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1、考研基础语法知识复习一虚拟语气(一)后勤指挥学院刘英杰虚拟语气句型1 (与现在事实相反)在条件句中用虚拟语气是表示对现在情况的假设,是一种非真实条件句。句型:If + 主语 did (were).,主语 would do.条件从句结果主句If主语+动词过去式+其它主语+ would +动词原形+其它IfI were you,I would study much harder.Ifthey had timethey would study English too.IfI had a bike,I would lend it to you.IfI were her age,I would be v

2、ery active in class.Ifyou tried again,you might succeed.If1.如果扌 2假如彳3我要卡4我要卡5.如果彳6我要是I knew her number,戈是你的话,我就会更努力地学习。也们有时间的话,他们也会学习英语。乏有自行车就会借给你。乏她那个年龄,我在课上会很活跃。尔再试一下也许你就会成功。乏知道她的电话号码,我就会给他打电话。I could ring her up.例句:I would certainly go if I had time .我如果有时间肯定会去的。If I knew German, I would read the

3、 paper to you.我要是懂德语,我就会给你读这篇文章。If he were here, we could ask him.如果他在这里,我们会问他的。If I were you, I would accept his offer.我要是你,就接受他的帮助。If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk.如果没有地球引力,我们就不能行走。He would attend the reunion if he werent ill today.他如果没生病,今天会来参加聚会的。It would be nice if it wer

4、e a holiday tomorrow.如果明天放假,那该多好。If he had any money, hed leave home.要是他有钱,他就会离家出走。If I knew English, I should be able to read these English books.假如我懂英语,我就应该能读这些英语书了。If you were Mary, what would you tell her?如果你是玛丽,你会对她说什么?句型说明:1. 在非真实条件句中be不论主语为第几人称,一律用were.If I were a bird, I would fly to you.假如我

5、是一只鸟,我会飞到你身边。2. 主句中除了 would之外,还可用情态动词could, might, should.If I were you, I would (could, might, should) help him.如果我是你的话,我就会(可能,或许,应该)帮助他了。She might help if she knew the truth.如果她知道真相,她也许会帮忙的。If he had much money, he should buy it.如果他有许多钱,他就该把它买下来。3虚拟条件句也可以位于主句之后。You could meet her if you went to th

6、e library this afternoon.你今天下午若去图书馆,你就会遇见她。You could have done better if you had been more careful.要是细心一点的话,你就会做得更好。4引导非真实条件从句的连接词,除if之外,以下几种连词引导的从句有时也可用虚拟语气:1) unless (= if .not) 除非2) suppose/ supposing ( that) (= if )假女廿3) provided/ providing (that) (= if only) 若.4) even if 即使5) granting / granted

7、 ( that) (= if 或 even if)即使6) so long as 只要7) but that(= if not )若不是1) If only I had more money, I could buy a car只要我有更多的钱,我就能买一辆车。2) Supposing it were fine tomorrow, would you go swimming with us?假如明天天气好,跟我们一起去游泳好吗?3) Suppose he came, what would you say to him ?假设他来了,你会对他说什么?4) He could not walk un

8、less he had some help. = He could not walk without help.除非他得到一些帮助,否则他无法走路。=不得到一些帮助,他无法走路。5) Even if he were here, he wouldnt be able to help you .即使他在这里也不会帮你。6) Nothing could have saved your father, even if the doctor had arrived on time.即使医生按时抵达,也无法挽救你父亲。虚拟语气句型2 (与过去事实相反)句型2是对过去情况的假设,表示与过去事实相反的条件和结

9、果。句型:If 主语 had done,主语 +would have done条件从句结果主句If主语+had +过去分词+其它主语+ would + have +过去分词+其它IfI had come a few minutes earlier,I should have met him.Ifyou had not studied hard,you would have failed in the exam.Ifwe had found him earlier,we might have saved his life.Ifhe had been here,he would have help

10、ed you.IfI had set off a little earlier,I would have caught the train.1. 我要是早来几分钟就会遇见他。2. 你要是没有努力学习,考试就不会及格了。3. 如果我们早些时候发现他,我们就会救了他。4. 要是他在这里,他会帮你的。5. 假如我早点出发,我就会赶上火车。例句:She would / might have come if she hadnt been so busy.如果他不是那么忙,他会来的。If I hadnt taken your advice, I would have made a bad mistake.

11、我要是不听你的建议,就会犯严重的错误。If Mike had been able to finish his homework, he would have come to class. 如果迈克能够做完作业,他就会上课来了。You could have done better if you had been more careful.要是细心一点的话,你就会做得更好。If the driver hadnt stopped in time, there would have been an accident. 如果不是司机及时停车的话,就会发生交通事故。If he had come here

12、last night, I would have told him the news.如果他昨天晚上来这里,我会把消息告诉他了。He could have passed the test if he had been more careful.如果他再认真一些的话,他就会通过考试。Things would have been quite different if you had taken my advice.如果你接受了我的建议,事情就会大大改观。虚拟语气句型3(与将来事实相反)句型3是对将来情况的假设,表示与将来事实相反或可能相反的条件和结果。句型:If +主语were to / shou

13、ld +动词原形,主语would do.条件从句主句If主语+were to/ should +动词原形+其它主语+ would +动词原形+其它IfI were to do the experiment,I would do it some other way.Ifit should rain tomorrow,we would stay at home.IfI were to be young again,I should make good use of my time.Ifyou were to try again,you might succeed.If he should be s

14、ick,he would send for a doctor.1. 假若我来做这个实验的话,我会用别的方法做。2. 万一明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。3. 倘若我再年轻一次,我该好好利用时间。4. 如果你再试一次,或许就成功了。5. 万一他生病了,他会请医生。例句:If I were to go, I would be late .倘若我去,就要迟到。If he did (were to do, should do)it, he would do it well.如果他来做,他会做好的。If I should see her next Monday, I would tell her about

15、it.如果下周一我能见到她的话,我就把这件事告诉她。If it should be Sunday tomorrow, I would go to see my friend.明天要是星期日,我就去看朋友。If it should rain, we wouldnt go out.要是天下雨我们就不出去了。You could meet her if you went to the library this afternoon.今天下午你如果去图书馆就会遇见她。If the sun were to rise in the west tomorrow, I would marry you.如果太阳明天从西边出来,我就嫁给你。If you should fail in the test, you should try again .万一考试不及格了,你应该再努力。If Tom should marry Jane, his classmates would be surprised.要


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