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1、Lesson41 Jennys Good Advice 保定第十七中学 史丽丹TitleLesson41 Jennys Good AdviceTeaching aimsKnowledge 1. To learn words about diseases e.g. heart attack / an appendicitis, 2. To learn about expressions about having a dispute.Ability 1. To learn about how to give suggestions and advice to stop others fightin

2、g.Project Content Aims Teaching proceduresStep1: Lead-in and warm upGreetings T: How do you feel today? -Ss :T: Im very happy to see you. I feel excited today. But maybe they dont. Whats wrong with them today?How do they feel?They feel sad and angry. Because they have a fight with each other.Think a

3、bout it: 1. What do you do when your friends misunderstand you?2. When you get into a fight with a friend, which of you usually says sorry first?Motivate the Ss and learn about some expressions.Step2: Reading 1. Before reading, show the pictures about Lesson 37. Do you remember what happened to Dann

4、y and Steven? Let students retell the story in L37.2. Fast reading: (1). Is Danny free on Saturday afternoon? (2). Who else does Jenny invite?(3). Why does Jenny invite them?3. Read, listen and repeat the dialogue. Then try to find Jennys advice to Danny and Steven. Im glad you can agree on somethin

5、g.Now, do you two want to keep silent forever? Do you really want to stop being friends?Its just a game.4. Can you give other advice? For example: Friends are more important than a gameGet to know more about the content and key information about the lesson. Students can understand better through rea

6、ding and listening.Step3: Practice 1. Have a memory test about the text!Danny and Steven didnt talk to each other for a few days. That Saturday, they both went to Jennys house, but they all _ at first. Jenny encouraged them to talk about the problem. Steven complained that Danny shouldnt change the

7、time they _. Danny explained the situation. He felt sorry that Steven missed the game. Steven said sorry toDanny because his basketball hit Danny on the head. But he didnt _ do it. It was an accident. The two boys became friends again. _, friends are more important than a game.Deal with the exercise

8、s and test the students mastery about the knowledge and make students understand the text better.2. Work in groups. Pretend there is a dispute between two friends. Can you think of something to say to keep them from fighting? Dispute: Ben and Tim planned to go to the movie theatre together this Satu

9、rday. Tim arrived at the theatre on time, but Ben didnt show up the whole evening. Ben thought their plan was for Sunday. Now, Tim is upset and he hasnt spoken to Ben for a week.Your advice: Step 4 Process: A Role Play1. Work in groups: In your life, you have to have disputes with others. There are

10、some situations youll perhaps meet, each group choose one topic to make a short play: Topic1: a dispute between a student and a teacherTopic2: a dispute between friends.Topic3: a dispute between a mother and a child.Topic4: a dispute between a customer and an assistant Topic5: a dispute between you

11、and a stranger2. Time for Show! Choose the best group. Choose the best actor and actress. .Summarizethe expressions about how to give suggestions.Practice speaking and dealing with kinds of disputes and giving other advice.Home-work Have you argued with others before? Or was there a dispute between

12、your friends? How did you deal with the disputes between you and your friends, please write a story about that.Practice writing. Pay attention to the tense, grammar and structures.Board Design Lesson 41 Jennys Good AdviceTeamwork: expressions How to give advice to othersGroup1: mean to 1.Do you really want to stopGroup2: keep silent being friends? Group3: agree on 2. Its only a game. Group4: after all 3. friends are more importantGroup5: than.


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