telegaph, commicte wtsecods with pel on 2 sid f the gleTh 2 f tese ncrasd peesrenumros.Beausebusies29 y, from Europe t meric r t eFarEastca s much tie, 0 journy tht wouloncehavetan we1 ow, by ai,onl twent four ours.Frut, vegetals and tr good would gobad 32 a long, sowjourycan b

10、fely snt ar stan place. Members of one fmily 33 eachoter bastdistance canhav onversation th ea th b telephone 4 if hy wer al iting in th aeroom.oalltheeffts osp, howver,are 5 Peopl who re in the hbit fusnmoto crs 36 theywa to me hlf a me beomphyicalllazyad lse te 37 of enjoyna vgou(充满活力的)walk. hoe who tlrogh a cunty at eighty mil ahour d not see muc f life tha country, of tpeole ananimals an patatheyfas 8 Theybcomeso anious about mov quicly from place o anothr that hy able t relaxandnya 40 joney21.A. for B. nC tD.of22.A. isvrB. covr. moveD. pll23. inhichB. thaC. whatDt24.AmoeentB pee.vlD.



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