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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助! 2007-2008学年度微山县第一学期七年级期末考试英语试题说明:本试卷分为第卷和第卷两大部分,全卷120分;答题时间为100分钟。第卷选择题的答案均写在第卷前的答卷卡上。第卷 选择题(共70分)听力测试(共20小题,计20分)一听句子,选出你所听到的单词。每题读1遍。(5分)1Athis Bthese Csix2AJune BJanuary CJuly3Abook Blook Cgood4Aman Bmany Cany5Anine Bmine Cfine二听句子,选择正确的答语,每题读1遍。(5分)6AHow are you? BFine, th

2、anks CIm twelve7AThey are on the bedBThey are brown CIts on the chair8AYes, he doesnt BNo, he doesnt CNo, he isnt9AFrench fries BBroccoli CStrawberries10AI can play soccerBNo, I cant CYes, I can三、听对话,回答问题,每题读1遍。(5分)11How old is Gina? ATen BTwelve CEleven12Whats in the desk? AA banana BAn apple CA pe

3、ar13Whats the telephone number?A3322469 B3321946 C332149614Whats the time?AIts six thirtyBIts seven thirty CIts six15What class is Ben in?AHes in Class1 BHe is in Class2 CHe is in Class3四听短文,判断正误(正确地用“A”,错误的用“B”表示)。短文读2遍。(5分)16Its Thursday, Dec20th17I have math, PE, Chinese and art in the morning18M

4、y favorite subject is PE19I have lunch at home20I go home at around 430最好的由你来选吧。(共20小题,计20分)21HiTom I can playpianoWhat about you? I can play basketballA, B,the Cthe,Da,a22Tom isbrotherALucys and Lily BLucys and LilysCLucys and Lily DLucy and Lilys 23I cant speakEnglishWhats thatEnglish?A,of B,in Ci

5、n,in Dthe,24The girl likesandAtomatoes,chicken Btomatoes,chickensCtomatoes,chicken Dtomato,chickens25I like action movies my mother doesnt like Aand,they Bbut,them Cor,, them Dbecause,they26Please write a letter and me about your studyAspeak Btell Csay Dtalk27I often help my brother his EnglishAin B

6、for Cwith Dabout28 does he like math? because it is interestingAHow BWhat CWhy DHow much29He up at five oclockAget usually Busually gets Cusually get Dgets usually30Is there milk in the bottle? Yes,there is Aany,some Bany,any Csome,some Dsome,any31Do you like your school? AYes,I do BYes,I dont CNo,I

7、 do DYes,I like32There are months in a year month is DecemberAtwelfth,Twelfth Btwelve,TwelveCtwelve,The twelfth Dtwelve,Twelfth33My birthday is AMarch 3rd BJune 2nd CJuly 1st DAugust 7th34Give my best to your parents!Awish Bwishes Chope Dhopes35He was born October 5th,1987Ain Bon Cat Dfrom36There a

8、pen and two pencils in the pencil caseAare Bis Chave Dhas37is it today? It is SundayAWhats day BWhat date CWhat day DWhats date38I like history, because it isAboring Bscary Cexcite Dinteresting391 have a good friendname is Janeis tenAHer, Her BShes,She CHer, She DShe,She40Welcome to NBAYi JianlianAT

9、hank you BThe same to you CHello DNice to meet you 完形填空。阅读下面短文,然后选择一个最佳答案。(10分) My 41 is Liu YingIm a school girlI 42 in a middle schoolThere are lots of girls 43 my classI go to school at seven 44 morningClasses begin 45 7:30。We have four 46 in the morning and two in 47 afternoonAfter school we oft

10、en play gamesIn the evening , I 48 my homeworkSometimes I 49 TVBut I 50 a lot41Asister Bdaughter Cmother Dname42Awork Bstudy Cteach D1ike43Ain Bat CfromDof44Ain Bon Cevery Dall45Aon Babort Cat Din46Aclass Bclasses Cthe class Dschools47Aa Ban Cthe D/48Adoes Bdo Cdoing Dmake49A1ook at Bsee Cwatch Dam

11、watching50A1ove read B1ikes reading C1ike read D1ike reading不仅仅是欣赏,还有任务啊。(20分) Passage 1:阅读下面短文,选择正确答案。(10分) Im MariaIm twelve years oldI have a brother and a sisterMy brother is eight and my sister is only threeI like hamburgers and saladMy brother likes French fries and my sister likes ice cream。S

12、o we often eat in KFCWe have a small sports collectionWe all like tennisToday is my fathers birthdayIts April l6thTheres a birthday cake on the table。How much is it? Do you know? Its seven dollarsCome to my fathers birthday party and have some cake51How old is Marias sister?A12 B8 C16 D352Do Maria and her sister and brother like the food in KFC?AYesthey do BYes,they dontCNothey dontDWe dont know53When is her fathers birthday?A


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