Maryland 4-H - Additional Record.docx

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1、Maryland 4-H - Additional RecordMarket LivestockInstruction for record keepingThis Record is used along with the 4-H Pnjcct Record. Use one per species.Beginning of Project:The project begins the day you buy the animal or take it from your home herd or flock. However, fbr Rate of Gain infbunation, y

2、our start date is the chy the animal is weighed and tagged. If the animal is home niised. estimate the value based on lhe current markcl price.EndofProicct:Tl)e project eixis the day tl)e last animal is sold (at market, auction or privately), buidxred, dies, or end of the project year. Sliould you l

3、ose a project animal, record the dale aiki lhe cstimalod viduc of lhe animal in lhe dcalh/loss column.Record at Fairs and Shows:Include this infonnation on the 4-H project record for the species. Include all information requested in lhe exhibit section.Financial Summary:(A3) - Other income: include

4、pn?mium money, sale of wool. clc.(B3) - Expenses other than lecd: health care, vclcrinary Ices, medications. hx)f trimming, buckets. gnx)niing supplies, shears, clippers, bnishcs. show equipment, cloches, halters, show slick, show box, hauling(o fairs, weigh-in expense, fair-time bedding, pen cleani

5、ng, pivmotion/clwck-off, ads, tlwnk-you notes, poslagc. commission, picturvs. dues. clc.*:rrhe Project Record Sheet - Financial Journal section should iiwlude all expenses tliat relate to animals that are NOT your market project animals.St.MaosGxmiyll/l2Tabic I:【nfbmiation on market pn,ccl animalsPr

6、oject Animal DescriptionBeginning of projed county weigh-(date of n)End of project (date sold)Final ProductionBreedSexIdentification (ear tag, ear iwtch, tattoo)DateWeightCost or ValueDateWeightSelling price or valueDeath/ kissDays on FeedLbs. gainedLbs. per dayExample: Char. Angus xSteerEar tag LNo

7、. 650Nov. 1500$325.0()Aug. 15123(1$55350285730236TOTALXXXXXXFinancial SumnianDetermine how much money you nude or lost on your project animals.A:Add Income:1. Value of animals on hand at die end of the project.$_Money received from sale of project animals$_2. Other Income from projectS_Total Income:

8、B:Add Expense:1. Cost of project animals$ _Cost of feed used$_Total Expense:2. Expenses other than feed$ _Subtract B from A to get total profit (+) or loss (-). Table 2: Feed RecordMonthGRAIN OR GRAIN MIXTURE(com, oats, barlcv, etc.)PROTIEN SI(soybean, 1JPPLEMENTnsccd. etc.)ROUGHAGE (hay, silage, et

9、c.)PASTUREDateKindLbs.Price per cwt.CostKindLbs.Priw per cwt.CostKindLbs.Price per cwt.CostDaysUnitPriceCost$TotalsXXXX$XXXX$XXXX$*When commercially mixed complete feed (grain and protein togetl)er) is used, enter in GRAIN sectiofi.Keep a record of feed purcliases nwde during lhe month on a separate wotk sleel. Transfer die monthly totals(o (his Table at the end of each nionlh.TotakMINER.ALS AND SALTKindI As.Price per cwt.Cost$xxAmount (Lbs.)CostGrain$SupplementRoughagePastureMineral & SaltTotal Feed CostsTotak xxx$



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